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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. I love the "i dont want it" posts....never mind this satue will double in value the muinite it's sold out...wich wont take long.


    I already own the old Don Post Vader, Boba, and Han in carbonite as well as the Gentle Giant EP.2 Yoda, C-3PO, R2-D2 Life size statues. Gonna add this one to the party as well.

  2. Another Malgus item? Satele Shan needs some love as she's much cooler anyways.


    Thats just the way of things in the world of SW collectables. Bad guys = big sellers.


    EXAMPLE: I have the amazing Luke Skywalker Jedi knight Sideshow PF 1/4 scale statue. It's only worth say $250 in the aftermarket. Conversly my Darth Talon Sideshow PF 1/4 scale statue is worth $750-1000 and shes a hardly recognizable bit character from the EU opposite the hero of the Original Trillogy.

  3. Shipping is probably a couple hundred bucks... But I could use the money from the statue so I'll enter the contest. Probably can get $3k-4k or so for it.


    It cost me $400 US to have my Gentle Giant life size Yoda crated up and shipped to me from California....for this monstrosity you looking at around 700-1000. There not in card board boxes and droped off by fed-ex, if it were you'd get to assemble the 1000 broken peices it would come in. It'll be in a padded, wrapped wooden crate filled with tons of padding, foam, bubble wrap and packing peanuts and weigh well over 250lbs.

  4. Im fairly certain its just an incentive to keep playing after level 50. Maybe to encourage people to make alts and stick with SWTOR. So that doesnt really apply to people who have 300 alts or have not completed the game yet.


    I can understand how it seems wrong but it does make some sense.


    People who are bashing this thread fail to see themselves in the situation the OP is in.

    On the other hand nowhere is it said that only the people with a level 50 character are valued customers. It is just a video game so I wouldnt really go on the its the principle of it all tour. You just got cheated out of $12-15 is all.


    Thats exactly what it is and it will 99% fail. These MMO nomads show up, power through w/e content is released in days then leave all the while e-thugging the forums and talking down the game. They never stick around and no free time will entice them other wise. SOE tried to cater to them with SWG and all they did was piss off the loyal players.

  5. I seem to recal another Star Wars MMO that tryed soooo hard to cater to ppl that, in reality, wouldnt stick with the game for the long run. And i remember that in doing this they completley screwed over and pissed off the loyal fan base that kept the game running while the ADHD crowd waited for new and shiney objects to be released before they would sub again.



    The more things change, the more they stay the same. Keep trying to bribe the MMO nomands that wont stick around once the waters been drank up Bioware.....and pray that the real " loyal players" decide to stick around.

  6. not sure what you mean. you have everything i have minus what i got for PRE ordering the game (and you can still aquire the yellow color crystal from the pvp vendor), and minus what those recieved for the CE version (which you didnt get in wow either unless you bought one of the 4 collectors editions they produced)


    if your referring to what we recieved as far as another 30days of free service. its a loyalty reward for those of us that have been playing faithfully for so long.

    you havent exactly explained anything about what you are NOT getting in the game over others.


    and no. you either had to put in a time card or your CC to wow to get the first 30 days.


    Odd, i've been playing since day one of EA and i didnt get free time....

  7. *This thread is a responce to all the self important video game players talking smack to those of that dont have a lvl 50 yet*


    Day one, 2nd wave, CE pre-order, 6 month sub holder. During EA my old server was always full so i had no trouble leveling a SW Mara up to 46. About a 3 weeks after launch the server died instantly and i decided i really didnt like Mara much so i left my lvl 46 mara in limbo.


    Hoped servers to play with buds from WoW / SWG, rolled a jugg and loved it. Then my 2nd son was born...there goes most of my play time...but thats ok, he's way more important. My jugg is lvl 42 now, i guess if i had known i wouldnt be valued unless i had a lvl 50 i'd have grinded 3 more lvls on the old mara (wich i've now deleted out of disgust).


    So theres my tale. Im not an idiot or a "bad" because i dont have a lvl 50. I have a lvl 42, 24, 32, and a busy real life, thats all.


    But grats to all the players that got a free month, especially the ones thier trying to bribe into staying that wont stay anyway. You know, there was once this other Star Wars MMO that tried to cater to ppl that were realistically never going to play that game and in doing so countinuosly screwed over the loyal player base.....hmmm........the more things change.....

  8. Harsh but it would be fairer.


    I think this is what people are taking issue with. They basically took 1 group of people (active subscribers) and split them into 2 and said you lot get a reward while the other lot don't. Its basically insulting group 2 for no reason and rewarding group 1 for no reason.


    Stupid thing is all the people with lots of near 50 alts are the games long term, invested in it bread and butter. It's the 'bored' 50s threatening to jump ship they need to bribe with 'rewards'? I wonder where that cycle will lead.....


    Another one that gets it.

  9. I have to agree however, that giving exclusive gifts to your level fifties is a stupid move.

    Keeping in mind that I qualify for the gift. I appreciate it. I think it's very generous, but I don't like the assumption, that I'm somehow more loyal and dedicated a player, than anyone else.


