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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. Wrong, SWG shut down because they didn't or couldn't renew the license..


    and no it wasn't a ground breaking MMO. If it was, it would have been more successful and the NGE and CU would have NEVER HAPPENED


    again take off those glasses...and just because YOU loved it doesn't mean your opinion of it is right. Everything I stated is almost a fact, proven by SWG's history, lost subs, and final shutdown..Nice try but thanks for playing.


    I usually don't respond to naïve and uneducated hyperbole when I see it but when it's about something near and dear to me.....


    It was ground breaking, in fact it was at one time the most populated MMO on earth with 300k+ subs, now with all signs point to you being a wowbaby I know that doesn't sound like much but do try and keep up champ....


    You see in 2003 broadband internet was a rarity for most of us, only available in large cities and some of their suburbs, to have hundreds of thousands of players was a monumental achievement back in the stone age of connection speeds.

    Adding to that the fact that an off the shelf PC couldn't handle SWG and a gaming rig was required (I know, I built my 1st PC for SWG) and it only makes its sub numbers even more impressive.


    Then came a perfect storm, broadband branched out by2-3 years later available in so many more areas, and a popular RTS (yes champ, Warcraft was an RTS way back when) became an MMO that could run on your grandmothers E-Machines computer from Wal-Mart. everyone that longed to play an MMO but didn't have access suddenly had one built for them....and truth be told it was pretty good. Blizz was always the masters of standing on the shoulders of others. Then along came a spider, a slinky ginger bastard born in the pits of corporate slime, his name....John Smedley. He wanted to catch some of that lightning from the storm in his bottle too, but it was already gone. Instead of fixing and improving one of the most unique and complex MMO's ever conceived he tried to copy / paste WoW over the picked bones of SWG to a disasterous outcome. The WoW kids already had their game and our game which required more than just some hotbar smashing and pointing and clicking, was now some bastard ginger child you kept under the stairs....kinda like Smed himself.


    No SWG didn't suck, it wasn't a failure, it was mismanaged and too far ahead of it's time and too complex for the drooling masses. Which I can surmise is why you didn't like it.


    R.I.P Bria My 1st and only true MMO home.


    ~Aylen Darkblade, Proud member of KIA and the ID.

  2. In all honesty, doing an impression of a pre-existing scene is one thing, doing an impression on a new scenario/improvisation is another.


    I dunno if your links show him doing an improvisation, I only quickly skimmed the first video.


    Considering he's already played a young Harrison Ford in a major motion picture, "Age of Adeline", cited Ford and his iconic roles as his reason for becoming an actor and received praise from Ford, I think he'd nail it.

  3. Wow! Really? Great! This will be the first Star Wars Movie I'd definitely won't see in 36 years!:D


    Go to JediHell Han! You stole my Princess!:mad: And now you are dead, but you broke her, ... what the heck did you do to Leia? She looks like a Shar Pei and soulds like Vader. I'll never forgive you!;):p


    Carrie (Liea) Fisher did all that to herself with substance abuse, shame really, up until the late 90's she was a lovely woman (see. Austin Powers).

  4. I can't imagine coming fresh into this game as it is now. I'm complaining about nothing to do, but I've been here for four years. Maybe BW is trying to get old players to leave so they can start over. If the game had launched in this condition, it would have killed WoW.


    But see, that's always going to be the problem with MMO's, players want new games to launch with years and years of content right out of the gate.




    Day 1 / 2nd wave vet here Op, welcome aboard....unless your a pub.....:d_evil:

  5. Be Darth Marr, not Darth Stupid.


    I sometimes sit back and ponder why some players seem to gleefully embrace the shortsighted, vindictive, petulant, domineering sort of Sith that lash out in murderous rage at the slightest provocation and must constantly demonstrate how evil and powerful they are, even when it will cost them dearly and gain them nothing.


    I wonder if maybe they took the presentation of "bad guy" in bad cartoons and bad movies to heart, and now think they have to be mustache-twirling underling-shooting incompetents in order to play an "evil" character.


    Your right and you've convinced me, i'll play the game the way you want me too. In fact everyone should since youre more enlightened than the rest of us and know what we should be doing.


    But if you want to know where these "cartoonish mustache twirling" impulses come from.....go back to Korriban and listen to the teachers there, what with their nonchalant penache for inhumane and brutal torture or their constant drumming about Sith being the ultimate master beings in the galaxy to wich all others are inferior and insignifigant and how thy have no other role than to serve the Sith. When you see others as no more than objectified tools to use as you see fit, you don't have any qualms about choking the life from them.


    On a side note I play my SI very pragmatically mainly because of the background of the SI rising from slavery.....my SW on the other hand was a prodigy of the darkside from birth and has been indoctrinated his whole life to believe as stated above so yes....he kicks kittens if they get in his way and he slaughters anyone that looks at him cross....because he can.

  6. I love when the random name is "already in use" or "invalid".


    Played around with the name generator once on a Black trooper I was making and the damn game tried to get me in trouble by randomly coming up with the name.......no joke......."Negrois"......


    Should have reported the name generator.

  7. Khem's dead unless he figured out real fast how to break the bond with the SI or quickly got himself Carbo'd right beside you intentionally........but then again im assuming BW will adhere to the original plot of Khem and the SI.......and that's a big assumption.
  8. Bogus analogy - what kind of restaurants do you have in your town? If it tasted like womprat arse, you just wouldn't eat their anymore, you wouldn't keep eating there and giving them more money, all the while criticising and hoping the food will get better.


    I think you mean it's more like McDonalds - you go there, the kids like it, you know it's not good for you, but you somehow keep finding yourself going back. And the food is always as you expect it to be. And unless there's an actual rat in your burger (which surprisingly doesn't happen all that often) you don't complain.


    Regardless of the analogy to tell ppl that don't like the story that they have no right to criticize it because they paid for it is absurd.

  9. There are better writers in the fan fic forum to be honest. If not for some of the reading over there it would be a lot harder to wait for the next month's chapter to show up.


    Like what I found unbelievable is that in chapter 12 there is an elevator in the camp that leads out to the planet, but no one has gone to scout out the land and found Satele and Caspar squatting five miles from base? Just LOL.[/QUOTE]


    I was wondering if I was the only one going W-T-F at this.

  10. See, that is the problem.. people think paying a subscription gives them a say in how the game is presented to them. It's does not. Paying a subscription entitles you to play the game "as is". It is even in the terms and conditions that you agree to accept it "as-is" with no warranty or say on current or future content. Just because a player has an expectation =/= a right to unbridled negativity and criticism.


    I give the OP more credit then I do you because he is at least walking his talk and taking a break from the game because he does not enjoy it. That is in fact the only remedy a player has with an MMO. I have done so myself in the past. All the barking in the world will not make the neighborhood in the likeness that someone desires.


    I hope the next time you dine out your food tastes like womprat arse with a used Band-Aid and hair in it, then when you complain about it someone from the adjacent table verbaly scolds you and tells you to eat it and like it because you have no right to complain since there's starving people in the world that would love to have that food.

  11. Holy Necro Batman, this brought back a lot of memories of Hunting Jednecks on Dantooine!


    For those of you that don't know what a "Jedneck" is it's a Jedi in SWG that would grind XP in the far corners of Dantooine with a house deed on their tool bar so they could set it up quickly and run inside if a BH came looking for them. So they had Mobile Homes so to speak. They'd also expand their HUD map to take up over half their screen so they'd see anyone coming a mile away.

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