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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. Again, some of her statements may be a lie, but Khem Val, Tulak Hord's personal assassin, has repeatedly backed up her statements with his own.


    Not only that but TOR and the Book of Sith give us information that back up her claims as well.


    My personal assassin and #1 fanboy says i have the biggest bulge of any Sith Lord ever...must be true.


    Kem is a little obssesed with Hord and borderline in love with him, not a reliable source. And tbh i cant remeber seeing Hord even mentioned in 'Book of Sith'.

  2. As it is stated before, you can't compare different era's. It's like comparing a scientist from ancient greek times to sayyyyy Albert Einstein.... ofcourse Albert is smarter, the human race evolves everyday in small ways.


    So with that logic you would believe that Luke is the strongest Jedi, but at the same time Kreia said something in KOTOR 2 while on Korriban that I always remember (I know, she mentions Sith not Jedi but the point remains) "this was the tomb of Tulak Hord, known as the greatest Lightsabre duelists of the Sith Lords. His skill was considered remarkable even in his time, when many true lightsabre masters lived." Exile asks: "are you saying modern jedi are poorly skilled with a lightsabre?" and Kreia replied with "If you were to face an ancient Sith Lord in combat, you would learn that we are as children playing with toys compared to the

    prowess of the old Masters."


    So this little tid bit of info from the EU makes me think all jedi/sith from KOTOR - Legacy of the Force are weak compared to ancient Jedi/Sith. Ofcourse that is just with lightsabre combat.


    However since we do not know much about the Jedi and Sith that came before, if we follow this logic then the masters of the force from TOR era would be a little more powerful than the jedi of the movie era... but my bet is still on Luke as his father was made purely by the force and only contained a slight amount of dilution of none force user DNA... but since Ani never truly reached his potential on that note his SON Luke did or still is reaching his potential.


    Far to many ppl put far too much merit in her ramblings.

  3. The game engine is complete garbage, it's like it can't handle more than a few people on-screen at the same time, which is just plain sad considering this is an MMO, i say rebuild the game using Unreal Engine or something that actually works, at least that way the game will feel more like an MMO.


    I'd suggest you 1st rebuild your garbage Wal-Mart PC.

  4. How about FREE transfers instead? At least for the people that have been playing since day 1. I mean, it's not my fault that my heavy server (at the time) is now light.




    FACT. Only heavy servers on day 1 are only light at off times, if you play at off times and are complaining then it boils down to your ignorance not the state of the game.

  5. Yeah totally, i know its alot of fun having the 3-4 ppl now fighting over a quest objective...imagine the fun if it were 300-400 at once! And personally, i was just saying the other day how i didnt have any lag till i hit the imp fleet with 300+ on it....how awesome would my lag be with 300,000!


    What a gerat idea!

  6. Windu defeated Sidious. If it wasn't for Anakin cuting his arm, Sidious would have died by his hand.




    Windu deafeted Sidious in the lightsaber duel, that little backwards shuffle on the edge of the window was one of complete shock from Sidious....although he could have went "UNLIMITED POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" on him at any moment but he was waiting for Anakin.


    As for this pointless thread...Luke = all ~ George Lucas.


    End thread.

  7. That was a serious question on my part.. why is he so popular? he didn't do anything awesome. Same with Fett (name freaks me out, too, speaking german "Fett" literally translates to "fat") or really any other character besides Vader.. none of them were really interesting. Now I'm surely not a big SW fan to begin with but all the characters that appeared were pretty simple and kinda boring.


    That is why you fail.

  8. Based on the info above, (2015-2016, between Ep. 3-4, non-force user) it could be Han Solo. He is the one guy we haven't gotten anything on in the prequels.


    You'd have to find a Ford look alike that can act, Most likley outcome would be 400 internet cribabies spending thousands of hours in redbull fueled online hateposting marathons.


    No matter what comes out the same ppl will rage online about it for years.

  9. What are you shocked about?


    That people who are upset with a product are complaining about it?


    Complaining / constructive critisim is one thing.....


    The absolute vitrolic and / or ignorant threads that are made day after day after day about this game are absurd.


    When i was young some ppl liked Mario, some liked Sonic, but we didnt threaten to put a hole in the head of someone that disagreed with us.

  10. Anakin would have been in much more capable hands. Obi-Wan ended up being a great Jedi master, the stuff of legends, but as a newly knighted knight at 19(?) with the added pressure of taking a padawan...who happened to be the Chosen One of all things it was too much.


    You could tell by the way he acted towards Anakin in Ep.2 he wasnt ready for such burden.

  11. I minor'd in psych actually and there are 3 types i find that play the "baddies" in video games (played MMO's for 11 years now, been around a lot of ppl).


    1) The powerless in real life. They are the bullied, the taunted, and sadly depresed. In video games thay tend to play the "bad guys" as a way to vent thier anger and become the bully, it becomes a way to reverse the role they have in real life.


    2) The bully themselves. Bullies like...well bulling, No bully will ever go home and cry him/herself to sleep because thier sad about the ppl they've belittled and degraded over the coruse of the day. They also, if they play video games, will tend to play the "bad guys".


    3) The nice guy. Many times nice, well adjusted ppl will play a baddie just to escape thier normal reality, and sometimes like the bullied to vent a little anger (but no where near the lvl of the bullied).


    On a side note the "good" side is usually less populated because its more of a less diverse feild of players that make them up.


    At least thats what i've found in my time in the genre but is in no way absolute...because only sith deal in those!

  12. Seems people come to the discussion forum berating tor as it isn't like SWG and how great it was....well removing the rose tinted specs I remember...


    Buff wars and overpowered spies

    Empty servers

    Empty space

    Wasting time bounty hunting for Jedi only to find them afk grinding from rooftop houses

    Exploits aplenty such as bike calling in combat

    Line of sight crap

    Card game just another way to fleece subscribers

    Server transfers costing 50 dollars just to move to a server with a couple more people on

    Afk grinding rife pre and cu game


    I could go on and on....I'm so glad it's over


    You sir are a true and honest man...i feel bad that soon the SWG zealots will come to destroy you.

  13. Great, now we get to have the annonymity of being from a random server and acting like the biggest jerk ever born to an entire group with no repercussions!


    As a tank i say good, if ppl dont like doing what i say when i say they can sit in DF for another hour waiting for a tank like in WoW because i'll boot them, im a tank and im your god now because your in my group.


    Yes, this is what will happen ppl, just like WoW, ppl will become unberable to even group with. Server side LFG queue would have been the solution, not this.

  14. So, you couldn't come up with any supporting evidence, and just fall back on asserting "no no no no" while sticking your fingers in your ears?


    Warriors and paladins share none of the same abilities.

    Feral (tank) druids and restoration druids share some of the same abilities, but have some specific ones gained by their class.

    Shadow (tank) consulars and sage (healer) consulars share some of the same abilities, but have some specific ones gained by their class.



    clearly: the advance class change for a shadow tank to a sage healer is analogous to switching from feral tank spec to restoration healing spec for a druid, and is not analogous to a changing from a warrior to a paladin..


    Really doesnt matter if he had any evidence, BIOWARE (you know, the makers of the game) have said your AC is your class, you can cry till your blue in the face, kick, scream, yell, and hold your breath....wont change anything.

  15. they can add them and most likely they will just they will add them as their own class like a Wookie Beserker with it's own storyline. They won't add Wookie Smuglers or troopers.




    No one will want to sit through hearing a wookie roar for 2 mins when answering questions in a cutscene while reading text of whats being said.

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