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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. I asked Stephen Reid this: it does nothing. And, not only that, but I asked what would happen if you deleted every character on the server. Know what happens then? Nothing! You can't even petition for a surname change -- the GMs are unable to do that!


    I mean, really, it's mind-boggling. Name changes are just a part of life in MMOs. People get dissatisfied; they make mistakes; they have a change of heart -- how could you possibly launch a system whre NOT EVEN THE GMS CAN CHANGE SURNAMES, BIOWARE??


    GM definitely has the controls at his disposal to change even a legacy name, SR is a community manager, he doesn't know jack about it probably, the problem is that at this point the legacy system isn't fully developed yet, when that happens and all it's features are implemented i am sure a GM will be able to change Legacy name and that it will become an option at some point, won't happen in the next few months most likely.


    You will be able to change your legacy name eventually, i am pretty sure about that.


    On the side note, it's not really anyone else's fault that you for some reason have chosen some ridiculous name to be your legacy name.

    The fault is yours and yours alone.

  2. Actually my spelling is okay, it's my punctuation that's lacking, and no, I don't feel the need, I've tried this game and I don't like what I'm seeing.


    Well in that case it's all good, you will leave because you don't like it, and you will be a happier person, on the other hand we who do like it will be pleased as well because there will be one less here who talks about WoW's grandeur and it's amazing features.

  3. Even in WoW your actions actually can change the game world, phasing ftw!


    Really, who thought it was a good idea to make a game about story, an interactive medium where your story can change the world and then settle on merely telling the story when there's allready another game out there that actually shows the story.


    It's mindbaffling.


    Set up an avatar at least.

    Nobody here takes trolls without avatars seriously.

    Learn to spell also.

  4. REALLY? You went there? Sigh, not even sure I should dignify your post with a response. But I will, not like I have anything better to do at the moment.


    Lightsabers, space missions, in depth story missions, companions that play parts of the game for you. These are hardly game changing things. Lightsabers are just glowing swords. Space missions are just minigames. Companions are just pets with added functionality. The only part here that's actually different from WoW is the story-based quests, which don't even make up a large percentage of the game.


    WoW also has guild halls. TOR doesn't have player housing and never will, and guild ships = guild halls just with a scifi twist. WoW also has operations (they're called raids) and flashpoints (they're called dungeons)


    TOR is nothing new or unique, just because you paint a SW skin on it doesn't make it different. It has most of the same stuff and what's different is the fact that it LACKS basic features of WoW. It doesn't innovate in any meaningful way, the only innovation being a gimmick that will get old in a few months.


    I'm not saying WoW is grand, but there's a reason is has 10million subs, and it's not because it leeches off established IPs and fancy names.


    Are you one of those WoW lovers who believe that no other MMO before it existed?

    Please, WoW took more than a fair share of ideas from other titles himself.


    SWTOR is unique in fact because of the story, no other MMO has it at this level and discussion about it ends here really.


    And your subjective opinion regarding features that you claim TOR will never have is just hilarious.


    I played WoW and i liked it in it's time, but this is just a better game for me hands down.


    All this obviously upsets you so you should just go back to playing WoW, seems to me that it has all that you crave for.

  5. Some of this is uneededly sarcastic and biased. It's not as bad as it makes it out to be. Second, Darth Maul with robot legs is non canon. The Yuuzhan Vong were cut off from the force but this is explained. If you want unbiased I recommend you start with the thrawn series. You may be pleasantly surprised at how good it is.


    It takes place after the movies and is a good series of novels. It's what got me into the EU. Is the EU always great? No and it does have it's share of problems but a lot of it is actually pretty good.



  6. Uhh no....The next Dark lord is around ~100 years from now that has no connection to the Sith Empire whatsoever that managed to kill tens of thousands of jedi. It was described before he came that it was a time of peace.


    Its not really that long till the Sith Empire is totally wiped out. Bioware probably has about ~50 years to play with, maybe less.


    Who is this omnipotent dark lord?

    Sounds more serious than Sidious, which would be impossible really.

    Names please.

  7. Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


    - Storylines that matter.

    - Character Development.

    - A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

    - Balanced PvP.

    - Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

    - Companions that actually do something.


    From an old-time gamer I salute you.


    Excellent OP.

  8. Or this...




    This is a problem with SWTOR. It has been documented in many threads and responded to by the development team in many of the following:




    No Error Crash to Desktop



    Client crashes to desktop from loading screen



    Constant crash to desktop



    Crash to Desktop/Freezing/Locked up, Unable to play.



    Play for 5 minutes, Crash to Desktop



    Crash to Desktop Issues



    SWTOR Crash: Blue Screen of Death!



    Blue Screen errors related to SWTOR?



    Blue Screen - Stop: 0x00000101 Error



    Black Screen (BSOD) with Error code 9000 and 2005.




    None of the people i play with ever experienced ANY of the problems you mentioned.

    I do not think that you are lying of course, i am sure it does happen to you but you should ask yourself why.


    Note, NONE of this is happening to the vast majority of people.

    And problems with blue screens are almost always located at user's end.

  9. Like i said see the post before mine, there is ppl with high end machines that has low performance, as well.

    The game isnt optimized for every machine configuration and every graphic cards i belive.

    Bioware is looking into it.

    The point is there is nothing wrong with combat delay,it happens because the game isnt fully optimized for every configurations. How do you explain that i and several other players dont have this isue?!


    Newsflash...no PC game is optimized for every processor/card/motherboard/ram combination because this is PC we are talking about, configuration possibilities are practically limitless.

    There will always be some who experience certain issues that other people don't have.


    Not to mention software, some people have so much garbage on their system that it's practically choking, and no, not everyone knows how to keep their system clean and well optimized for certain things.

  10. Bluescreens can only be generated by faulty hardware or software running in ring 0. CTD's and black screen lockups are different (and can actually be caused by a faulty application).


    If you are getting blue screens, I'd start with upgrading your video drivers and then move onto the more obscure stuff.


    If you feel especially handy, you can do a bug check analysis using the method shown here: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/6302.aspx



  11. Why do most folks that think the game stinks have two things in common?


    1. They have made accounts in November or December of 2011.

    2. They type up HUGE posts that offer a ton of opinion and no facts to back up, what amounts to their personal feelings.



    Yes, that about sums it up.

  12. Hey Vorps, care to comment on this thread that was linked last night in yet another of your trolling threads?




    You know this thread right? the one over on WoWs forums were you were called out for having an irrational hare for SWTOR over on those forums? Posting with multiple alts slamming SWTOR for months and months?


    Im guessing you likely will not answer but you have been busted so hard as a WoW troll Im surprised you are still showing your face here.


    Haha busted :D

    Sorry little worm he is, no doubt about that.

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