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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. Whoever said it was a subpar game never actually played it. IT was a great sandbox game.


    What most ppl are referring to was the CU upgrade "combat upgrade" or the NGE upgrade "new game enhancement" which completely ruined the game.


    It was more or less had a bad dev team which ruined the game


    I played for 8 years on and off and it was ****** 90% of the time.


    The CU was the only era that was worth playing TBH.


    As for the "great features" ppl remember....rose colored glasses....rose colored glasses.

  2. That's like saying no car company should ever have to improve on the Model T, since they should be judged on what the standard was 7 years ago, not currently.


    Apples and oranges.


    Cars =/= Video Games.


    Have fun crying about GW2 after launch...it wont be the mmo messiah youre obviously expecting either.

  3. As a fanboy from the start, I am now ready to fully admit this game is a failure. It was launched with 60% of the content it should have had. The pvp is a joke. Many of us play TOR purely for pvp. We get huttball 80% of the time because of faction imbalance, which is going to be around in ANY MMO. So why WZs were made faction specific (except Huttball) is beyond me, and beyond stupid.


    We couldnt move our UIs.

    We have no target of target, necessary for both pve and pvp.

    We couldnt queue to warzones with 8.

    We had this legacy system with no perks, why launch with this incomplete.

    We have plenty of hackers in PVP that never get any punishment, let alone a ban.

    World pvp is disgustingly broken, unused.

    THE LEVEL 50 PLANET IS DESERTED. Ilum is no longer used.


    Bioware, I know a lot of getting this game pushed through incomplete is EA's fault, but come on, it's beyond a joke now, and I just preordered Guild Wars 2 and will be unsubscribing.


    To anyone that is going to chime in with, "Well X MMO (99% sure its going to be WOW) didn't launch with this or that! Be greatful you had this and that." TOR was launched to compete with WOW, in its current form. Get with the times, the bar has been raised and you need to meet or exceed it, not fail dramatically to come near it. New car companies dont launch with tech from the 80s and go "Well Ford didnt launch with those options, it took years!" Irrelevant as this games pvp has become.


    I really wanted to like this game. I tried really hard to enjoy it, and I have. But because of how pvp is set up, after 3 weeks post 50, it's boring as watching paint dry. You have failed to keep the avid pvp'ers, I wouldn't be surprised if you see servers even more desolate now.


    No mmo can launch with 7 years worth of content, patches, fixes, and features out of the gate. Welcome to reality.

  4. Wow.... i know quite a few people on my server who during the past few days resubbed in anticipation of ranked WZ's.


    This feels like the one of the biggest MMO money grabs in history, draw people back in for ranked WZ's only to announce hours before the patch it wont make it in, thus hoping people will keep those subs open until they make it in.


    BW i had alot of faith in you, i kept going with you till now, fully hoping you would get it right, well you havent, its still completely wrong, and as much as i hate looking like one of the other forum warriors.... F IT! I'm done, unsubbed, OUT!



    Good luck, not that i think you have much future with this game.


    You must be new, welcome to the genre.

  5. Bioware letting us down is becoming too consistent of a trend. No open world pvp, no ranked war zones..........but if you reroll a new character to 50, they have taken time to give candy for that chase.


    The priorities of the devs seem to be different than the community.




    The Vocal Minority always thinks it's a majority.

  6. been searching everywhere, still cant find it, im sure someone will recognise it. ive seen it on several npcs (cant remember them all offhand) but that one is easily accessible.


    does anyone know what the artifice trainer on the imperial fleet is wearing? please?


    You know just because an NPC is wearing it doesnt mean it's available to players.

  7. Most ppl in the US are asleep what with it being the early AM hours....weird i know.


    I love the ppl that post that the game is dead or thier server is empty because no one is online at 3AM.

  8. Revan wasn't bad. Fatal Alliance was frelling awful, though, I'm still amazed that they even let that pile of crap go to print.


    The Republic Commando books are quite readable, even though they're not about the Rule of Two as you've asked. The four books (Hard Contact, Triple Zero, True Colours, and Order 66) follow two squads of clone commandos from the beginning of the Clone Wars up till the execution and immediate aftermath of Order 66. Personally I thought the fifth book, Imperial Commando, was crap though. And it doesn't help that Karen Traviss basically spat in the face of her SW fans rather than give closure on story threads she introduced in IC.


    You just cant let it go can you? There cant be one single EU book thread without someone crying over this issue when it wasnt even asked about.

  9. Thanks for this, biggest surprise for me is that taunt does increase threat even if the taunter is the mobs current target.


    Which is incredibly useful information to have (slightly surprised that other posters can't seem to see why this is useful to know but there ya go.)


    Really? Your surprised MMO players dont understand basic gameplay in MMO's?

  10. not sure how many people actually bought them. I know I did and I enjoyed them however I can't find any figure on the total sales. They did well but not sure how well.


    I am sure they are not the highest selling SW game out there.


    But I still return to my original statement which is simulator games don't sell well. There is a reason why the PC market doesn't have a ton of Space, tank, plane and submarine simulator games out there.


    Did they sell like KOTOTR? No, and some of that can be due to the small PC gaming market of the early-mid 90's because the Rouge Squadron games were platnum sellers on consoles.


    Also.....dont think the OP said anything about sims, wich is why i suggest a "Wing Commander" like space RPG with Star Wars skin.

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