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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. Even at 2004 at launch WoW already had better working gameplay and more MMORPG feel to it. But this is entertaining single player till you hit 50 and see that there is nothing else to do than start with another character. Well maybe in year or 2 therere will be some meaningful end game or proper combat system unless its delayed like your characters actions. I just wonder that how they could fail in so many thing even that they ripped whole game from UI, combat system, quests and everything else than Voice acting from WOW. Well maybe its 2002 in Bioware HQ.


    How would you know fanboi? The servers were down more than they were up the first 3 months.....lawl kid, just lawl.

  2. 5/10


    Pretty much average.

    Would give it a much higher score if not for all the useless travel.


    I spend more time traveling in this game than any other activity...its really pretty lame. :(




    *edit* scratch that, traveling time is second only to queueing time...


    New to MMO's huh?

  3. I'm East Coast. All of my buddies are West Coast. I'm running in a West Coast server to play with them. It's currently 9:00 AM on the West Coast and my server has a 200 person que. Granted, this is the day of release and I'm sure lots of people are just playing for the first time, but all of the people who have been playing pre-release will be logging in at peak server time (where there was already an hour que at times) plus the new additions just makes this a recipe for nightmares. There are about fifteen servers with relatively empty populations on the West Coast right now. There should have been a server cap of some sort to prevent this kind of thing. I'm the guildmaster and all of my officers are almost level 40 right now. Re-rolling is a devastating option and it really hurts to think about.


    I didn't realize there were 1300 person ques. That is ridiculous.


    On the other hand, guys, this is the first week the game has been up and the first day of official play. We DO need to allow BioWare a little bit of leniency in working the kinks out.


    In my opinion, the things they should do and need to focus on are:


    1) Starting with the largest guilds in the most heavily trafficked servers, allow them the option to move their entire guild to lower pop servers and rolling down the list to smaller guilds until the servers are more evened out.


    2) Making faction choices be only one faction per server.


    Queus have been this way since day 2 of early access. I've had to abandon my original toons i made on day one and since i've had to abandon 4 more due to servers filling up. Im a day one vet with no toons i can access.

  4. I was in Beta and I knew then that there were no Chat Bubbles in the game, I however advocated for them thoroughly. Eventually we were told that Chat Bubbles were indeed going to be implemented for launch. Well, the time is here......I log in, No Chat Bubbles.


    No Chat Bubbles, means that RP will have to be done in group chat where you are looking at your stupid chat box and trying to figure who said what instead of just looking at your screen.


    I understand Bioware that you don't want your game to look like a cartoon, and I understand, but then again you guys are the ones that marketed this as an MMO. If you want to lie to us to get us to buy the damn thing, and then not implement something as common in MMO's as Chat Bubbles, then don't try to peddle this as a MMO.


    It would be a Single Player RPG (With Multiplayer group Component).


    You live in the future?!?!?!

  5. PVP isnt balanced in an MMO...a brand new, not even launched MMO to boot?


    Looks like we've all wasted our time guys / gals, this is APB all over agian, this game will shut down by next month.

  6. Personally I just wish you guys had player faction bases your guilds had spent weeks getting the points to buy that I could go blow up while im slaughtering you...ah that would be perfection. grrrr........resist.....making......damn NGE to hell thread....


    Oh, someone from SWG...this thread of drivel makes sense now.

  7. George Lucas created a fantastic world to elaborate upon and play in, but he's a terribad writer. If it weren't for Gary Kurtz countering Lucas the entire time, then Ep. IV and V would have been just as terribad as the rest.


    TBH I believe most of the book writers after Lucas, and the efforts on KOTOR, created a better Star Wars than Lucas did.


    Trust me, OP, you're probably better off.


    New forums, same internet bandwagon haters.


    Theres an old saying, "Those who can do, and those who cant become critics".


    Any time you want to wow us with your story, novel, script, ect. plz do so.

  8. Unlike in most MMOs where at launch youre greed by a 4+hour queue and a few crashes here in SWTOR youre forced to wait for DAYS!!


    Even the forums are full with guys who entered their code back in JULY and havent even got in yet (just imagine the sheer size of those who dont even care about the forums)!!!!




    You must be new to MMO's....welcome.

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