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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. The Inquisitors are the one of the problems of this imbalance, their numbers are vast on the Empire side compared to any other class in that faction less alone compared to the republic classes, it's the unlimited power thing most likely.


    Looks like legions of people found force lightning to be the next best thing that ever happened.

  2. think its fine


    my operative alt is already at 59 (up from rank 12) soon 60 and i still have my 2 dailys to give in at imp fleet.


    hmm was it 3 bm marks for a offhand, really can't wait to faceroll all those noob reps.


    Are you serious or just trolling the topic?


    Good luck in finding the Republic players anywhere on Ilum after this.

  3. Incentives for the republic, adding one alien exclusive race (Torguta, Kel,Dor, Nautolan or even Wookie), improved armor design.


    Much can be done really to increase interest for a specific faction and fix imbalance.


    I know this comparison won't be to every ones liking, but all who are familiar with WoW and majority of people are regardless of what they say, can remember what a simple addition of Blood Elves to the horde did for the faction numbers, they increased vastly.

  4. http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/2971/patch11awesome.png


    Empire ZERGS!


    This is what happens when the developers don't care about FACTION IMBALANCE issue that is a HUGE problem now.


    Powaaah, UNLIMITED POWAAAAH, lightning everywhere propaganda is one of the reasons of the imbalance in the first place.


    Inquisitors numbers are vast even compared to other Empire classes, less alone the republic ones.

  5. I agree that this is a major flub-up. They do need to roll back the valor gains from today, for the sake of game balance. Exploiting a bug should not be rewarded in any way, shape, or form. Will a rollback piss people off? Yes, most certainly; however, it is necessary especially given the extreme population imbalances on servers. If this keeps up much longer, Republics will just stop playing pvp, especially since 50s now have their own bracket. Now that Sith can bypass MONTHS of pvp grinding to get to a valor level not even used in the game yet, Republics will be outgeared every step of the way.


    PS - this also works for Republic heavy servers, but there are FAR fewer and the ratios aren't nearly as bad as the Sith:Republic.


    I agree with you.


    On the side note, please give me a name of at least one PvP server with good population and a decent republic/empire ratio, or republic heavy as you called it, because me and my friends might just re-roll over there, if such a server exists.


    Response would be much appreciated from anyone who can tell me about such a server honestly.

  6. Why would they change sides now? Have you seen how much they're able to camp Ilum and gear up? What downsides are the Empire facing? They're getting every benefit under the freaking sun.


    Their downside is that in two days time the Empire players wont be able to see a Republic player on Illum because the Republic will avoid it completely for obvious reasons.

    Then even the Empire won't be able to get what they came for.


    I have to repeat this once more honestly..


    Incentives for the republic, adding one alien exclusive race (Torguta, Kel,Dor, Nautolan or even Wookie), improved armor design.


    Much can be done really to increase interest for a specific faction and fix imbalance.


    I know this comparison won't be to every ones liking, but all who are familiar with WoW and majority of people are regardless of what they say, can remember what a simple addition of Blood Elves to the horde did for the faction numbers, they increased vastly.

  7. Poor Bioware....poor republic.


    I could forgive poorly thought out dailies/weeklies, but the lack of foresight into protection of spawnpoints in a pvp-only map means Bioware just doesn't have people with the appropriate experience handling this.




    Exactly, those particular spawn points need to be guarded with some omnipotent guards or turrets who can one shoot player and be done with it as things are now.


    Two days from now you wont be able to see a republic player on Illum on some servers.

  8. How do you suggest they fix it?


    There were some good ideas discussed in this thread.




    Incentives for the republic, adding one alien exclusive race (Torguta, Kel,Dor, Nautolan or even Wookie), improved armor design.


    Much can be done really to increase interest for a specific faction.


    I know this comparison won't be to every ones liking, but all who are familiar with WoW and majority of people are regardless of what they say, can remember what a simple addition of Blood Elves to the horde did for the faction numbers, they increased vastly.

  9. Tip: don't attack the big blob, look for stragglers or people out hunting lockboxes by themselves and pick them off solo. Then hide (stealth if you can) and regen health. Repeat until daily is finished.


    Being outnumbered 5:1 doesn't mean a thing if you're prowling around the periphery looking for targets of opportunity.


    Be creative. Good luck :)


    I am sorry but you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

    There is no tactic or creativity that will help you once you face something like the guy on the video faced, he cannot even get the hell out of there less alone do something about it.

    And that is what is happening right now on majority of PvP servers after today's patch.

  10. Please refer to my previous comment of "Goodbye". I meant it. All you whiners and complainers are quite annoying. Enjoy the game or dont. Does the forum REALLY need 100 threads ALL saying the same thing? If you dont like it, either A) go back to WoW B) deal with it and enjoy other aspects of the game or C) leave.


    Enough said


    You are also annoying or a troll maybe.

    OP haven't mentioned WoW anywhere from what i have seen.

    And yes this forum needs 100 threads about it because otherwise they wouldn't be there.


    You either aren't doing any PvP on Illum and therefore have no clue what is going on there, or which is even more unbelievable you are on server that doesn't suffer from huge faction imbalance and therefore this problem doesn't affect you at all.

    Either that or you are playing Empire and zerging the 5-10 Republic players on Illum backed by 30-40 of your faction and find that the situation is just fine and good.

  11. Do you people even see what is happening on Illum on majority of servers after this patch got implemented, there are even videos in PvP section of the forum of like 30-40 Imperials zerging a few republic players.


    Soon the republic players will stop even showing up on Illum, then no one will be able to complete their daily quests and such, not even empire because it will just be them over there.


    Maybe THEN Bioware will finally acknowledge the problem and address it.

  12. I'll translate OP.


    "I don't like being at a disadvantage so instead of trying to better myself I'm going to spit my dummy out, have a tantrum and come onto forums as I'm an average 'quitter' person"


    You cannot make make yourself better when there are 4-6 of you only and being overrun by 30-40 imperials because you get crushed in a matter of seconds.

  13. I actually like the fact that the front page is flooded with new threads about how impossible it is for Republic to accomplish anything within the new system. Maybe it will get somebody's attention.


    IMO, faction population imbalance is currently the #1 problem with this game.


    Yes, i agree completely, this will make it more obvious than ever.

    Something needs to be done about because it's a huge problem.

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