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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. My server is full and healthy.

    Probably differs between servers.



    I see plenty of at least very high populated server in both US and EU at prime times.

    Mine is also very high/full often so i don't have any problems at all.


    Some servers are underpopulated though, but that is because Bioware opened more additional servers then they should have, when people complained about queues

  2. Yeah ok, my arguments are whining... and your posts are meaningless bashing, and attacks based in nonsense, which is why I stopped reading any lengthy post by you 5 pages ago.


    You saying "you should have joined a high pop server is complete BS and you know it. During early access, we were all joining full servers and waiting in queue, there was no way to know if our server was going to be one of the ones with a large drop off in population. You're just making yourself look like a fool making arguments that hold no basis in reality, then following up with insults when you're shot down for making no sense. Move along boy, you can't handle my kung fu.


    You are the one resembling to a fool constantly repeating yourself, but alas you fail to see it.

    Once you embrace the fact that you apparently made a poor server selection it will be much easier.

    If you want to stay on a dead server it's nobody's fault but YOURS.

    And yeah, your kung - fu nerd rage is impressive to say the least.


    Much anger i sense in you.

  3. Except, ummm it isn't thriving. At least nothing is showing me it's thriving. Look at all the posts from people that are already calling for server merges and such after the first free month was up. Go out and look at the trends on sites that track gaming activity. If it is "thriving" then I would admit I'm wrong, but I'm sorry, all the empirical evidence, outside of EA/BW talking head's positive spin speak, is telling me that it's on a quick downhill slope atm. (I do honestly wish that I was wrong about that. Really I do. I want the game to succeed. I want to play SWTOR for a long time. I won't play a dead mmo though. Been there done that with AoC and WAR.)


    My server isn't dead, it IS actually thriving, it's packed and new people are coming also.

    When i look at the server list i see a lot of very heavy populated servers, some full, so i really find the threads about the game dieing and such quite hilarious.


    People cried at the beginning because of queues, they opened up more servers, now people on those servers are complaining how it's empty, surprise surprise...


    You probably aren't on one of those packed servers, whose fault is that?

  4. And yet you're essentially basking in the failure of others.


    Since I started posting in this thread a bit ago the only people I've seen who are building strawman and engaging in such behavior are you and the guy you quoted.


    Seriously, stop acting like that and present a real argument. You're demonstrating, instead, why people shouldn't consider your opinion and damaging your own position in the process.


    Yes, well, i am sorry to break it to you but this thread existed long before you jumped on board, long before you even joined the forum debates about this issue were raging, it's like nothing new honestly.

    I have stated my arguments before.


    How about you, why is the implementation of this system so important, you seem more than eloquent enough so i really doubt that finding a group to do certain things in game is a problem for you?

    Is it because there isn't enough people on your server, is it because WoW has it and all that WoW has SWTOR should have also, in all seriousness there are people who are used to Warcraft's systems, have played a lot and now are not so thrilled that this game doesn't have some of those.


    These are all legitimate reasons in my opinion for someone wanting this tool, so i am not mocking here, just to be perfectly clear.

  5. Not aggravation (not yet, so long as my server hits Very Heavy pop every night) so much as confusion and depression. Confusion as to how an MMORPG developed by Bioware, published by EA, on a monstrous budget released in 2011 without even a rudimentary grouping tool (the broken LFM window notwithstanding), and depression because I know Bioware is going to lose a lot of subs and income from their decision to hold back on implementing such a vital feature. My priority is to keep this game active because it's enjoyable, and nothing keeps a game active like having a community focused enough to complete content, pay for that content, then have the developers cycle that money into continued delivery.


    My hearts with the game, and it's more sad than anything to see you take pleasure in our attempt to save it.


    My heart is also for the game, i plan to play it for a long time because i like it.


    It's just that our opinions on this matter are very much different and it's ok, perfectly normal.

    I believe that game can thrive even without the system you want them to implement, you disagree and that's that.


    I see in your signature that you are advocating for some other things, like AC change which i am STRONGLY against, on the other hand i agree with you Legacy name change etc.


    Bottom line is that some of those things will be made available from Bioware, i am sure of that, but i am also sure that some of them wont be incorporated.


    Bottom line is, i repeat, that this game can thrive without some of things because it's good, and it will keep getting better and better as the time passes.

  6. Whats rude is how all the pro-LFG peeps can do to support their argument is make sarcastic, witty, unfunny trolling comments all day to the people who bring up valid points against the inclusion of a LFG system.


