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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. I'm not saying they were horrible. They had their good points. But as far as dialogue goes, I think he should have BioWare's team write the scripts for him. Also, some of the plot points in the prequels were complete garbage, for lack of a better word. Fortunately, I have now read the prequel books, and they explain a LOT that the movies screwed up. Somewhere along the line, George lost his edge that he had with the OT. Probably because he waited nearly 20 years to make the prequels. Honestly, I think you're in the minority there, Wolf. :)


    You realise that out of the millions and millions and millions and millions of STAR WARS fans...the prequal bashing e-tards that have been been crying on the internet for over a decade now over them is a teeny tiny vocal, lifless minority right?

  2. Revan wasnt trash like some say, and im no Revan fanboy thats for sure, to me it was like a reunion with old freinds with surprising revlations about the Sith thrown in.


    Fatal Alliance was surprisingly one of the best stand alone SW novels i've read in a long time.


    Decieved was a glimps into the mind of an extremist....and kind of disturbing, Malgus is completly obsesed with power to the point to where if he was the last being in the universe....i think he'd beat himself to death to prove he was powerfull enough to do so.

  3. Power creep has been out of control with the Jedi for a while, but there is no reason to follow bad writing with bad writing. If you are going to deconstruct the Jedi against the backdrop of the Mandalorians, don't make the Mandos just as bad, or worse, characters than the Jedi. I blame the Force Unleashed.


    While i agree i really dont see anyway to reverse whats been done. To balance the Jedi gods your going to have to make new gods at this point.

  4. Cause she was wet for mandalorians, making them the best at everything and had the best of everything. Fighting, flying, weapons, armor, etc etc and somehow they know how to take out a sith lord better then a jedi master who is trained to fight against the sith.


    But yet when the Jedi are given the same treatment it's, as another thread said, "the standard quo" and no one says anything.


    Again not all jedi are Kenobi, Windu, Skywalker....or they werent supposed to be, actually now they are.



  5. I think you're safe, I don't think there'll ever be any non-whatevercoloured human "aliens" in SWTOR.


    Although they are starting to run out of colours to call speices now, my personal bet (not want) would be for Voss or some "non-human" humaniod that is indistiguisable from a human except they always wear a fake mustache. :D


    I dont either but i can see it now.....


    "Tonight on the O'Reilly Factor....Bioware star wars game promotes human - lizard sexual romps and other deviant inter-species acts. Are your children at risk? Stay tuned."

  6. Boy are you new too mmo games?


    It's called an ART department for a reason. Galaxies was a hell of a lot older than this game and it had races that could wear the armor and if they couldn't they made some just for them.


    Stop making excuses for them. It's the job of the developers to break down the walls not build them up against them.


    Perhaps the poster is new to MMO but what you dont realise is every race in game now is in because they could do exactly what the poster said.

  7. OP is right 100%


    I'm sick of liars who say sandbox is a failure. MMO concept is made for sandbox elements, WoW themepark concept is simply braindead cr*p for the masses. Companies milking the mass market and fanboys who even defend this, thinking they are smart. Unbelievable.


    And yet here you are.....


    Oh and as an 8 year SWG vet, all i have to say is..it's dead, get over it.

  8. All the Mara haters need not reply. Thank you, and have fun trolling elsewhere.


    Seriously, though. Why not? Why not bring her back? Lucas is known for his inconsistencies and rewrites. Might as well get some good out of the whole mess.


    Or, if she is to remain dead, at least make her death mean something! No good came of it. Jacen/Caedus whatever just decided to kill her because Karen Traviss is a jealous **** who decided to kill off most guys' Perfect Star Wars Hottie. :p


    This is what happens when children are allowed on the internet unsupervised.

  9. and just imagine how many happy players bioware would've proactively gotten, instead of them quitting, by doing server merge/character transfers.



    they could've just increased the cap instead of adding servers, and yet still kept on adding them while a lot of the servers were still at "light".


    there are people that had already gone through rerolling to a higher pop server, only to get it dwindling down to a low one again.


    They did.

