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Posts posted by Noth

  1. Now I know there are no expert or great juggernaut players yet. Surely they will start to pop up and hopefully some of us will become them. :)



    So I wanted to get an idea of what kind of tactics, skill sets, and chains people are using in pvp so far. I just realized last night that you can get into instanced pvp and I was having a blast. Not winning or doing all that well at first but after some changes and upgrading my lightsabor I started doing much better. Currently I am level 17, going the vengeance route, and it seems that using sundar with my stuns can be effective. Although I have not picked up a set way to fight yet besides flanking every chance I get.


    So how are you performing? What kind of tactics are you using?


    What stuns? As vengeance you have no stuns that work in pvp till you get choke at which point you stun yourself as well.


    I do well when a group with a class that can heal and I stay near him. I typically get top 3 in damage done. That would drop quickly if I was not getting healed. I use ravage anytime I'm next to a target that gets stunned. and pick out the healers to attack and interrupt since it seems no one else does in Warzones.

  2. watch my stream when i fire it up later, you will see


    let me guess, you get a pocket healer and roll over lower levels. Grats I can do that too, so can any class. Typically if a class is so difficult to play in order to even reach what other classes reach easily, it is gimp. Or you are tank spec which is the least gimped of the specs for jugg.

  3. Vengence smashes face, I do believe the other trees need a little buff but I hope the devs do that come next major patch.


    I was thinking the same thing when I was 20+ levels above those in warzones. I then began to run into near equal levels. When a crit impale does 1000-1500 crit scream doing about 1000 it looks nice till you see other classes dropping 3k on you from range and those same classes having more tools to keep you away than for you to get near them.

  4. Think of it this way.. Juggernauts are MASTERS of control. Here is what you bring to the table.


    -Unrivaled Mitigation (damage sponge)

    -Stuns Galore (Force scream, Force Charge, Backhand, Force Choke, Force Force Push)

    -Free area Snare

    -Area -30% damage to everyone who is not attacking you, and single target same spell in taunts

    -Area Stun in Intimidating Roar

    -Invincible for Damage soaking


    The list goes on and on. Its true, the damage isn't the best compared to other classes but thats not your primary job, you control the battle field.


    What you say here is only true if you go down the Immortal tree. There is more to the class than that tree. Speccing either of the other trees you lose the CC, the free snare, invincible. Other classes have our intimidating roar except they can do it at range and it lasts 8 seconds instead of 6. Try actually thinking about specs other than immortal.

  5. Well I don't know what to say I got a level 17 jug tank and love him?

    But I'd warn you I played a ret pally pre bc no I don't rember the patch I started playing

    But I rember the patch they became face roll I ended up leveling him holy lol.

    I guess I am saying be carfull what you whish for!


    I say again, the issue lies with the non tank specs. Just because teh tank spec is fine does not mean the class is fine.

  6. Thank you for your response. Has anyone else leveled as a jugg, Vengeance tree? How's it compare to the immortal tree?


    Is the damage increase from the vengeance tree far greater than immortal? Or is it just minimal increase?


    Probably not many will agree with this but, it's not a big increase for the loss in durability and CC. In PvE, mobs die so fast shatter doesn't get to even do it's full damage. That skill is far too backloaded on it's damage. The dots in the tree add very little and we have no synergy with them like other trees (sorc and marauder get self heals tied to their dots in their dot trees).

  7. Agree that Slicing is OP. I am leveling it right now and have a good chunk of gold for my lvl. I have my speeder already paid for from what i have. While its nice to be able to have that cash, in the long run its going to severely hurt the game's economy. They need to nerf the money missions to the ground right now. They need to err on the side of too little money entering the economy than too much. Because you can always add in more, its much more difficult to take out.


    You may as well remove slicing from the game then.

  8. Simply put. If the game is designed to give a different story line based on AC changing it would break your storyline Unless you completed BOTH story lines prior.



    Perhaps it would be best to give this option to swap specs based on your Legacy and If you have completed Both of the AC lines And if your characters have hit 50.


    They actually don't want AC switching at higher levels. Bioware was thinking about puuting in a buyer's remorse AC change. They then added a lot more info in game for each AC to make the player informed. It is now completely the players fault if they pick the wrong AC.

  9. Well since you don't really have any tanking abilities yet I would reason that either:


    A) You are attempting content above your level

    B) The enemies hit too hard in the 10-16 bracket

    C) You're doing something wrong


    Problems of this nature are almost always A or C


    It's none of those. Seeing the difference in ease of taking mobs on between my guildmates classes and then the Jugg, nearly everyone killed faster and ended the fight with more health.

  10. My jug is crazy survivable w/ the saber defense power (can't remember name) and the 20min CD.


    Other than that I run Soresu with Guard on Vette. She doesn't get hit and I don't care if i do. Have a med pack or 2 just in case and make sure you have the Slam -acc trait.


    Read the thread. It's not about immortal spec. It's about the dps specs (Rage specifically). Both are subpar. So I say again, just because 1 spec is ok, it does not mean the class overall is ok.

  11. The biggest difference I've found is that warriors do NOT have good aoe. Pulling a big pack with death from above is much more effective than charge/smash.


    Don't be afraid to choke and push to interrupt everything you can. Force push is a highly underrated form of cc.


    That's because it screws up positioning pushes a typically ranged mob away so you have to go to it. In general the only times I use this is to set up a charge scream combo, to throw a mob off a cliff of if there is something right there to push them into.

  12. ... i think your doin somthin wrong...


    i have had no problems killing group after ground.


    Tank form, jump in, smash, scream, and just kill all the things.


    also, make sure you use retaliation.


    I think you aren't getting it. Just because one tree works, it does not mean the class is ok.

  13. What stance are you in? For survivability I went Soresu form. That +60% armor bonus is pretty ridic. At 18 you dont have enough the learned skills or points to benefit from the rage tree is my guess. Around that level I found the Soresu form combined with Vette was the best way to clear mobs. Thankfully Vette is one of the higher dps companions in the game. It's no BH, but the Juggs don't really come on til later levels. Hope this helps.


    It actually only gets more difficult as you level if you don't go immortal. At level 38 as vengeance I kill pretty fast but I die even faster. I see streams of 500+ damage done to me from silvers. 2 silvers leave me with about 10% health and a dead companion after blowing saber ward. Granted I'm also not using the healing companion, but then I wouldn't kill as quick (I also wouldn't end a fight with that much higher health). It's still off compared to other classes.


    I feel there are many reason for this. Shear lack of a true CC (no choke is a not a true CC as you cannot focus anyone else while the target was CC'd), no self healing, no worthwhile increase in survivability from heavy armor, way too long of cooldowns for our defensive cooldowns, one of which can actually kill you if it ends and you are too low on health.


    We are due for a buff in an upcoming patch though.

  14. Right now we have a tanking tree, a bleed dps tree, and a burst dps tree. The burst dps tree is also the shared tree, so if we lost the vengeance tree then we wouldn't really have a competitive raid dps tree.


    Plus, you only need 2 tanks in a 16 man operation.


    Please don't call vengeance a bleed tree. It brings shame to the very idea of a dot tree. The dots are pathetically weak and do not scale well at all. Shatter is the only decent dot but it takes too long to run its duration.

  15. The funniest thing is I've heard rumors that Juggernaut dps is OP at lvl 50.


    Yay, we're going to be the completely imba class :-)


    That's a new one to me. I've only ever heard that about the Marauder. In fact every 50 I've heard said Jugg DPS was meh at best.

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