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Posts posted by Noth

  1. A 2 second stun can be the difference between being knocked back off a railing in hutt ball or positioning yourself so that the knock back that's coming won't effectively knock you out of the game. A 2 second stun can be the difference between that healer getting off whatever mega ridiculous heal he needs to stay alive or not getting it off and then being dispatched. A 2 second stun can be the difference between someone killing your or you killing them.


    Like I said before, if you're a DPS and you can't make use of a 2 second stun then you're just a bad player. That's all. Jedi Sentinels would KILL for a 2 second stun on their Force Leap.


    bolded part, leap already did without the stun, because it had a built in interrupt.


    You are ignoring other problems such as leap now filling the resolve which means he's able to be CC'd less. This would allow that dps to possibly kill you, that healer get off that heal, that player to knock you off.

  2. I don't get how people are ok with this costing so much. Other threat drops and defensive cooldowns cost much much less resource relative to the class and they get the full effect without further draining of their resource pool. It costs 14 force (12 with a talent) that is a crap load. Yes rampage now procs to give rage, but you have to have 4/5 rage to even have a chance of activating rampage. It is a severe loss in dps when other classes don't have to give up near as much. That sorc that just bubbled, he can still deeps his face off. That assassin that just vanished, he can immediately attack again. That marauder that now takes 99% less damage, yep he can deeps his face off. That jugg/guardian that just blew his enraged/focused defense, yeah he gets to blow another cooldown or spam his builder just to fuel the thing.


    Further most people that I see support this say it's good because of synergy with endure pain/enure and rakata health packs. Yeah... blowing 1-2 additional cooldowns just to make another one good is really good design...

  3. Tanks classes always feel entitled to it all. It's really disgusting. The OP is quoting ridiculous damage numbers of other classes and crying that he cant hit 900k! Amazing.


    He's citing a class in tank spec doing abnormally large numbers while the same is not true for our tank spec. Pay attention to the arguments.

  4. Some of these suggestions have reached insane levels.


    Haven't looked at marauders/sentinels have you? They have exactly that. along with saber ward, self heals, a 99% damage reduction, a vanish that also reduces damage, a huge accuracy debuff.


    I'm sorry heavy armor make little difference to warrant Juggs/Guardians having less cooldowns than marauders.

  5. how great of a defensive ability do you want that's on a 45 sec cd :rolleyes:


    How about a 30 second long, 1 minute cooldown (which can be reduced with talents), 20% damage reduction that also damages you attackers. How about a beefy shield we can put up every 20 seconds. How about complete immunity for 3 seconds from the major kind of attacks in pvp (force and tech), how about an attack that can heal us. How about this skill without the resource cost.


    Really I could list tons that would be better. A mitigation talent that continues to take resources for it's duration after having a steep resource cost just to activate is Crap. Whats even more crap is that to get the most out of it and make it semi worth the resource cost you need to pop two other cooldown (enure/endure pain and a medpack). May as well just combine it with enure instead of creating an entirely new button.

  6. its designed for pvp, for when you kill someone, and you need fast HP quickly to move on to the next target, I find myself in many situations where I'm fighting 2 people got the first one down, and have nothing to save me from dying.... they should just designed it like Victory Rush, but i guess copying another game is too easy...


    It's not designed for that as it doesn't give you fast hp. It gives you no hp and just mitigates incoming damage at the cost of rage. That is how small the heal is

  7. Well with that you can just use your white rage regen moves. might cut damage but that's better than dying. Just like you go D stance for the extra defense but lose offense. Its just this is a little less damage and way more defense. Also, you have Enrage. This might not be the best use of it but if you have it up, pop it. the CD is short so if you survive then youre good and if you die, by the time you get back in the fight youll have it back.


    No other cooldown has such a steep cost (More than our entire resource pool and taking damage). It's a cooldown not a stance. it is way too expensive for what it does. Also adds yet another keybind. it would be better if they cut the ongoing cost out and just made the first tick cost 2 rage, then combine it with endure pain.

  8. Vengeance is even easier against Hybrids, especially if they have the bubble talent that blinds you - Unstoppable eats it for you and then you can continue the rampage.


    Vengeance doesn't one-shot sorcs like Rage does, but I still get the feeling Sorcs are pretty much designed to die to DPS Juggernauts. If a sorc doesn't run away from me, I WILL kill him.


    You play against crappy sorcs. Nearly all healing hybrid can heal through the damage vengeance does as we don't have enough cc to lock them down.

  9. Get rid of the ability. Tie the effect into enure/endure pain. Make it cost no rage to activate with a cooldown of 1 minute. Keep the 3% heal if attacked and only the first heal takes 2 rage all other take none. Make the threat drop tied to a talent (that does more than just modify the skill) in both the focus/rage and vigilance/vengeance trees.


