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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. Faction imbalance has NOTHING to do with the development team, more people wanted to play an Imperial rather than a Republic toon, deal with the fact that Reps are less popular.


    Right, it has nothing to do whatsoever with Bioware propaganda that was heavily Empire oriented before the game came out.....:rolleyes:

  2. There wont be a rollback, you people should DEAL WITH IT.


    It's too big of a complication and it would affect much more people who didn't participate in the exploit, than those who did who are a minority, a vast minority of the general number of players lets face it..


    That being said, i am sure that VALOR will be REMOVED from exploiters because they wont have the hard time locating them, those who gained ENORMOUS amounts of valor today can clearly be tracked down.

  3. *Search for and flag ANY PLAYERS that have been ON ILUM during a specified range of time periods.

    *Players THAT HAVE BEEN ON ILUM during that time period would be subject to an ACCOUNT LEVEL OR CHARACTER LEVEL ROLLBACK to a time period before the patch was released.

    I agree, and i am pretty sure they can do this, some action will be taken definitely as they have said themselves.


    On the side note, some people are being overly hysterical in this thread, it's hilarious.

  4. Thanks! Server is The Crucible Pits. There's large PvP guilds on both factions, which from what I gather isn't the case on the other servers? lol


    Haha you are right :)


    It looks like as though EU PvP servers are generally very heavy with the Empire numbers.

    Though the situation seems a lot better on some US servers from what i see :)

  5. This is what Ilum has looked like all day on my server; about 1:1 ratio of republic to empire and back and fighting generally staying in the center of the map. There were a few pushes to each others bases when people decided to go between Ilum 1 and Ilum 2, but that's it.




    Roll back the valor gains for everyone if you want but there was hardly a faction imbalance in this case.


    Which server is this?

    Looks nice.

  6. What NPC's can be killed for valor? I'd love to know because there are not any republics doing Ilum on our server. There are 30 of us in Ilum and can't find anyone to kill.


    No NPC gives valor from what i understood.


    And good luck in finding republic on Ilum after today on most servers(minus the lucky few servers where is some reasonable balance).

  7. /quit


    pretty simple. Don't lie and act like you have no way to quit. go play another toon.


    I know, i just thought you weren't aware of the issue.


    On the side note, i am amazed as well why the republic even shows up on Ilum with 60 blood thirsty Imps waiting at spawn point.


    They messed up badly and it is their fault that the faction imbalance is this HUGE.

    Their pro Empire oriented propaganda before the game came out.


    Like someone here even mentioned they even put a MALGUS statue in all CE boxes....no SATELE, the Grandmaster of the Jedi order, seriously?!


    Now their Empire bias form that period just came back to haunt them.


    THIS particular problem just made it much more obvious for everyone.

  8. And I'll ask the question I asked earlier, what kind of genius lets themselves be farmed? Or is it that you have a chance to do some farming yourself? That is the only possible reason i could see for sticking around. So I guess you like to complain about how broken something is while you profit from it. Awesome, thanks for sharing.




    You can queue for a warzone hoping it can get you out, otherwise you are STUCK there untill the Imps get bored and LEAVE YOU ALONE.

  9. i wonder did all the level 50 players skiped the story's? i just realized that there are allot of level 50 players and this in one month time, maxed in 30days (ish) ... so its the power levelers that having all the problems with pvp right ?! cus i'm not having problems with this patch. anyways this thread is growing faster then i can read it so i'm off the forums :D have a nice day, gonna play a bit, i'm sure if there is a rollback its for lv50 chars only so i don't care.


    You are right about level 50's , they are still a vast minority across the servers, more so in the Republic faction.

  10. What do you expect?


    Actually, this is a great example of what I was talking about earlier. When Faction Imbalance is allowed to get so out of control, such as Empire players massively outnumbering Republic players, this kind of thing stops happening. Some Republic players reroll Empire for easier pvp and grouping because of higher numbers, some Republic players realize they're massively gimped in PvP and stop participating, and others just quit out of frustration.


    As such, I propose drastic balancing measures be taken. Ideas:


    1. Institute caps on character creation on imbalanced servers. If the imbalance reached 2:1, prevent any more characters from being made for the higher-populated faction on that server until the balance improves. To prevent the Imperials from making a bunch of level 1 Republic characters to manipulate the balance, base the balance on the number of level 50 characters on that server.


    2. Merge high-Republic servers (like those exist) with less balanced servers.


    3. Move players or entire guilds from one server to another.


    4. Provide more positive endorsement and advertising for Republic. Why endorse the Empire with a Darth Malgus statue in the CE, with no Shatele Shan option for Republic players. That was pretty messed up and shows obvious bias.


    I think that beside the statue all Empire classes should as of now have force lightning, it's unfair to the rest of them to not be able to scream unlimited poweaaaah, Sidious style


    Joke aside, i have to say again that you are COMPLETELY right.


    This thread is just eating posts....

  11. What do you expect?


    Actually, this is a great example of what I was talking about earlier. When Faction Imbalance is allowed to get so out of control, such as Empire players massively outnumbering Republic players, this kind of thing stops happening. Some Republic players reroll Empire for easier pvp and grouping because of higher numbers, some Republic players realize they're massively gimped in PvP and stop participating, and others just quit out of frustration.


    As such, I propose drastic balancing measures be taken. Ideas:


    1. Institute caps on character creation on imbalanced servers. If the imbalance reached 2:1, prevent any more characters from being made for the higher-populated faction on that server until the balance improves. To prevent the Imperials from making a bunch of level 1 Republic characters to manipulate the balance, base the balance on the number of level 50 characters on that server.


    2. Merge high-Republic servers (like those exist) with less balanced servers.


    3. Move players or entire guilds from one server to another.


    4. Provide more positive endorsement and advertising for Republic. Why endorse the Empire with a Darth Malgus statue in the CE, with no Shatele Shan option for Republic players. That was pretty messed up and shows obvious bias.




    Bioware's heavy oriented Empire propaganda before the game out made a mess of things.


    The fact that legions of people found force lightning to be so incredibly amazing is another issue.

  12. Part of the issue is that the nature of how the issue is address might not fix all the larger repercussions. Fixing the zone is all great but it doesn't mean anything when there's a major valor imbalance that persists after wards.


    I agree with you, but they will sort it out i have no doubt about it.

    Those who think they will just let this slide and potentially loose many players because of it are just wrong.


    Many people here are being constructive and giving good suggestions, but the majority is just hysterical.

  13. Neah just illustration of how redicolous your request was. Give more just because you roled republic lol. Deal with it or reroll!


    It is spelled ridiculous.


    And what is the point of your irrelevant post?

    Everyone should just roll Empire and the game would thrive?

  14. I find it amazing though, The Empire worlds are much uglier than the Republic worlds. How are the Republic so underpopulated? There are no racial abilities that make one race better than the other unlike in WoW. :confused:


    It's the propaganda and that fact that legions of players found FORCE LIGHTNING to be so incredibly awesome.


    There is like 4 Sidious wannabees running around for 1 of any other class.

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