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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. :eek: Yodas with emo hair running around.

    Without the emo hair please :)


    Yoda would put a dense in the Empire numbers so bad that they would start making topics about it instead of the other way around as it is now.


    On the serious note, Republic does need something as cool going for them in order to have increase in faction numbers.

  2. Make Jawa a playable race. Only available for the Republic.


    Fixed. ;)


    True :)


    Or they could give Lucas a call for his permission to put a selectable race of one particular little green fellow to the Republic force users:D

    Now that would be an instant popularity increase.

  3. I don't know where the hell you pulled that number from but I know it's wrong ....by alot.


    On the 2 servers I play on, both are more like 80/20 in favor of Imperials.


    The Republic zones are DEAD. Imperial zones are full of life and action.


    Lack of faction cap has already destroyed MUCH incentive to play the game for rebels due to the fact it is dam near impossible to find a group for ANYTHING without waiting hours.



    Faction caps should also be implemented on servers with highest imbalance, it's pointless to play when the other faction lacks in numbers to the point where it looks ridiculous.

  4. Agree, my free time is during the day right when the mainenance occurs, its really irritating not to be able to play. Please change it.


    You will feel much better about it once you realize that people who have loads of free time during the day with no obligations and nothing better to do except to play the game are a vast minority.

  5. people felt that imperials looked better? i'm kind of surprised.


    but yes, that is the most important thing for population balance.


    I agree, it is important, Bioware didn't help the Republic with races offered to choose from.

    They need to act before it is too late, while imbalance can still be fixed with adding one cool alien republic exclusive race or some other incentives.


    A little more work and effort on the Republic armor design wouldn't hurt as well.


    Good thread.

    That is exactly how it is at the moment and something needs to be done about it


    Bioware has to make some incentives for the republic in order for it's numbers to be increased.


    One cool alien race Republic is the way to go as a start of fixing the imbalance problem.


    Hell, give Yoda's race for Republic force users to choose and just watch how the tide turns :cool:

    (Note, this is a joke, i know it will never happen unfortunately)

  7. I switched to empire on my server and the game feels much more like an MMO. What faction are you playing on, and whats your average server population?


    He is obviously talking about the republic because that faction is seriously lacking in numbers.

    1. 12/20/2011
    2. 12/21/2011
    3. 12/22/2011
    4. 12/23/2011
    5. 12/24/2011
    6. 12/25/2011
    7. 12/26/2011
    8. 12/27/2011
    9. 12/28/2011
    10. 12/29/2011
    11. 12/30/2011
    12. 12/31/2011
    13. 1/1/2012
    14. 1/2/2012
    15. 1/3/2012
    16. 1/4/2012
    17. 1/5/2012
    18. 1/6/2012
    19. 1/7/2012
    20. 1/8/2012
    21. 1/9/2012
    22. 1/10/2012
    23. 1/11/2012
    24. 1/12/2012
    25. 1/13/2012
    26. 1/14/2012
    27. 1/15/2012
    28. 1/16/2012
    29. 1/17/2012
    30. 1/18/2012

    That's my math. Someone coming up with something different?


    Nope, this covers it really :D

  8. No.


    WoW is MUCH more polished / better:






    BG manual selection, SWTOR DOES NOT!


    Good Combat , SWTOR DOES NOT!


    An endgame , SWTOR DOES NOT!


    More zones to level in, SWTOR DOES NOT!


    More replay value, SWTOR DOES NOT!



    I was just wondering when will trolls crawl out of their caves.

    Your post is ridiculous on so many levels, the part about game that is being polished for seven years compared to a game that isn't even a month old is just hilarious.


    And replay value?



    I must have played some different WoW than you for quite a while because i will NEVER go back to WoW after playing this for little less than a month now.

  9. Please can people stop trolling, if you are happy with the maintenance time, GREAT


    If you live in EU and would like to have a different time for OUR Downtime, then please post




    You can not change ignorance or trolls, ignore both and hope they go away




    BW takes the EURO in and has alot of subs outside the USA


    IF rift can offer 2 down times I am sure BW can too, Rift is alot smaller company and does not have the experience of cash backing BW had on this




    PS: BW claimed over 1mill subs..that is alot considering cheapest game was 52 euros I believe (not sure usa price but Euro is worth alot more than dollar)


    Even if let's say it was 45 dollars x 1 mill, Ya get separate times I think you can squeeze that out.


