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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. Everyone on Sword of Ajunta Pal!!!


    I am in Outlaws Den on Tatooine almost all day everyday!!

    Come kill me plz i will die over and over to a full Ops group if thats what it takes to inspire people to take advantage of the fun awaiting in this zone!!!




    !!!!! :mon_trap:

  2. On monday, even as Imperial it's impossible to find a group for any flashpoint but regular Black Talon, and HM's.



    There really needs to be some kind of dungeon tool. I sat in the imperial fleet for hours looking for groups and didn't find a damn thing. I can't imagine the pain and suffering that is on republic side.


    I just don't think it's worth paying $15 dollars for. Thats the main reason I left. Game just doesn't feel worth paying AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. I already paid for the game, if you want me to keep paying convince me to.


    That's because your server apparently sucks hard, most servers don't have that problem.

  3. We know the trolls will never be gone.


    They have no life, living in their mommy & daddy's basement, and must have attention of any kind.


    They play SW:TOR for an hour, get mad that no one will group with their sorry butts, then come here to gripe about how its the game's fault that they have less social skills than amoeba, or that the limits of their intellect cannot grasp the divine concepts of the game "Preferences".


    Haha, this is so true. :D

  4. Bioware would curb sorc population much more heavily by giving them the pebble animation than by actually nerfing them. Tru faqs.


    That would be the day everyone rejoices, except legions of Inquisitors of course.

  5. Result is more like: more Sorc incoming. I expect full teams of Sorc soon.

    You can't remove burst if you don't add some kind of compensation! It just ruins the class!


    As there weren't enough Inquisitors as it is, they are everywhere with their lightning, like a plague.

  6. Great game, i will sub definitely, my friends will also.


    I have 8 characters various levels, all stories are good and worth going through in my opinion, so no rush as far as i am concerned.


    This game has enormous potential, and on my high population server i haven't seen anyone LITERALLY talking about quitting, unlike here in the forums:rolleyes:


    People agree that a lot of work still needs to be done but overall all are quite pleased.


    Although we might drop our server this weekend and start from scratch before it's too late because faction imbalance ratio over there is like 1:4...Imps being the 4, so PvP isn't fun on either side really. :D

  7. All Bioware has to do is add some kind of really cool feature or gear to the Republic faction, something that Empire doesn't have, then people will want to play Republic, just make sure it doesn't make Republic OP lol.




    Cool exclusive race, nice looking gear, aesthetics only basically would help significantly.


    Maybe Togruta would be the best choice if it were made Republic exclusive because of it's looks.

    Also it wouldn't hurt the lore much if it were done.


    Togruta - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Togruta


    It would definitely increase the popularity of the faction, and lets be honest, as things are now the Empire has 3 exclusive races to choose from while the Republic has only two, with Miraluka and Mirialan don't quite cut it.

  8. Choosing a server where the side you want to play is in the majority just shows you don't care about a challenge, you aren't a real pvp'er and you are just looking for charity pvp gear. Nuff said.


    Have fun ;)!


    You are wrong in THIS particular case.


    Some servers are just unplayable form republic perspective where the imbalance ratio is enormous.


    That is what the OP wants to avoid, to be prevented from enjoying in game fully.

    He doesn't want majority he wants an acceptable ratio where one side doesn't outnumber the other faction to the point of being a game breaker in PvP firstly and then PvE secondly, because with obsolete number of people you can't even do end game Operations and hard mode Flashpoints , less alone have a quality PvP on Ilum.


    If many servers weren't plagued by this problem there wouldn't be so many threads about it on the forum and ongoing discussions.


    Some servers do have a big problem indeed.



    We must fight the zerg infestation facing LITERALLY impossible odds :D


    On my server at least....from what i understood majority of PvP servers are plagued by huge faction imbalance to the extent of Republic not even showing up on Ilum any more, not all servers off course, but many indeed.

  10. This game definitely doesn't have 3 months worth of 1 character for content. All of their content is the levelling game.


    And all the stories are great and worth checking out so i don't see the problem.

    Legacy system in fact encourages you to play alts.


    As for those who are afraid to level something else because of new races which will maybe come with legacy, DON'T BE.


    There will supposedly be an option to bring you back to character creation if you want to change your race or whatever with legacy system which is rather logical when you think about it.

  11. You guys are overthinking this...


    We have more imps because everyone wants to be a bada$s, and also because PvPers love to be evil. As one of my Game Designer friend told me (not working for BW btw) "You want to balance the faction? easy, make a sexy looking class on Rep side, problem solved"


    Population imbalance has nothing to do about game mechanics, animations or anything like that, it's pure psychology 101. bada$s looking = cool and Sex sells.