    In fact, the last month, I didn't even play. I hadn't the money for the sub, and frankly I didn't have the desire to do so. However, because I reached 50 at some point prior, I now seem to be celebrated as part of some kind of super fan collective, when there are people far more deserving of that praise.


    This kind of prioritization of player base, is just going to demoralize.


    This rationale, results in a situation, where a person who obtained level 50 in the first week, and quit, is somehow more dedicated and loyal, than someone who only played once a week for four months, and still hasn't reached end game.


    Which is ridiculous.


    Spot on mate.

  10. I totally agree, IF this is arbitrary.


    My gut tells me they are doing it because those with 50s had a lot of bugged/broken content to deal with at 50. If I'm offbase on this, then yeah, I totally agree. It just makes no sense unless they are rewarding those of us with level 50s stuck alting because the end game content was so pitifully tested.


    Some of us didnt get to end game because we knew there was no point untill things got fixed.......now where SOLJWF.

  11. Vote with your wallet and get rid of this contraption they call a game


    i m sure another company will bring out another mmo soon


    as for me i m a lvl 50 and i think it s complete BS


    Im not an MMO fanboy, im a Star Wars fanboy. If this game were anything other than SW alot of us wouldnt be here. 1000000000000000 MMO's can come out that are better but as long as thier fantasy / harry potter / lord of the rings crap we wont play them.

  12. Day one 2nd wave early access Collectors edition 6 month sub player here, had a lvl 45 toon on a dead server that was "full" during EA. Rerolled on a new server but no lvl 50 here. I work 6 days a week - 10 hours a day, have a new home im remodeling, a 3 year old and a 4 month old....so yeah i dont have hours upon hours to play atm and just feel a bit screwed TBH.


    I've never really said anything negative about the game, defended BW through and through, i've been in MMO's for going on 10 years now so i know most of the negativity is overblown QQ'ing by noobs....but im kinda miffed about this decision. I think it was the "valued customer" line that really got to me.

  13. I am home from work at 5 pm. I take care of my son until 8:30 pm - 9:00 pm when he goes to bed. and then I play afterwards. I am usually on from 9pm till midnight playing. And if you don't destroy your house in the first place it wont be a disaster. I can clean up my son's mess in about 20 minutes and if you can read you would see the part where I said if I am lucky I get 6-8 hours on Saturday or Sunday to play.


    So what I gather from your post is you treat your house like crap, your kids are up till midnight and you never have time away from them, and if you have more than 1 hour a day to play you dont take care of your kids.


    From what i gather you sit on your *** all day at a 9-5 job so you can stay up till midnight playing video games....some of us do real work and need rest.

  14. Nice gift... I had let my account lapse for a couple of weeks after playing beta since 2010 and just resubscribed yesterday, freebie month + pet = win :D.


    I can't help but boggle at people complaining about it only being for those with 50's: we played the exact same story as you are trying to, we just did it already. People with 50's are obviously more dedicated players who care for the game more, or they wouldn't be 50. We're the ones actively contributing to the game's economy, pve endgame, and pvp. :)




    **** you.

  15. Day one 2nd wave early access Collectors edition 6 month sub player here, had a lvl 45 toon on a dead server that was "full" during EA. Rerolled on a new server but no lvl 50 here. I work 6 days a week - 10 hours a day, have a new home im remodeling, a 3 year old and a 4 month old....so yeah i dont have hours upon hours to play atm and just feel a bit screwed TBH.


    I've never really said anything negative about the game, defended BW through and through, i've been in MMO's for going on 10 years now so i know most of the negativity is overblown QQ'ing by noobs....but im kinda miffed about this decision.

  16. Day one 2nd wave early access Collectors edition 6 month sub player here, had a lvl 45 toon on a dead server that was "full" during EA. Rerolled on a new server but no lvl 50 here. I work 6 days a week - 10 hours a day, have a new home im remodeling, a 3 year old and a 4 month old....so yeah i dont have hours upon hours to play atm and just feel a bit screwed TBH.


    I've never really said anything negative about the game, defended BW through and through, i've been in MMO's for going on 10 years now so i know most of the negativity is overblown QQ'ing by noobs....but im kinda miffed about this decision.

  17. Been playing MMOs for over a decade (yes, I'm old).


    Never before has there been such a dishonest yet transparent bait-and-switch.


    Pretty much a con to get people to pay for a month sub while not delivering the promised content and only communicating that 8 hours before the patch.


    Refunds are needed, or else it's just a con, pure and simple.


    Since you cried to a mod, here, i'll be nicer so your feelings dont get hurt....


    Good sir, your either oblivious to the happenings of the MMO games you've played or your not being truthfull about your experiance.

  18. Given that the entirety of the PVP content for 1.2 has been bait-and-switch removed in a very dishonest and seedy manner, Bioware and EA need to act in good faith and refund 1 month of subscription.


    Make it happen, if you can't deliver content people are paying for, don't make them pay for it.


    You must be new to MMO's...welcome to the genre and enjoy the years and years of disapointments and crying your about to experiance.

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