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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. Seriously OP isnt even worth arguing about...check his/her post list...

    The only thing he/she's a veteran at, is making whine posts.


    Dont feed the trolls.



    The moment when trolls and whiners will disappear from this forum cannot come too soon.


    But i am afraid it won't happen these days because i have feeling they will RE SUB and stay here to haunt us with the same old threads.



  2. I support this, more character slots are needed for me also especially with the upcoming implementation of the Legacy system.


    And the fact there are more AC's than character slots (16 for 8 classes) the necessity for more slots is obvious.


    I am sure many people would like this.

  3. I've played through the Empire on a couple classes and enjoy it. But now i'd like to see the other side. If anyone knows which of the high population servers are Republic favored and could tell me i'd really appreciate it. Thank you.


    EU or US?


    No server is Republic dominated, Imps are the majority everywhere i think, but there are servers with high Republic population for enjoyable play, PvP, PvE, questing etc.


    ToFN and Legions of Lettow from EU from what i know.

    Cruciable Pits, Veela, maybe The Prophecy of Five on US side, again from what i know.

    I'm sure there are more.


    Me and my friends defected from our previous server, it had good population but Imps were like 80%, unbelievable to say the least.


    We are Republic on Tomb Of Freedon Nadd and i can tell you it's good, more Imps again like everywhere, but more than enough of us for enjoyable play, unlike on our previous server.

  4. Coding of the nature you are asking for is not something you can just throw money at. It's already been pointed out, so please stop bringing it up as a solution.


    Also elimination or reducing same faction WZ's? you are aware this is a business right? in a business you dont piss off a majority of your customers to "try" to solve a problem.


    If you don't piss off the majority of your customers just a tiny bit in this case, then you will face a much bigger problem of your minority (Republic in this case) becoming obsolete and leaving, and your two faction game going to hell because one of them left eventually.

  5. I want you Empire players to be forced to play Huttball. That's the only reason they want to roll Republic.


    Wookiees and Ewoks would make people re-roll. Name another race that would. Either way, I bet you anything they will end up doing at least one of these in the future. I would be my first born on it.


    Ewoks would make people re roll?

    Not so sure, but maybe.


    Wookie would be popular, there is no doubt about that whatsoever.


    Togruta, Kel'Dor, Nautolan would make people re roll much more in my opinion.


    Especially TOGRUTA if made a Republic exclusive.


    Making any of these races Republic exclusive also wouldn't hurt the lore much.


    And Yoda's race is an excellent idea, i suggested that in several discussions, but more like a joke, i wasn't entirely serious about that because unfortunately i really don't think it will ever happen, but if it did happen eventually it would be simply awesome.


    His race alone would put a huge dent in Empire numbers, and brought the balance to an acceptable level.


    Also it needs to be said that Empire currently has 3 exclusive races to choose from, while the Republic has 2.

  6. I'll explain a bit how Mercenary (and its republic counterpart) works, for those who genuinely don't know.

    Those who want to troll will never be persuaded anyway.


    Here is how an Arsenal Mercenary works (the one with tracer missile):


    First of all it has to be said that BH has a heat bar instead of force/energy. Most special abilities have a heat cost. When the heat bar is full, the mercenary can only use the basic attack until heat dissipates or, if available, can use Vent Heat do dissipate 50/66 heat (66 if you put two points in bodyguard tree). Vent Heat is on a 2min cooldown, Pyro Mercs can purchase 2 boxes which will lower the cooldown by 30sec, full arsenal spec can't.

    Heat dissipation is more efficient if your heat lvl is low, but the higher your heat lvl is, the lower your heat dissipation will be.

    I don't have access to the game right now but if memory serves me it works like this:

    0-39% heat->5 points dissipated per second.

    40%-79%->3 points per second.

    80%-100% heat->2 points per second.

    In short: as a Mercenary you must keep heat low unless you want to be forced into a 30 seconds cooldown where you're absolutely useless and vulnerable. In order to have the best possible dissipation, we must keep our heat below 40%, unless we really have to finish off someone (to prevent them from scoring, so to say), in which case we'll have to deal with the downtime.


    Mercenary Specials:

    -UNLOAD: channeled ability, does good damage over its 3 seconds duration, 15 seconds cooldown. With proper template, its damage can be improved and it can have up to 100% chance of snaring a target for 2 seconds with each hit.

    Via template, Unload has a 50% chance to vent 8 heat.

    Very good ability, to be used everytime it's available.


    -TRACER MISSILE: charged ability, 1.5 seconds cast time, no cooldown, 25 heat cost heat cost lowered to 16 via template). Each Tracer applies up to 2 heat signatures (depending on the template), which lower target armor by 4% each for 15 seconds and stack up to 5 times (i.e., you need 3 Tracers Missile to get the maximum amount of signatures).

