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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. "Don't accuse people of trolling?"


    Do you even know what trolling is? Is blatantly obvious that you're doing it. You're quoting people out of context in an attempt to get an emotional reaction. That's a textbook definition.


    You can call it something else if it makes you feel better, but that's exactly what it is. And if you want to call me a "biodrone fanboy" for pointing out such an obvious fact (even though I haven't said anything to you about Bioware, or how much I do or do not enjoy this game -- all I've done is expose that your quote is taken out of context), well, that would be another obvious example of trolling, wouldn't it?


    I don't really have a problem with you finding fault with the game; I do to. But at least be honest about what you're doing.


    Haha, my sentiments exactly, i mean just look at his post history, everything checks out :D

  2. you must not have rolled those alts yet...


    Yes i actually did, haven't finished them all of course, it will take some time, but they are big enough level for me to realize that some here are simply trolling when they say it's all the same and similar BS.

  3. Jedi Knight's story is just great. Smuggler's also although that class itself needs some fixing.

    Consular story so far is nothing special for me, though i am low level there, 20 maybe, but it's obvious that Inquisitors storyline is superior, Inquisitors have much better companions for me at least.

    From the Empire side i can say that so far i think Inquisitor and Agent have amazing stories themselves, Warrior's story is so far sub - par when compared to Knight's.

  4. To you, maybe. To others, the questing is a hell of a lot more fun than in those other MMO's. To me personally, I like SWTOR's questing more than the questing in other MMO's like LotrO, Rift and WoW, only since the last expansion CATA there have been a number of funny and interesting quests that were present.

    It isn't for nothing that a lot of people state they just click away quest text in those games, even in new quests they hadn't done yet. To them, those quests are meaningless or boring and nothing but a task list for xp gain, no knowledge of the quest text needed.


    B ut hey, if you don't like SWTOR's VO/cutscene story approach to questing, there are always other MMO's that have your favorite way of questing, the textbased kind.




    To me story and questing in SWTOR are far superior to anything the competition has to offer.

    With 8 story lines and different faction side quests the game offers more than enough quality content in that department.

  5. So I have found that i would like to tank. While leveling, while in PvP, and while in FP's.


    I cannot for the life of me settle on a tank class.


    I kind of want to play as a VG, but I dont want to play republic.


    I kind of want to play as a Shadow, but again, dont want to play republic.


    I want to play as a PT, but already have a level 34 mercenary.


    I want to play as an assassin but everyone keeps whining about how ****** they are overall.


    I dont really want to play as a jugg because they just seem to suck. Not sure why, but they do. (Are they good at tanking flashpoints, and endgame tanking? What about PvP and I dont just mean running the huttball)


    Get over it, roll Republic, leave the Imp Zerg hive and help the underdogs!

  6. Two things about games:


    1. Games used to be released in a perfectly bug free state because there was no way to patch them. Once the internet became common the patch was invented and game developers got lazy. Once they realized that they could publish the game and then fix it everyone started doing it and now we have the "perpetual beta" system of today.


    2. If you have any experience with current MMOs you will know that Bioware has shown themselves to be very quick at both acknowledging and resolving (or attempting to resolve) bugs in this game.


    My thoughts exactly.

  7. We should also give the republic the option to roll cathar. meow!!!!!!!!


    I am not so sure about Cathar, they are cool don't get me wrong, but i think making them Republic exclusive would contradict the lore.(Not sure about this, i may be wrong)


    On the other hand making any of the races i mentioned in the post above Republic exclusive wouldn't hurt the lore much at all.


    And i have to say this again, Empire has 3 exclusive races to choose from and Republic only 2 at the moment.


    Lets face it, any of these races i mentioned would increase people's interest in the Republic faction.

  8. Dude their is just not enough republics on some servers. We need to create incentives for people to reroll and balance the populations. Maybe on your server the republic and emp are balanced. Its not balanced on 90% of servers though.


    Agreed 100%.


    Incentives are the way to go.


    New race for the Republic:

    - Togruta

    - Kel'Dor

    - Nautolan

    - Wookie


    Any one of these races would help in increasing interest in the faction.


    - Yoda's race would be a killer even though it probably wont happen.


    The option to play that certain little green (gray, whatever color :)) fellow would put a huge dent in the Empire numbers.

  9. Actually I play a Jugg and have no trouble with mercs/troopers who spam tracer/ grav.


    It's the ones that use their other abilities that cause me trouble.






    I play a Guardian and if the opposite player solely depends on his tracer only i will get in his face and slice him open in a matter of seconds.


    However if they are actually versatile and know how to play and utilize their other skills then they can be trouble indeed, but that goes for any class not just for them.

  10. Nice attempt to insult anyone who claims this is an OP skill by saying good players can stop it....nice divert of attention.


    Merc sill have other damaging options, its simply that tracer is to powerful for what it is meant to be.


    Tracer is just fine, the entire tree is built around that skill, learn to play maybe?


    If you allow Mercenary/Commando to lash out on you from distance you are dead and thats how it should be honestly.

  11. Another whining, QQ thread.


    I know many people who don't have any problem with Commandos and Mercenaries and their respective abilities, therefore aren't complaining on the forums.


    Maybe you should adjust your approach when confronted with these classes?

  12. I would like more character slots as well. With Legacy and family options, it is much more epic to do a storyline spanning across multiple factions. Not to mention I have one of each class, but I also have them going opposite directions in choices (light/dark) so I can see the other options and mission choices that I get. Storyline does change depending on your choices, but you can't really experience it if unless you do different choices.


    I agree with you.

    It shouldn't be hard at all for Bioware to implement this, they would make a lot of us happy.

  13. this is not here to troll or gloat. Just as proof the the guy who didn't believe it was possible to get the amount of social points i have at the levels I am at, without grinding.


    Lv 38 character. Play with one friend AT ALL TIMES. ALL QUESTS = social 4



    Lv 28 character. Play with two friends AT ALL TIMES. ALL QUESTS = social 3, almost 4



    Its not especially hard or confusing. You just have to be commited to playing with friends or grouping for the story quests.




    Don't flame the man, he is telling the TRUTH.


    I am in the same situation, always playing with one or two friends, quests, flashpoints, no need to grind or redo anything.


    At level 30 we are all social III on our mains and our alts who are around the same level..


    Now that being said, i do believe that it is immensely hard to gain Social ranks if you play solo, the amount of flashpoints you need to do/redo is too much in my opinion.


    There should definitely be some other solutions provided for obtaining Social points.

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