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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. Well i did feel for you republic players, until i seen a couple of live streams last night with republics owning Ilum, i think its just the fact both factions need to get together to take it back..


    maybe players on some servers just can't be arsed to fight back...


    You cannot fight back when you are outnumbered with 1:3, 1:4, even 1:5 ratio on MANY servers.


    That is what people are saying here.


    When you are outnumbered so vastly your gear, skill and willingness to fight don't mean jack ****.

  2. I have to agree with what the OP and the majority of people here are saying.


    Ilum is literally unplayable if you are a member of the Republic faction on most servers (i am talking about EU servers).


    This is not a matter of skill and/or gear anymore, i mean don't get me wrong, they are very important generally, but they don't mean anything at all when you are being constantly outnumbered by 1:3, 1:4, even 1:5 ratio on some servers.


    Some action needs to be made.


    Me and my friends are actually considering re-rolling on a US PvP server and we are from EU because we want to have good PvP experience, fun you know, win some, loose some, balanced...instead of not being able to set foot on Ilum.


    I have asked around on several EU PvP servers about the issue and everywhere people told me like yeah. much more Imps, Ilum camping, people wont even go there anymore.....now THAT is a problem, don't you guys think?


    If anyone has a more or less normal EU PvP server, with balance ratio not higher than 1:2 please let me know, or message me.


    And yes i find even a 1:2 ratio to be great and enjoyable when compared to 1:3, 1:4 on my server.

  3. Man i don't think you will find a balanced EU PvP server, but if there is one i would like to know as well.


    Many EU PvP servers have way more Empire from what i saw, situation is better on US servers though, but that is problem because of potential lag and different timezone.

  4. If you ain't got interrupt and you get caught in the open, well, odds are you're getting toasted. It's just how it is, deal with it. The class has otherwise poor abilities to dps with, so it's not like they have a lot of options to choose from...




    People who are yelling nerf have no clue obviously, also using interrupt form time to time might benefit them.

  5. Frankly I question the extent of a population imbalance. How much is it imbalance and how much of it is lack of leadership. Republic is clearly outnumbered on Crucible Pits, yet they still bring the numbers they need. Someone needs to ask why.


    On many EU PvP servers imbalance ratio is huge, to the extent of being unplayable.

    From what i heard situation is somewhat better on US servers.

  6. Right but shouldnt it let in like 50 emp and 50 repub? Not 84 emp and 16 repub?


    It should but they obviously didn't have the brains to cap it in the way you mentioned it, which any normal person would do i guess, instead they just capped the number of players and not the number of faction specific players.

  7. They need to cap zones at an equal ratio of imps to rebs. If the imps whine about it to much isnt it an issue of their own creation?


    After all, if the imps are as good as they think they are then shouldnt they be on the reb side, where they are vastly outnumbered, so they could show their superior combat prowess instead of hiding behind their numbers like sacred wow babies.


    Their superior combat skills on many servers comes down to zerging apparently.


    Only those who have the fortune of being on a more or less balanced server can show their real skills.


    I'm having trouble understanding how fight with a 50-60 to 10 ratio can be fun even for the Imps, lets face it, that's not PvP in all it's glory.

  8. Isn't there republic dominated servers? There has to be... I can't imagine EVERY single server is dominated by Empire... why don't they merge rep dominated servers with emp dominated servers?


    GG problem solved, at least for a couple servers...


    Tarro Blood seems to be somewhat balanced... I don't know if there's any place to look up the real numbers but Illum is actually pretty empty... yesterday we had some pretty sweet TM/SS like fights where we had about 10vs14 or something, it wasn't imbalanced to where we couldn't win, hell our 3 healers gave us a big advantage and we won most melees.


    I do have to say though... there's a LOT more decked out battlemaster empires on my server than I've seen republics... I think I could count on one hand the amount of decked out reps. Hell, I could give you their names there's so few of them LOL


    I think that MOST EU PvP servers have vastly superior Empire numbers.


    There are much more US servers with better balance than over here.

  9. I really dont know how to stress this enough, but it is not Bioware's fault that there are more people playing empire then republic.


    This is the community's choice. Bioware can not force people to play republic. They can try giving republic buffs in pvp, but then that comes down to a balance issue because if it ever does come down to a 1 on 1 the republic will have an unfair advantage. The best thing that can do is take a wintergrasp route with this and give whatever side is outnumbered a buff to even things out. Does this solve the problem? No, not really it still comes down to a 10 vs 50 battle, but that's outside of Bioware's control.


    Seriously people ya'll act like this is your first rodeo.


    I agree with you to some extent.


    What i don't agree with is that Bioware can't do anything about making the Republic more appealing to players, there is much that can be done.


    Just the addition of ONE popular alien race being exclusive to the republic would increase the faction's numbers.