    Tracer Missile puts a vulnerability to Rail Shot on the target.. see below.

    Also depending on template (full Arsenal have this), each Tracer Missile grants 1 Target Tracking (stacks up to 5), for each target tracking you get a 6% damage bonus on your next Rail Shot.

    In addition, critical hits with Tracer and Heatseeker missiles have up to 50% chance of venting 8 heat (therefore, it's needed) and, via template, Tracer missile has up to 30% chance of proccing barrage, which ends the cooldown on Unload and makes the next unload hit 25% harder (see above).


    RAIL SHOT: good damage, instacast, 16 heat cost, 15 seconds cooldown. The target must be incapacitated, burning or vulnerable via tracer missile for Rail Shot to work. Arsenal Mercenaries don't get the big bonuses (armor piercing, chance to reset its cooldown etc) on Rail Shot that Pyro Mercs get, however our high velocity gas cylinder (call it our stance, to be clear) lowers the cost of Rail Shot by 8.

    It's a very good ability which we must use everytime it's available.


    HEATSEEKER MISSILE: This skill is only available to those who go full Arsenal, is instacast, 15 sec cooldown, 16 heat cost.

    Its damage is improved by 5% per heat signature on the target, meaning it's mostly effective once we have stacked our 5 (cap) heat signatures.


    -POWER SHOT: same cost and cast time as Tracer Missile, no cooldown, but as an Arsenal the only benefit we get to using it is a chance to reset cooldown on Unload.

    This special is intended to be the alternative to Tracer Missile for Pyros (who get lots of nice bonuses on it) and Bodyguards (they get nioce bonuses on this too, via proc).

    Power Shot is pretty much only good to bait interrupts for us, because we don't get any of the debuffs/vulnerabilities etc out of Power Shot.


    -FUSION MISSILE: damage on impact and burning on a 2mt radius from target, the burning lasts for 6 seconds. 33 (!) heat cost, 30 sec cooldown, 1.5 sec cast time.

    It's a nice Dot and if the opponents are very close to each other (within 2m from target) it's AoE. The very high heat cost makes it usable only in certain situations or when we have our Thermal Sensor Override up (2min cooldown, 1.30min via template), which allows the next ability to be fired at no heat cost.


    -DEATH FROM ABOVE: our best AoE, on targeted area, 25 heat cost and 60sec cooldown


    -SWEEPING BLASTERS: another AoE on targeted area, no cooldown, but its 33 (!) heat cost make it hardly worth it due to heat management issues.


    -MISSILE BLAST: instacast, 25 heat cost, deals damage to one target and little damage to up to 3 targets close by. Almost useless due to heat cost, only good to finish off a runner who's on the brink of death combined with rapid shots (our basic attack) and if we have heat to spare OR to prevent 2-3 enemies from capping an objective.


    -EXPLOSIVE DART: explodes after a few seconds dealing damage to target and nearby enemies, 16 heat cost, 15 sec cooldown.


    Have to cut it short now, I'm probably forgetting something for sure..


    Anyway, if you read the above it's clear our rotation MUST be the following:

    -Unload (the heat cost will dissipate before channeling is over if we're at 0 heat)




    Now we have 5 heat signatures on target and 3x bonus on railshot

    -Heat Seeker



    Now we have maximum bonus on Railshot


    If Barrage has procced in the meantime, we can do Unload again.. otherwise rotation restarts.


    Depending on heat level and situation, we can try to add a Fusion Missile or Exploding Dart here and there if they are off cooldown.


    The point is this: the class was built around Tracer Missile. If you don't like it keep in mind that they would have to change THE WHOLE ARSENAL tree to make the class different but still viable.

    Adding a cooldown or the likes on tracer without changing the rest of the class would make Arsenal absolutely useless.



    Finally someone explained in detail how things work to the whiners, this should be a sticky so all can see it before making another QQ thread about it.


    Someone should make a detailed explanation such as this one for the Commando as well.

  7. I love the inquisitor! He offers a lovely mix of sarcasm and downright sociopathic rage that I can really identify with!


    ....oh dear, looks like I'm a maniac :D



    Always play male chars, how big is the difference with the female one?


    I play male characters as well, but in case of the Inquisitor the difference was obvious in favor of the female in my opinion.


    Though i am leveling other characters now, Republic being my first choice, will get to the Empire later.


    Hopefully by the time i get to my Inquisitor they will add same sex relationships, she doesn't like men and treats them with lightning barbecue (Ashara's fault) :D

  8. The Inquisitor's personality is so unlikable half the time, but everyone else surrounding him in his story line are very interesting.