    With canceled subs you will have less to use for future things,


    To me you seem like the one who is trolling, because i have no issues with EU maintenance time, and i know more than twenty people, friends who are also from EU and are playing this game, who also think the same.


    Newsflash: Not everyone has the time to play 15 hours a day from the moment they wake up in the morning, normal people have obligations, work, school, things they need to attend to instead of just opening their eyes, making coffee and logging in.

    Therefore it's more common for majority of people to play in the late afternoon, evening, late night etc.


    And i could understand your frustration if the maintenance took place every single day, but once a week and you cause this much drama?


  10. It's a matter of personal preference really, nothing else.


    My Guardian is a rock, and it's very fun for me for me to play with him, much better than my Mercenary for example, like i said a matter of personal preference.


    You can always try some other class, but don't dismiss the Guardian just yet :)

  11. When the huge bands of Imperial players are roaming Illum looking for blood next week, it sure would be nice if the 4 republic players would go there and let us kill them so the thousands of us can get our weekly done.


    They will show up, but unless your legion let's them finish their weekly after a few hours of slaughter even these 4 will see that it's pointless and stop to show up, when that happens everyone will have a problem.

  12. And yet another problem that would be fixed by cross-server Warzones AND Dungeon Finder.


    But nooooo




    I am firmly against cross server dungeon finder, as well as legions of others are, it has been debated to death already.

  13. And how would you propose they fix the imbalance? They can't force people to play the Republic if they don't want to.


    Me and many other have presented various ideas.

    It comes down to making the Republic more appealing to new players.

    There are plenty of things that can be done by Bioware in the future.

    Even ONE exclusive race given to the republic (Togruta, Kel'Dor or Nautolan) would increase it's numbers more than decently.


    The way things are now the Republic is on par with the Empire only in the quality of the story department, that aside they presented the Empire as "cooler" faction.


    Someone also mentioned how Empire ships are cooler than Republic ships, that is subjective really, Bounty Hunters ship is a heap of junk with rust inside, Smuggler's ship is better by far for example, but Imperial Agent's ship on the other hand is like a luxury stealth bomber.


    They obviously put more effort in Empire armor design also, just look at the Consular high level gear, it is horrendous to say the least.

  14. Why play Republic? I have three words for you:


    Target rich environment.


    True, but nevertheless as it stands now incentives will have to be provided for the republic, or some race that is exclusive for that faction and is cool in the process.


    Otherwise imbalance will just grow to the point of it being a game breaker.

  15. Republic is less polished. The gear looks awful, the ships look awful, the story-lines are inferior, and I could go on and on. The Republic is supposed to be the power in SWTOR while the Empire is encroaching, yet the Empire is sleek and shiny and smooth, and the Republic is just... well, crappy and everything looks jerry-rigged... but in SWTOR, the Republic isn't a crappy Rebellion. It's a galactic power with dozens and dozens of member worlds. Look at the Senate building and how awesome it looks, then look at the awful gear and ships we get. Doesn't make a bit of sense.


    Even looking at the class choices. You can be a Jedi or a Sith. Throw pebbles or shoot lightning. Wow, that's a hard choice. Then you can pick between a rank-and-file soldier with a big gun, and a bounty hunter who takes nothing from nobody and rains down death from the sky with his blasters and a flamethrower. Look at the Smuggler, a guy who is essentially a "criminal with a heart of gold", and place that against the secret agent/sniper/spec-ops feel you get from the imperial agent. Which one would you think would be played more?


    I agree with majority of the things you said, except the stories.

    In no way the Republic stories are inferior to Empire ones, the rest of it you got spot on.

  16. Yes! As a Juggernaut, it really bothers me that I am so limited on how I want my character to look. I would prefer to have my character in a simple black sith robe, but I can't do that because items such as that are all light armor, and I can't take that big off a mitigation penalty.


    Please, Bioware, make all moddable gear scale to the character's armor proficiency! You can keep the minimum requirements (light armor wearers can't wear heavy armor cosmetics), but please allow things to scale UP! I want to raid tank in a dancer's uniform! Just once!


    Newsflash: A Sith Juggernaut isn't supposed to run around and tank bosses in a black cocktail dress.


    Also social gear is all light armor in order for EVERYONE to be able to use it.

    Another thing that OP fails to comprehend is the fact that it is called SOCIAL gear for a reason, it's vanity stuff basically.


    The fact that you like the looks of it doesn't mean that it should be equal to the best armors in game.

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