    Kel'Dor, Togruta, Nautolan all seam reasonable enough and making them republic exclusive wouldn't hurt the lore much, their models are already in game and working properly and they speak common human language so there wouldn't be a problem there either.


    The fact is that even currently Empire has 3 exclusive races to choose from while the Republic has only 2, and there were far better choices than Mirialan and Miraluka in the first place.

  10. While i agree that some type of buffs would be a good idea when the other side is vastly outnumbered it won't solve the problem in the long run.


    They have to do something to make The Republic faction more appealing to the new incoming players.


    Like i have said in some other topics about this, making one cool alien race Republic exclusive would do the trick i believe.


    Kel'Dor, Togruta, Nautolan all seam reasonable enough and making them republic exclusive wouldn't hurt the lore much, their models are already in game and working properly and they speak common human language so there wouldn't be a problem there either.


    The fact is that even currently Empire has 3 exclusive races to choose from while the Republic has only 2, and there were far better choices than Mirialan and Miraluka in the first place.

  11. Fairly certain she wasn't the Grandmaster at that time.


    She became the Grandmaster a bit later, but nevertheless with the potential and power she had which made her a Grandmaster later she should have crushed Malgus with ease.


    Even the fact that CE edition had only a statue of Malgus and not Satele so the people could choose shows bias towards the Empire from the developer team before the game launched.

  12. yeah i always wonder why every cinematic republic is getting their *** kicked. The only decent fightback is the part Satele Shan force wave Darth Malgus into the rocks. But that is only with the help of the commando.


    Empire biased even in the cinematic.


    True, when in fact Satele as the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order should have roflstomped Malgus with ease without the help of anyone really.

  13. biowares management team continuously making horrible decisions... They are showing they can't handle the responsibilities of handling a mmo.. Seriously.. Destroying a game with loads of potential with their horrible decision making.. Ilum yesterday was a f up of massive and epic proportions and the servers were suppose to be pulled immediately to fix the issue.. Not keep posting on the forums that you're evaluating the situation and you'll get back to us later.. That show's the developer team was indecisive and didnt know wth to do about the situation.. Roll back was the only solution to fix the issue & now its probably to late... So disabling the taxi's and letting all the people that went up like 10 ranks in a few hours keep their easy valor is the solution.. Smh... I'm pretty sure this wasn't biowares intent but yet they didn't properly fix the issue.. This is showing the management team is either lazy or incapable of handling these type of situations which puts which puts the entire management team in question if they are up to the task running a mmo imo.. Bioware is allowing the people who went up like 10+ valor ranks in a few hours keep their valor which to me shows a lack of appreciation to the players who put the time and effort (days - weeks) into getting battle master. This game is still competing with wow regardless if the star wars fan boys like it or not. While this game is the fastest growing mmo in history. Bioware isn't showing signs of longevity with their decision making. Don't get me wrong, i'm far from a wow fanboy. I've been waiting for this game for over 3 years and been hoping this game would dethrone wow to quench my thirst for something new. The leveling experience in swtor is simply amazing but seems lack luster in just about every other area. With all of biowares questionable so called "fixes", not giving us server forums (which would help the servers get a since of identity to solidify and unify the communities which any good mmo management team would know helps the game but yet they give us sub forums acting like they are addressing the issue which is beyond an insult), simutronics hero engine which is laggy and has heavy ability delay issues ( the server has to "okay" an ability before it executes which results in missed interrupts, falsely channeled abilities and off -gcd ability which doesn't fire while on gcd), the over excessive amount of bugs (all new mmos have bugs but with the all the other issues it seems magnified) and again biowares suspect / horrible decision making.. Why play this game over wow? The leveling experience isn't enough. After we level our 2nd - 3red alt, then what? Regardless if people like it or not, this game is competing with wow. I'm starting to question myself. Why leave wow to play a game that seems broke and then on top of that the management team seems not to give a _____ (hoot nanny)? It would be ashame for the fastest growing mmo in history to fade away the fastest..




  14. You clearly did something wrong then :)

    Look at the screenshot linked earlier, 500 valor per minute is 30k/hour. That's a 400% boost from 6k/hour, so it's not just a minor boost.


    True, which is why today's valor gain needs to be removed from people who obtained enormous amounts of it.


    But not via rollback as some clueless people are screaming here, they will have to track down exploiters with different ways.

  15. Great idea to compliment such a piece of #%$#@ patch just before month to month subscriptions start.


    If Valor is not rolled back quickly I can see a lot of people dropping this game fast.


    I really don't see that happening because of this.


    Vast majority of players has nothing to do with Ilum or top level PvP just yet.

    More people would cancel sub IF THERE WAS A ROLLBACK, because they had absolutely nothing to do with today's Ilum events.

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