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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. Try movies in theaters, they can entertain you with no such effort.


    I recommend Star Wars Episode I, 3D version, you'll enjoy high quality movies from 21st century and you will not have to click at all.


    Kid when you pay my sub you can tell me what the hell do with it, sound fair sport?


    And btw way since you love sandbox why not go play one and quit crying about this game?

  2. Star Wars won't suffer the same fate, much like a runaway it will be made an example of and live on as the big high school quarterback who could have gone pro but never could be bothered to really try. Fanboys will sing SWTOR's praises for a while but after 1.2 fixes little and creates more problems than it solves they will look to 1.3. And much like 1.2, 1.3 does the same and by then the perpetual cycle will begin and little by little people will cease to care an walk away.


    Kinda like every MMO ever made...also, here you are playing such a fail game, makes one question your mental state and IQ tbh.

  3. Also, Padme wasn't a distressed old person dying alone. Padme was not only a heathly young woman, she also had access to highly advanced medical science & tech. It's ridiculous that her body just decides to shut down for no real reason. It's even more ridiculous that the advanced medical droids can't save her and pretty much shrug and say, "Don't know, must be magic!!"


    I know man...it's like it isnt even real...almost like it's....i dont know, made up or something.

  4. There's nothing I agree with Walsh about, but you're right. Just because we don't agree with his viewpoints doesn't mean we have the right to attempt to discredit him. Be careful not to become the very thing you're trying to abolish, Mefit.


    I also agree, he's a Jedi fanboy at Troy Denning levels and tbh kind of a know-it-all and that rubs me the wrong way but i wouldnt personally attack his real life. LOL, no one would guess i have a Ph.D in Archeology and anthropology so i know for a fact you cant tell who someone is online.

  5. My great grandmother died 2 days after my great grandfather died of cancer. She was 100% healthy just 61 years old, never had a condition in her life. She simply said she didnt want to live without him and died in her sleep that night.


    For all our science and technology sometimes theres things that they just cant explain or fix.

  6. I personally think the fault is on the Lucas camp. In the 90's, after the Thrawn trillogy kick started the EU, every sentence in EU material was looked over by Lucas / Bantam editors to ensure that canon wasnt out of context and the stories were acceptable. I didnt know that in these last few years it was just pure anarchy, wich is why i never pointed blame at Traviss, but knowing that now, i still dont, if they still policed the material none of this would have happened. Dont give authors catre blanche to write w/e then cry about what they did. No wonder everything since TNJO is piss-poor.
  7. It just occurred to me that there is very little levity in this game. Wouldn't it be nice if your companion occasionally said something like, "I'm really getting sick of killing sand grubs, can't we find a beach somewhere and relax?" Even if a mob said, "Ouch! That hurts! I thought Jedi were supposed to be nice!" Just once, I'd like to see an NPC say, "Yeah, now you have to save the galaxy like those forty other guys ahead of you did earlier today." "Thank you for saving the lives of countless people, here's enough credits to count for about a nickel for each one." Even if your companion said, "OMG, look at this hat you gave me. I look like a drum major in a St. Patrick's Day parade."


    So please post your suggestions. Keep it clean, or the thread will get closed. If nothing else, it will make for amusing reading while we are standing around on Fleet.


    Actually Mako says things just like this. Beach and all.

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