    This would give us a nice reliable cooldown that doesn't drain us of focus/rage and also doesn't add yet another keybind for us.

  10. You can be in soresu form, which generate focus as you recieve damage. This is a 30% (for the whole 10 second duraction) hp heal for tanking spec in PvP. This is amazing for PvP tanking IMO. :p You throw guard on someone, pop this cool down, and keep on trucking.


    Also if you're not in Soresu, you can just spam your free attack that generates focus to keep reciving heal. This is just another defensive cool down for Guardians in PVP.


    I bolded the issue. Tell me another defensive cooldown that requires the user to basically give up on trying to kill a target.

  11. Actually, it's pretty good. 3% with no internal CD is about the same or more than a Sage channelling healing trance on you. It's more than Salvation heals for, too.


    Adding in a threat drop, it makes it better than what we had before. Which was nothing.


    Also, not everything in the game is about Warzones.


    Has a 1 second internal cooldown and drains our focus continually. It's at full duration about 4800 heal for 14 focus which is just bad.

  12. To me it looks like Rage might have not gotten much but Veng Juggs just got a huge buff. Saber throw will let us use shatter now, we can dump our excess rage (which we have a lot of) for a heal, and Vicious Throw is now 30% HP. Currently I can get like a 95% Crit chance on Vicious Throw and it can hit for over 5k.


    Also people saying our DOT's in Veng didn't get a buff are missing the fact that tier 4 gear with new damage formula calculations could mean the DOTs become OK. We just don't know.


    That heal will use more than just excess rage. It will leave you rage starved and cut into your dps. it's up to 14 rage for a rather small heal for the cost.

  13. Just got to play around with vengeance talents. If the gain from rampage with regard to rage gain is good, then we'll be able to spec into vengeance as 4/34/3 for PvP. The loss of a free chilling scream sucks, but may be slightly offset by the more predictable rage gain from rampage.


    really doubt it will offset the loss of chilling scream. Already had no issues with rage as vengeance.

  14. I figure half way through, just pop enrage. You'll have a 15s offset between the two, but it should work out easily enough to balance. That plus popping into soresu whilst you're being pounded on means it shouldn't be an issue to maintain rage.


    like I said, it will cut into dps since you are now blowing enrage to power the defensive buff instead of using it to power your dps. Further jumping into soresu also cuts into your dps. I can't think of a defensive cooldown that has such a huge cost for the benefit.

  15. Without seeing the specifics of enraged defense I can't say for sure, but to me this looks like an all around nerf to pvp dps rather than a buff, the loss of force alacrity in particular lowers damage in shii cho form by a lot.


    Also, marauders have superior smash damage now that they get decimate...


    spec for enraged defense is 4 rage cost, 45 second cooldown. When receiving damage you heal for 3% of your health and spend a rage. Effect cannot occur more than once a second.


    So with 16000 xp over the full duration you'll heal 4800 hp for 14 rage. It's an ok amount of healing as a reactive heal, but it's going to cut into rage for dps.

  16. Wasn't complaining, just making an observation. Dropping your threat is never a good thing and I know that in WoW if you couldn't maintain threat on a boss that you'd usually get your party killed in heroics or raids, pretty sure the same applies here. While there will be situational uses for the ability for sure, I was merely saying that I was questioning it's use as a tank.


    Now if the power is a minor initial threat decrease then heals you, then it'll be a simple method of doing Enraged Defense>Taunt. I thought I'd just voice my curiosities about its usefulness. When it comes out we'll know for sure how to properly use it.


    It's a moderate decrease in threat on use, then each proc is a small decrease in threat.

  17. The dps jug dmg was ok to good in my oppinion. Having a heal will help us do more dmg and thus increasing our dmg :), or am i seeing it wrong :o


    It's not a real heal. It will just mitigate some incoming damage at the cost of focus. So in effect it will actually lower our dps while it is running.

  18. Focused Defense - am I reading this right? Guardians finally get some sort of heal?


    Not really a heal, it basically just mitigates some damage by giving you a small heal when you take damage at the cost of focus. It will, in all likelihood be underwhelming.

  19. Won't touch vengeance now. it's just been nerfed. Loss of decimate is a straight dps loss. Nothing added to increase the dps. DoTs still just extra damage and have no other synergy with the tree.


    Immortal still has massive AoE threat problems.


    Rage gets everything it needed.


    New cooldown is nice, I'm just concerned that the rage cast will be too much in the long run. Not only do we have to get hit to heal, we have to spend rage.


    Passive crash is dumb. It will fill the resolve bar thus be pointless to train. I won't be training it.

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