    He repeats ridiculous one-liners, makes lame jokes, responds at times like he's an institutionalized slave, then at other times, one dialogue selection later, he pulls a 180 and acts like he's supposed to be a god. Half the time, I don't like anything he says in the available options, and sometimes all three options are basically the same tone. If the Sith Warrior gets anything, it's storyline.


    I remember the time he first got his step, he saw it, and ran up to it like a child would....

    This is not Palpatine, a master manipulator, or someone who would be an asssassin.


    The truth is, female Inquisitor sounds hell of a lot better than male, superb voice acting for me there.


    Male Inquisitor is just like you have described him, trust me rolling a female Inquisitor is a class game changer when compared to her male counterpart.


    The only huge downside for me there is the lack of option to romance Ashara Zavros :)

  9. 9/10

    Excellent game overall, something that i enjoy playing at the moment, there are problems and things that need to be fixed or added but i am sure it will all happen in due time.


    RPG and STORY element in SWTOR is superb and this title has no real competition in that department.


    This game has a TON of content and it has a better replay value than any of it's competitors, especially with the upcoming implementation of it's Legacy system, those who claim that this is not the case are simply being ignorant.


    Not to mention the fact that Bioware seems to be set on delivering new content on regular basis.


    They need to do something very soon to boost the popularity of the Republic faction though.

  10. Cool exclusive race, nice looking gear, aesthetics only basically would help significantly.


    Maybe Togruta would be the best choice if it were made Republic exclusive because of it's looks.

    Also it wouldn't hurt the lore much if it were done.


    Togruta - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Togruta


    It would definitely increase the popularity of the faction, and lets be honest, as things are now the Empire has 3 exclusive races to choose from while the Republic has only two, with Miraluka and Mirialan don't quite cut it.

  11. hehe I vote we nerf all republics so they cant jump, would solve the problem!




    Or the fact that on many server the Republic cannot set foot on Ilum due to overwhelming Empire numbers, huh?!


    Instead you came here crying when they whooped your *** in Voidstar.

  12. Rerolling cannot be given as the solution to a problem that was the fault of the devs alone. And that was because they gave into queue QQ's at launch day when they should've known perfectly well what would be the outcome from every other MMO launched before this.


    I agree with you, don't get me wrong.


    The only reason i was ok with re rolling on another server is the fact that my friends agreed with it and we will level up again together which will be fun, so no problem.

    Also none of our characters were 50, we played few alts also.


    If that wasn't the case i would probably stay on the same server and do PvE only because PvP was impossible almost due to faction imbalance there.


    Like i said my problem was not the lack of people.


    On the other hand i cannot comprehend the reasoning of some people who decided to go to low pop server thinking all will be just fine.

  13. well hope server merges are comming soon then or free server transfers whatever you would call them couse tere are some servers out there like mine where its getting harder and harder to find a group for ... anything ... (max 60 people on fleet on primetimes in weekend and friday lol)


    You should re roll on another server definitely, some other class so you see some different story, and those characters on your server with few people can wait for the moment when some kind of character transfer is available.


    It's not hard or boring to level a new character when you are on a server with plenty people everywhere doing stuff.


    I changed my server this weekend, not because of low pop, server had very good population, lots of people always, but the downside was that almost everyone was Imperial :)

  14. I wonder if they can use the already in game mechanic of companions to help with world pvp population imbalance.


    If for Ilum warzone area, companion check is not op based, but area or zone based.


    If rep op groups could keep all their companions out when out numbered, I think that would go a long way in evening things out.


    I wouldn't be surprised if something like this eventually happens.


    Oh and...


    Cool exclusive race, nice looking gear, aesthetics only basically would help significantly.


    Maybe Togruta would be the best choice if it were made Republic exclusive because of it's looks.

    Also it wouldn't hurt the lore much if it were done.


    Togruta - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Togruta


    It would definitely increase the popularity of the faction, and lets be honest, as things are now the Empire has 3 exclusive races to choose from while the Republic has only two, with Miraluka and Mirialan don't quite cut it.

  15. i stayed away from ilum and did warzones, if they rolled back my valor from the day i would be pissed off. almost to the point of getting a refund for my subsciption and cancelling my account.


    WHY should I be punished for the actions of others.


    Who said you will be punished, you had nothing to do with it so relax.


    Only the ZERGS will face the Valor reset button.

  16. Excellent news from Bioware.


    Looks like only people who are complaining here are the Imp zergs who got their enormous amounts of Valor that day and are angry now because they will have to part with it soon.


    I personally cant wait to see the QQ in here from people who must must think it is normal to get a Battle Master rank in day when their Valor gets hit by the RESET button.

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