    This thread is turning into a flame war in part by the pro-lfg people who reject every valid point made by an anti-LFG person. Every comment i've seen basically follows the format:




    LOLNO. LFG please.




    This is the truth.


    It actually pleases me quite a lot me that their precious tool won't be seen in the foreseeable future, i bet it aggravates them immensely.

  7. nice try

    and any proof that "rLFG" cause this?


    it's a lieeeeeee


    no one talks in dungeon becourse they actually busy and guess from what?

    playing tha game, SURPRISE_HERE!!11!11oneone


    and ufail so hard in one sentence… you say that no-one talk, don't even say hello and then you say "people are extremely rude" HOW? how they do it while "don't even talk"


    I see that this is very stressful for you, you should take some time off to preserve your nerves and work on your spelling and grammar, your LFG tool won't make you literate unfortunately.

  8. Just give him his 100 characters, with 4 ships per character, two ac per character,

    And all his characters start at level 50, so he can run his credit farming website.


    Go troll elsewhere.


    As one of the posters above mentioned i would also have no problem if additional character slots were available for purchase, would buy a few myself.

  9. My boyfriend and I both play, and we reguarly have a laugh about what our characters are doing!


    This is called a healthy relationship.

    Luckily i have one of those with my girlfriend, we were also laughing the other night and she was mocking me when those flirt/romance options showed up :D


    Women (and men) who are insecure to the point of confronting their partner about things like this in a video game are only trouble.

  10. Need before greed.



    Need is when it is an upgrade for your character.


    Greed is for everything else (sell to vendor, sell to auction house, cosmetic outfit, companion outfit, destroy for fun, ect...)



    You should not press "need" on items that are not an upgrade for you. That's why there's 2 buttons (greed and need) instead of just "roll"




    There are THREE buttons actually, an option to PASS is also available, the sad thing is aside from myself and a very small percentage of others i rarely see anyone pass on anything.

  11. 2) The Republic needs more cool alien races (making this one green because it seems to be the most popular idea by far): This was said in another thread somewhere, and I agreed with it. The Sith are the racists. The Republic are open to alien relations. There should be many more race options available to the Republic that AREN'T (<---this is key) available to the Sith. This would give an incentive to roll Republic. Examples of races that could be included are the Kel Dor (Master Plo Koon), the Nautolan (Master Kit Fisto), Togruta (Ahsoka Tano), Wookies! (for Smugglers!), the Voss, etc. These are races that I've already seen in game, so the models are already there. They just need to be playable. This would definitely draw players that are more interested in aesthetics to the Republic.


    3) Not every Jedi wears a brown hooded robe: The amount of variety that the Empire has in terms of gear compared to the Republic is absurd. They have many more aesthetic options to choose from, and most of them are MUCH cooler and MUCH more intricate than the Republic's options. The next time the gear design team sits down to create some Jedi gear, they may want to look at some pictures of the armor Obi Wan wears in the Clone Wars or the outfit Anakin wears. Heck, even Luke in the Return of the Jedi had some sweet black gear. Just remember this -- when someone who isn't super-versed in Star Wars looks at a picture of the Jedi Knight PvP gear (the Samurai) then looks at the Sith Juggernaut PvP or PvE gear (the massive cyborg mech thing), most people are going to pick the Sith. If the aesthetics are their only concern, the Republic is doomed.




    These two things are very important in my opinion.



    Republic needs one cool alien race being exclusive to them in order to increase popularity.

    Some work on aesthetics, armor design etc. also wouldn't hurt.

  12. NO


    Oh and NO don't even think about it :p


    It's like asking to repec your priest to a warrior or your rogue to a mage stupid idea IMO and no game would ever do it..... if BW ever give in to this they'll be kissing their game concept goodbye......


    Make a choice and live with it... Advanced classes are separate - how hard is that to grasp?


    Obviously too hard for some.


    I'm sure that Bioware will not allow AC change, there is absolutely no reason to do so.

  13. Also what you call complaining I call feedback. I will agree the swtor is horrible threads really need to go. The "feature I think would work well and here is why" threads are important pieces of feedback even if you don't agree with it.


    Fair enough, with this i agree completely.


    You have to admit though, people are very divided when it comes to this feature, it has it's pros and cons that were stated many times in this and other discussions.


    In my opinion if they implement a regular dungeon finder not many people will be against it at all, but on the other hand the cross server version of it would have a much larger opposition judging from the debates about it.

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