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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. biodrones recipe for a good game:

    -voice acting



    the quests in wow are more varied, have better flow, and are within better zones (with better music). The quests in swtor are basically variations of two different quests with little difference between them and most are pointlessly voice acted that add nothing to the experience.


    Each planet has 1-2 major light side/dark side quests where your choices matter. The other quests are just pointless side quests where an npc spurts the same lines regardless of what you say. The main class quest story lines are uninspired and feel hamfisted to send you to each planet. They're pretty boring compared to the mass effect story line.


    Blizzard knows how to properly manage their games. Swtor made me appreciate wow and i could probably give reasons why all day.



  2. No...they lack in endgame because devs have no idea what the **** to do. A great leveling experience will only keep you subbed for so long. It's limited in how you can improve and how much you can add, since once you hit the maximum level, that content loses its purpose(and thats how dailies are born). If it didn't work for you, too bad.


    I know I had a good time leveling in WoW, maybe because I did it with my friends back when leveling took some effort. Admittedly, I also had a blast leveling in SWTOR...Problem is, the fun ended 3 weeks after hitting 50.


    Or mabey...just mabey....the game is just barely 3 months old.


    If you knew anything about WoW, wich you clearly dont, (prolly a wrath baby FFS) then you'd know that it took at least 2 years to ven beguin to flesh out WoW's endgame. Were you to play WoW at 3 months in....you'd just start to see server stability and you'd be lvl 10-20 so far.

  3. Which is YOUR OPINION.


    I fully intend to let my twin boys play SWTOR at age 7 and have their own computers by age 12 so they can play with mommy and daddy.


    Furthermore, I started playing MMORPG's when I was 12. I learned teamwork, social skills that I didnt learn on the school yard, as well as a lot of math. I was adding/ multiplying and deviding huge numbers back then without a calculator because in Ultima Online, I ran multiple businesses.


    MORPG's do nothing but teach, it all relys heavily on the parents to what the MMORPG teaches their children.


    My parents did not play however, my dad was very interested in what my businesses were and helped them grow until I was known throughout the whole server.


    Every MMO i've played has taught me alot, youre right, my catalouge of curse words grew 10 fold, i know the name of every depraved sexual postion on earth, i know how to say full words with abbreviations, i know that being cool on the internet > being cool in real life, i know that when i get killed in pvp it's ok to tell the killer that youre going to track thier IP, travel to thier house and anal **** thier kids with a knife. I also know that being a cyber bully is cool and that being an e-thug is the way to go because online i can talk about anyone and they cant touch me...i bet that'll carry over well into real life.


    Man, now that i think of it.....


    No MMO's arent for kids and the ones for kids are full of pedos posing as children.

  4. Because the lightning is a physical manifestation of the dark side, and a corruption of the force. You can't produce that kind of effect unless you are all but consumed by the dark side already.


    And anyone trying to tell you different is just trying to seduce you to the dark side.


    That was the explination for years and years, not sure if it still is.

  5. The real reason....


    We've already had conservative "news" outlets going on about the "sex slave in a shock collar" - Vette the SW companion who is a slave but nothing to do with sexual.


    Imagine if a wookie PC started having a romance with a human comp....there would be calls of animals having realations with humans (yes, ********ity is censored....) and such.

  6. There are more comics in the Old Republic than Novels. In fact some of the best comics of SW are set in the old Rep.


    And the novels that are made for this game(Fatal Alliance, Decieved, etc) are extremely terrible.



    But there is an Old Republic Novel set 3000 years after Revan and it is the DB series, which was OK. The First Novel was really good.


    Thats your opinion, Fatal Alliance was one the best stand alone SW books to be released in quite a while. Decieved is basically Malgus' story and sheds alot of light on the character if thats something that intrests the OP, and Revan, well it is what it is, i liked it because it was like a reunion with old freinds from KOTOR 1 & 2 and gives you the sotry of the TOR emperor.

  7. In my experiance my Mara had to keep Quinn by his side 100% of the time to make sure i didnt die. I never got used to the multitude of abilities maras have. And medium armor looks like ****.


    I absolutly love my new Jugg, i can survive against groups of mobs solo. I love tanking in this game, never liked it in any other MMO. I can finally use my apprentice rather than being tied to Quinn, and the fight at the end of the class storyline was so much easier. And heavy armor looks great.


    It pained me to do it but i just deleted my mara (1st character ever) as soon as i got jugg to 50.

  8. clearly you didn't even read the article. all the points he makes are valid, completely level-headed and fair. then again it's typical from someone like you to shove anyone who criticizes this game into your cute little catagory there because you just aren't intelligent enough to know the difference.



  9. Obvious that someone hasn't bothered to read up on the subject first...


    According to George Lucas, Luke is the most powerful Jedi of all times.

    According to the EU Luke is the most powerful Jedi of all times.


    Quite simply fail to see how these two facts can be so hard for some people to understand.

    This is once more, not a matter open for debate or opinion, no more then the speed limit is open for debate when you're pulled over, or gravity is a matter of opinion.


    Personally I thought the most interesting Jedi was Qui-Gon, but I know enough about SW and EU lore to know he wasn't the most powerful one to exist.


    Welcome to America, enjoy your stay.

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