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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. Am I the only person who finds it funny that people who spend hours upon hours sitting on their butt pushing buttons are "not" the lazy people. I also find it funny that those of us who work, go to the gym, and spend time with our families are the lazy ones. Only in the mmo genre lol


    Well i also don't have more than 3 hours of time per day tops to play due to obligations, still i am not complaining and making topics about this and that, besides who was talking about you?

    I certainly wasn't, nor have i mentioned you.

  2. Please do not make assumptions you can't prove.


    I play on the Rebel side of Chunndar and have somestimes spend 4hrs or more running circles to find a group for hard modes and eventually just switched to an alt.


    I am neither lazy or lack social skills but it is obvious that the faction imbalance effects every part of the game. There maybe 90 in the Rebel Fleet but 250 on Emperial Fleet.


    I don't see how spending 30 mins with someone from a different server can ruin your community. There will always be people on server who treat people badly.


    A dungeon find would a great addtion to the game and would prevent people being asked to stop spamming channels for tanks and healers.


    Most of the time all they want is to take part in the games content.



    I know all about playing the Republic side on Chuundar because me and my friends still have characters there, we decided to re roll on a different server few days because of the faction imbalance mostly.


    Like 75% of Chuundar is Empire i know, the sight of Republic Fleet there is just sad when you compare it to the packed Empire fleet.


    So we figured that there is not enough Republic there for anything really, and on the other side we didn't want to join the Imp Zerg Hive so we changed the scenery.

  3. I've been on a planet for over an hour trying to find a tank for a group quest. I'm debating begging a guildie but i don't want to bother him as he's short on time today and just wants to do his dailies and log so he can get back to the wife. How on earth am I lazy when I ask in /general every few minutes?



    What i wrote doesn't apply to you, i presume that aren't so many people on your server in all level ranges and that the situation can be frustrating, so yes i understand fully why you want an option such is this one if this is the case.


    What i wrote applies to the people can't even bother to look for group and are on servers where there is like 150 people per planet in one shard...trust me, plenty of those also.

    In the last two days several people on general chat were complaining about how they cannot find a group and wonder why this game doesn't have a dungeon finder like some "other" certain games have, and they like haven't even asked, just started to whine.....then i look in the top left corner of my monitor and i see 160 people on the planet, what the **** is wrong here?!

  4. how about that is exact thing that people whanted? no?

    any chance?

    why so shure?



    You are wrong.


    The majority of people was against any kind of cross server dungeon finder long before you joined this forum, there where big discussions about it and polls also.

  5. You've stated why it's not needed for you, but why are you against it?


    Because it is a system for lazy people with no social skills who want everything handed to them instantly with a click of a button.


    The fact of the matter is i am even not so much against a dungeon finder (if it will make some happy, no problem) as i am against some cross server version of dungeon finder that some people are mentioning.

    The latter one is just a horrible idea that can ruin a server community.

  6. My server is packed, no need for any kind of dungeon finder, plenty of people for groups.


    I believe that people who want this atrocious thing in game either choose to be on low population server and now are regretting it or have no social skills whatsoever and are incompetent of finding some nice people in game, or a guild with whom they can do stuff.


    That being said i am firmly against dungeon finder.

  7. I feel sorry for the OP honestly because i really dislike ninjas.

    That being said, there will always be stupid and selfish people, as the time passes they will become known on their servers, word will be spread and no one normal will invite them to group any more.


    Yesterday in a flashpoint i had to take action once a saw a particular female Smuggler joined the group because on two previous occasions i saw him he (is a guy obviously) was needing on trooper heavy armor, at first i thought he clicked need for his companion, which i could understand to some extent so we told him to greed thinking he will get the idea, but once he got his hands on a dual blade lightsaber it became clear that he is an idiot to say the least.


    He was immediately kicked from the group once i explained to the rest of the people what awaits them if he hangs around, if they didn't take my word for it i would have left honestly.


    It doesn't bother me so much because in due time when they become infamous on server they will have to either make new characters in order for anyone to play with them or change the way they behave completely, most likely both.

  8. Jedi Knight (Sentinel) have THE story in the game. Some people like it, some don't. But from all 8 stories, this one is the one that has the largest influence at the overall game universe and story.




    I would also recommend a Jedi Knight Sentinel with ease.

  9. This is a game where i found myself to be very thorough, i don't skip anything.


    I was especially surprised when i first got Bonus Series quest chain after completing all the quests on the planet, i was actually thrilled, like couldn't believe they thought of that. :)

  10. I fail to see why people would want to roll on low population servers in the first place.

    I always though some waiting in the queue is much better when compared to low population.

    My server is almost always full.


    Besides there is always an option to re roll on a different server.

    My friends and i did just that (though not because of low population, that was just fine, but because of the fact that everyone was Empire :)).


    Frankly that is your only solution because i really don't think there will be server merges anytime soon, maybe payed character transfer will become an option, who knows.

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