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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. TBQH it went a little far but GD'it im sick to death of reading about a bunch of religious zelots that got lucky in a gentetic lottery destroying an entire galaxy for tens of thousands of years.


    A fresh perspective was needed, it was given, spawned a new culture of fans and was in an instant destroyed. Like it or not it set a precedence that will keep anyone from writing anything but Jedi / Sith fan fiction in the EU.


    Mandalorians were a shade of grey in the white/black SW universe and the only group not reliant on the force to even matter in the grand scheme of things, now thier second rate inept barbarians and will never be anything more.

  2. Launch is over. It's about the game now and out in the world compared to the others. Still, I've always been of the mind that you can't compare the launch of one MMO to another because they launch at different points in time.


    TOR was never competing with WoW at launch. From the moment it was conceived, it was competing with WoW now. The only way to accurately compare the launches of both to each other is if they both launched at relatively the same time.


    Poster was talking launches, i just replied.


    To the highlighted, no MMO will ever be launched with 8 years worth of content and x-pac's. If thats what the new players / WoW lifers are expecting from any New MMO, then thier in for a helluva shock.

  3. Funny that the first post is always spam and doesn't read the OP.


    Completely agree with the assessment; this game's launch was lacking. People who are okay with it by comparing it to WoW's launch are backward thinkers. This game needed to launch with much more if it wanted to be the most successful MMO available.


    Hey ...it was launched with MUCH MORE, SWG, WoW, CoH, LotR, AoC all were months of headaches at launch, other than a few bugs that were blown out of porportion by the vocal minority, TOR's lauch is now the benchmark. Only Rift can even compare to launch success.

  4. VO, is it that great? I mean now they MUST have VO on every new quest they make. And they also MUST have movies. More work.


    And player must wait months before they get something new. And when it's out for the players, they are done with it the same day...

    I think this game need more mission terminals. :D


    As for the highlighted...welcome to MMO's, enjoy your stay.


    As for VO's...yes, thier great, after 12 years in the genre i actually care about the story and not just lvling to max ASAP.

  5. Blizzard created a fun game because you could do more than just Raid, PvP, and Dailies.


    There is nothing "fun" to do in TOR unless all you do is like to Raid, PvP, and Dailies.


    There is no fishing or fun activity that does not involve killing something.


    There are no fun seasonal events which introduce fun events and collectables.


    There is no reason to run around collecting gear because it looks good and you want to use it.


    There is no "HAHA, that is Luigi and Mario!" "LOL! That's Links Sword!!" "LOL look at how that mobs death animation" "LOL that trinket just turned you into a random creature".


    There is no "fun" in TOR, there is only Raiding, PvP, and Dailies (there would be instances but my server is so low population I can't even find a tank, healer, and DPS to group with).


    World of Warcraft got boring and old with the elitism from the player base. I got bored of WoW after 4 years, after the second month in TOR I've already gotten bored.


    At 3 months into WoW it had hardly any of the moronic...i mean "fun" things you listed, Once it started adding the "fun" things it got to the point of absudity and became a childs game.

  6. Personally I am tired of their "we know better attitude". This is your first AAA mmo, it will be your last if you don't listen to your fans.


    I am trying to like the game, even force myself to play, but with the incoming patch why bother?


    You must be new to the genre, welcome.


    I encourge you to scan the suggestion forums and see just what those amazingly insightfull and articulate "fans" are suggesting.


    Oh and yes, 80% of the playerbase is seemingly mentaly hadicapped wich you've learned if you read the suggestions.

  7. how lazy was bioware that they dont describe any of their items?

    i get that they throw in a lot of stuff that exist solely for the purpose of selling to a vendor, but if they are going to have a variety of junk items they should at least give a small 1-3 line back story for each. even if they just pull it out of their rear ends.

    branding every single junk item with the same dull generic "this item has no use" is boring and lazy and annoys the crap out of me.


    your thoughts?


    My thoughts are that MMO players these days will cry about anything and everything.

  8. loads of people on my server called


    Darthmaul, darkmaul, darthmual or any form of those with accents and stuff


    it is actually quite annoying,



    funny one I saw was an IA called Mulder, with the Title Agent Mulder, which I thought was pretty cool


    Mines named Mall...havent got the "Darth" title yet.

  9. Welcome to every MMO that tries to compete with WoW rather than make a good, unique game. They release too soon and numerous things that should have been in from the getgo take months to roll out. Especially when a company like EA is on the label...


    ....Just like WoW.....

  10. Yep. Red Letter Media said it best: Qui-Gon was an inconsistent mess of a character. A Jedi who is willing to cheat at a bet by using the Force to manipulate a die roll, but somehow isn't willing to just take the part he needed directly. I mean, that's what he was doing in a roundabout way anyway, might as well save time and cut to the chase.


    Really, you prequal bashing sheep need a new god to worship, that ones getting old.


    And lol at them calling anything "An inconsistent mess" without looking in the mirror and seeing the irony.

  11. What? He was fine. He was holding off the lightning and simply trying to justify to himself and to Anakin his decision to kill Sidious. The only thing holding him back was his moral convictions and his discussion with Anakin.


    He was literally in the process of dealing the killing blow when Anakin jumped in and cut his hand off and knocked his saber away.


    .......oh dear.....

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