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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. Allowing massive valor gains for the Imp side is not acceptible. There is no way for the Reps to compete with the zerg the Imps put out.


    Suggestions to help Pop. balance- the real issue.


    1. Give a bonus to xp/valor gain to the underdog faction- up to 100% based on ratio.


    2. Give more commendations for pvp based on the underdog faction.


    3. Give more monetary reward to the underdog faction for pvp objectives.


    4. Fix all the classes to be TRUE mirrors of eachother.


    These are just a few ideas to incentivise more players to play republic that wont actually change gameplay.


    Good ideas.


    I would like to add giving the Republic one exclusive alien race which people like (Kel'Dor, Togruta, Nautolan) and maybe a better armor design at some point would help a great deal also.


    Bioware made a huge mistake with their heavy Empire oriented propaganda before the game out.

  2. On the side note i think the people who are screaming about their sub cancellation every time a new problem emerges are just over reacting to the borderline of being hilarious.


    This is a huge problem obviously but the amount of drama showed by some is just unbelievable.

  3. Probably more to do with personal experience. Take my server for instance, Davik's Estate. When I queue for a couple of hours of PvP action I get maybe 2 matches of civil war and/or voidstar, the rest are all Huttball against other Emps. This is consistently the scenario regardless of time or day and has been this way since the servers went live.


    I can draw two conclusions from this:


    1. The Republics on our server might not be that into PvP. Hard to believe when I play on a PvP server but whatever.


    2. We have far more Empire players than Republic players.



    Also when you bring your Empire char to the fleet and see around 200 people every time, and then when you do the same with the republic char you see like 60 people tops.

    I know i know, not everyone is on the fleet and what not, but you see these numbers like 50 times in a row you know there is a problem.

  4. Only solution they soon got left is to give free Battlemaster and bump Valor Rank to 100 for all current and future created characters.


    And then make a valor rank of 200 available so people would have something to do in the coming months:D

  5. Death of the game right there....


    Not to pick on you personally. If you don't like the server you're on, by all means re-roll to a server you'll enjoy... but once that starts happening, it's all down hill for the game as a whole.


    I understand you completely mate, and i agree with you.


    But imbalance on some servers is unbelievable to say the least.

    I doubt the Imperials will find it fun in the longer run if the opposite faction is close to non existent, terrible for a PvP server.

  6. Crucible Pits server and Republic has the majority there. Toweliee is always streaming. The only downfall to Republic side is the shear number of Ruin guilds.


    Ruin, Ruination, Ruin Gaming, Ruinous, etc. etc.


    That's all you see on Crucible Pits (with the occasional Blue Rancor). Fun server though.


    Thanks for the response, much appreciated, i am thinking that my friends and i should re-roll, playing on a server that has 10:1(exaggerated a bit of course, but the imbalance is huge nevertheless) ratio for the Empire isn't really good for normal PvP experience.

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