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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. I healed for a very long time through LFG in WoW. I was a very good healer. The only time I didn't heal was when a DPS pulled the second (and subsequent) time, and then it was only that bad DPS that suffered the penalty. Players who can't learn from words may learn from death.


    As a healer, why in the world would I launch the LFG tool if my intent was to NOT heal the FP? How stupidly pointless would that be?


    Is the anti-LFG community so devoid of legitimate arguments that they have to invent unlikely scenarios?



    EDIT: For the record, I do the same thing when I have to spam for a group in this game. If a DPS pulls after being warned not to, they get no healing on that pull. Depending on which tank I'm running with, they may also get to keep all the aggro for themselves until they're dead, too.


    Good for you, but to say i invented the senario...well, thats BS.


    I can recall 100's of lovley tank vs. Healer fights that broke up groups, tanks announcing on queue that "All loot was thiers, dont like it? sit in queue for another 30mins noobs", Healers going AFK for over 10mins several times, DPS running all over aggroing everything in sight to wipe "for ***** and giggles", and many many more exciting and fun times had in x-server LFD.


    And i was always thrilled to know that no one on thier servers knew this, no one in thier guild knew they acted this way because in any other aspect of the game they simply didnt. They did these things simply because they could. You see when you give humans free range to act like idiots...they always take you up on it.

  2. shes weak bro, Beaten by Darth Malgus TWICE.


    Once saved from death by her master who Malgus slaughtered


    Second saved from a trooper while on her knees with her saber cut in half by Malgus




    i.e. "BRO" Malgus is stronger than her in "Return", in "Hope" we see her vastly more powerfull enough to make Malgus' jaw drop in astonishment and then throw him through a mountain. In time she will easily eclipse him.


    The dark side peaks early, even in battle, over time the light always overcomes the dark.

  3. No he didn't.



    Lucas said, "This is the part where Mace wins the duel."


    And then the directors or the other 2 dudos were talking about trying to make Mace look like he was struggling against the lightning.


    Thats what i just said....your post makes no sense.

  4. No I don't remember that. I remember my client crashing every once in awhile for various reasons, but nothing that persisted for a week. Guess I'm part of the "ADHD crowd."


    Even if what you guys are saying is true, (which it isn't) you're somehow using that to make an argument for what? I remember when cars didn't have ABS, therefore we shouldn't expect new models to have ABS today.


    You have a selective memory then.


    As for your last comment, you can wish in one hand and **** in the other and see wich fills up first. MMO's are what they are, sorry kid, mabey the genre isnt for you.

  5. honestly bioware.


    just bring in transmorgification system that blizzard brought into wow for this game so you can keep these self-entitled no gooders from ************.


    Or one of the other apperance modification systems that other MMO's had in place before WoW copied them.....

  6. At least bugs get squashed pretty quickly here. It took Blizzard four and a half months to figure out how to stop a flight master from falling through the ground and de-spawning for an hour...:mad:


    Vanilla was awful.


    Remeber how the entire game crashed for over a week during the 1st halloween when they added the decorations to the cities?


    If the ADHD crowd that throws a tantrum over the smallest thing here had played any other MMO at launch they'd have probably found them hanging in thier closet. These kids need to get a grip on reality.

  7. No but Bioware's product in 2012 is about as functional as WoW was in 2007.

    Bioware ignores what the community wants and instead invents some fail solution for everything(i.e. Server groups) and eventually they will lose a huge number of people.


    Like it, hate it whatever.... I've seen this happen with every "wow-killer" and their fanboys.


    And WoW was as functional in 2004 (WoW's real launch date, not 2007) as EQ was in 1999. And so it will be with every MMO ever released.


    Welcome to the genre, enjoy your stay.

  8. this is why you have this awesome thing called an ignore list. it wont take long for them to get blacklisted and not get groups if you use it.


    Wont help with a cross server LFD tool coming.

  9. I disagree with the argument in general. Neither would have won due to the dark-side-explosion resulting in the Emperor's death. In a pure duel where no outside Force powers were used, it would be a duel to the end of one of their natural lives due to old age giving the victory to Mace. Why? Mace was very fluent in form VII of lightsaber combat which is borderline Sith technique. Being the Grand-master he was, and the most skilled of all Jedi in lightsaber combat (Yoda holding that title for the Force power), and Sidious being the ONLY sith and therefore the strongest and most powerful, it would be based on location. Like Obi-Wan demonstrates, high ground is important, but is by-passable because if Mace had high ground, he could wait forever because the Jedi's peaceful nature would allow him to not want to continue the fight. If you were to extend the fight to Sidious' Force lightning, and Mace's Emerald lightning (which he was fluent with), the edge would go to Sidious due to the prolonged period that he could keep it up. However, over a long duration, Mace would come back because of the energy issue. Sidious is getting energy from the Dark Side, while Mace is drawing the same energy from the Light Side, and tapping into his passion side with his form VII. When Anakin is inserted into the equation, it is a flip of a coin. Had Mace at the time not been slightly consumed by his passion, he could have foreseen Anakin's betrayal, and counteracted this by pulling his hand in slightly and blocking the blow while kicking the Emperor off the building. Also, if he would have had the Emperor stand trial before the Jedi Council, (obviously his emergency powers revoked for the trial) then sentenced to imprisonment on a remote planet or a cell on Coruscant surrounded by Ysalmari to stop his Force, Anakin would have actually helped Mace as long as he had access to Sidious as a friend. But back to the original point, Mace was not doomed from the start, he simply went about it wrong. He was slightly consumed by his passion and it blinded him. He was already angered by the grant to Palpatein the emergency powers, and was frustrated with Anakin. Had he gone in with a clear mind, or knocked out Sidious with the Force before the battle started, he could have easily one. If anyone was doomed from the start, it was the three Jedi with Mace.


    Much to learn about paragraphs and punctuation, you still have. :csw_yoda:

  10. So nobody has any models or action figures,


    Am I the only one that is collecting these day of star wars stuff, just think in 20 years what i have collected today might be worth enough to pay off the house tomorrow....lol


    Am i alone in this or are fan or nerds too ashamed to post.


    Toys? No.


    Limited edition premium statues / busts, Replica lightsabers / blasters / armor, and hardcover novels....Yes.


    Some places of intrest if you ever decide to move up to collectables.







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