  10. Actually the Mandalorian Wars never depicted the Mandalorians slaughtering Jedi wholesale. The Jedi didn't even become involved until Revan.


    As to Jango, yes, he was able to do that. He was also defeated by Count Dooku in a 1 on 1. He was also forced to flee from Obiwan in a 1 on 1. He was also killed by Mace Windu in a 1 on 1.


    Also, at the battle you speak of, it was the Battle of Galladrian, 300 Mandalorians vs 30 Jedi. Jango killed 11 Jedi, the other 299 Mandalorians combined killed 1.


    Dude you have on helluva stick up your *** and a superiority complex, just because you have a hotlink to wookiepedia doesnt make you some guru, you didnt really say anything i didnt except your odd statement of what i said about the Mandalorian wars (wich isnt even correct). And tbh your pretty much just a jedi mark fanboy.

  11. That was one change that helped balance out the burst potential in PVP. This patch has everything in it. Class re-balance, new PVP, and PVE content, plus the legacy system. I never heard of the soft cap on surge being game ending.


    This is just how I see it.


    I've heard everything from "green lines on your screen" to "loading screen times" are going to kill the game....this is an MMO forum and anything / everything will be overblown.

  12. I haven't read any of the books in question, but I think the crux of the problem doesn't come down to the content, but the implementation of it.


    Let me rephrase.


    No one here has an issue with Traviss (or anyone else) trying to bring the Jedi back down to earth. In order to create tension in the stories, there needs to be something at stake. The Jedi need to be vulnerable. Arguably the best way of creating that vulnerability would be to reign them in a little. Make them more human, more mortal. How can you do this? Easy! Make them more fallible. Jedi make mistakes. Jedi die in accidents. Jedi can get shot in the back when they're not looking. Jedi can get caught in explosions. Etc.


    How did Traviss do this? Make the Mandalorians impervious to Jedi super-powers. Rather than decreasing the Jedi's super-powers, Traviss beefed up the Mandalorians. To one-up the Jedi is somewhat of a simplistic, childish way of countering them. It is far easier to devise some plot device that lets the Mandalorians become Force- and lightsaber-proof than to conceive of scaled-down Jedi characters.


    I think that Traviss's choice was a poor one and an immersion-breaking one for many. It sounds like her work would have been much better regarded had she chosen a more challenging narrative strategy in dealing with the overpowered Jedi.


    To me, this is a matter of narrative choice more than it is a matter of who-can-beat-a-Jedi.


    I agree mostly.


    She wasnt the only one that beefed them up though, hell, the Mandalorian wars had them slaughtering Jedi wholesale and Jango was beating Jedi to death with his bare hands.


    The remedy to that was Revan to the former and Dooku to the latter. The Jedi mentioned were powerful and exeptional, now every Jedi in the EU is at that level.


    Also Mandalorians werent immune to the force and Beskar'gam has always been saber proof Traviss didnt make that up.

  13. I would like to say, that as per the title of the thread, i was always taught that the status quo was to be destroyed as to not allow stagnation.


    Wich is very much what the EU has become, Jedi > all = stagnation.


    I was much more enticed in the EU when every jedi wasnt Obi-Wan / Yoda / Mace Windu rolled up into one super being, when these jedi were the exception and not the rule. Qui-gon wished that it was true that no one can kill a jedi...he finally got his wish.

  14. Mustifar was once a lush world with a Jedi training temple...unfortunatlly as per the timeline, in 3996 BBY ( this game takes place around 3650 BBY) it was turned into the volcanic mess shown in ROTS.


    Would have been nice to see it in game, pre-cataclysm...perhaps a ret-con of the timeline is in order?

  15. Because a sith pureblood can still have their own views/morals/different way of thinking, they aren't mindless drones that do whatever they are told. Palpatine's Imperial Royal Guard, were suppose to pledge their absolute loyalty to him and never question an order from him...yet there were a few that defected and went to the Rebel Alliance.


    The problem will become that while there are specific instances where individuals "break the mold", these are to be the exceptions and not the rules....knowing MMO players pinochet for annoying others i wouldnt be surprised if repub players flooded thier faction with chiss / PB's. Making it all the more absurd.

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