    I agree with this as well, i have suggested before that Bioware need to give more cool classes to choose from,Togruta, Kel'Dor and Nautolan would all be good choices but maybe Togruta would be the best choice if it were made Republic exclusive because of it's looks.

    Also it wouldn't hurt the lore much if it were done.


    Togruta - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Togruta


    It would definitely increase the popularity of the faction, and lets be honest, as things are now the Empire has 3 exclusive races to choose from while the Republic has only two, with Miraluka and Mirialan don't quite cut it.


    I think that adding Togruta to the Republic would made an instant impact, not the impact Blood Elves made for Horde in WoW of course, but it would benefit the Republic side nevertheless.

  12. I'm sorry, but you're wrong. The real reason is a lot more simple.


    Force Lightning

    Force Choke

    Bounty Hunters


    Take the average, casual Star Wars fan (who probably doesn't even know a Clone Wars cartoon exists), and ask him if throwing pebbles or shooting lightning is cooler. Ask him if force choke or force handcuffs are cooler. Ask him if Boba Fett or Stormtroopers are cooler. See what his answer is.


    I started playing this game with about 10 real life friends. Of the ten of us, only two of us had even seen the CGI trailers prior to loading the game for the first time. Five of them decided they wanted to roll Sith upon being told they could Force Choke and Force Lightning their enemies. We're not teenagers either, we're late 20s working professionals.


    The pre-hype may have swayed a small segment of the hardcore following that was on the fence. The appeal of the Sith classes to the casual fan is what really caused the imbalance though.



    This !!


    In my opinion also FORCE LIGHTNING made a huge difference, that is why Inquisitor is BY FAR the most popular class, they have vast numbers and even on the Empire side they outnumber every other class by a large margin.

  13. Reason why people roll Empire


    1. No ability delays. I've benched my JK, Consular and Troop because of this.


    2. No forced hoods if you roll a Sith Warrior.


    3. More diverse gear.


    4. Better looking gear.


    5. Better animations, have you compared BH to Trooper? enough said.


    6. Better looking ships. My JK ship has throws and fluffy cushions! not cool :mad:



    I rolled Sith because I'm fed up with my JK who's bald and has a fat arse!



    You should have made a better looking Jedi Knight then instead of a bald and fat one? :D


    I agree with you with almost all points though, except the ships, Jedi' s ship is great in my opinion, also Smuggler's ship is just awesome, on the other side i think Imperial agent has an excellent ship, it's like a luxury stealth bomber, Fury is also very good, Mantis on the other hand is a pile of rust and junk :)

  14. Ilum is so bad. I'm Empire, and I find it pathetic, that so many people are getting Battlemaster like this.


    I know many Imps on my server who find the current situation unacceptable, find Ilum camping rather pointless and loath the fact that 9 out of 10 matches are Huttball against own faction, so they turned to doing PvE mostly.


    Of course many others don't find it to be a problem and are happily joining the zerg legion, saying how they are LEET battle masters now etc...

  15. I heard that Legions of Lettow and Tomb of Freedon Nadd EU PvP servers aren't bad for the republic.


    Chuundar where me and my friends are playing is high populated server but the Empire numbers on it are just vastly superior to the Republics, to the extent of being unplayable if you chose that faction.


    Ratio is 1:3 AT BEST, in reality it's 1:4 during peak times undoubtedly.


    We have chars on both factions because of the story but Republic is our primary choice and it will remain that way.


    9 out of 10 pvp matches for the Empire there is Huttball, and Ilum is a camping fest, not sure if anyone other than Imps shows it's face there anymore unless it's some poorly informed republican unaware of the ZERG legion waiting there.


    My friends and i are probably going to join with Republic forces either on ToFN or Legions server during the weekend.

  16. Well put its amazing how people who play both sides see this. Sorry I see this game fail unless its fixed lets stop being stupid Imperials and yelling get better, this is for both factions sakes if we want to keep playing.


    This i agree with completely.


    It is in NO ONES interest to see one faction becoming utterly OBSOLETE.

  17. Its not Biowares fault that 90% of the Republic players are horrible pvpers. Thats right, its not the sheer size of Empire player that wins these matches, its the simple fact that the average Empire player is better.

    I know im very harsh but this is exactly how things are right now. And its definitly not just a ''newb'' thing either, majority of Rep players just dont seem to care about pvp at all.


    I'm sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about and most of all no idea what is being discussed here.


    We are talking about HUGE imbalance problems all over the place apparently, and not if someone is a good or bad player.

    WZ is not the issue here, it's ILUM and the fact that Republic players can't do jack **** over there because they are VASTLY outnumbered.


    And YES, that is Bioware's PROBLEM to solve if they want their game to thrive, if one faction is obsolete in a 2 faction game then the game and it's developers do have a problem.

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