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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. man i hope so, non of the stories I played in TOR match up to SWKTOR, story wise TOR is ok, but pvp is a joke, not worth $15 after you beat the game since pvp is ****ed. Unless your an op class or in an imblanced server which is pretty much all of them. I felt great becoming a jedi in KTOR but TOR was so underwelming they should make a third one that has a better starwars feel to it, not just "here is a light saber or blaster, enjoy it since we put the name star wars on all the crapy stories"


    IKR, pvp in KOTOR I/II was so much better than in TOR.......

  2. but.. is it a grind that we truly desire? or a new way altogether.


    in this game, for example... i don't have much fun levelling up, the travel in this game is bruuuuutal, bordering on punishment.. even if the level cap was 100 and it was more grindy and took a year to reach level cap i;n not sure it would make things better because the journey isn't fun enough.


    the world's aren't interesting or atmospheric, there isn't really anything interesting to explore, there isn't anything interesting loot specific to find in drops, there isn't any interesting creatures to find, no rare spawn types, or anything out of the ordinary, or anything such as fishing, or just really anything to get you excited in general.


    in warcraft the journey was so much fun.. because of the creativity possibly? this game just doesn't have whatever "it" is.


    To each thier own tbh, i despise fantasy it quite litterally makes me want to vomit so WoW was a horrible experiance for me full of tired LOTR architypes and themes just with a cartoon shell. I am however a SW fanboy & member of the 501st so although lvling is too fast i do enjoy the ride much more than i would in a fantasy game playing the part of Harry Potter. As to the grind or not to grind...what else is there?

  3. I'm still enjoying the game, but I can see where the fault lines are starting to show, I don't know if BioWare Austin is capable of delivering the kind of content that is needed to keep this game competitive fast enough.


    In the end, if you aren't playing then unsubscribe. It's up to EAware to deliver the kind of content gamers want. If publisher/developers want to commit suicide on the full-voice-acting altar ballooning budgets to unrealistic proportions and then fail to make the games profitable, that's their problem.


    No MMO company will be able too unless they get back to the grind. WoW was bare bones at release but it took months upon months to hit max lvl so no one noticed it. Now ppl are lvling from 1-85 in 3 days.


    Vets know how to lvl in any MMO and will always 100% of the time outpace content if they keep making games easier and easier.

  4. Love it, though I think this is way too much Ragkhoul stuff.


    We need more variety in the new stuff.


    Mando stuff, Kilik stuff, Pirates stuff. Just other stuff. Can we have the Wookie planet already?

    Jawa Revolts!


    Wampa Invasions!


    If you dont know the name then no...no you cant.

  5. I think TOR would have been far more interesting if they had cranked it back further to where things were acutally NEW.


    To a time when the Force was this strange thing very few understood, much less wielded. To when Hyperdrives were something unheard of, where we get to see the First Contact with a lot of species that are now Star Wars staples. All of this culminating in to the founding of the Galactic Republic.


    In case you dont know...




    But in resonce to the EU Mr.OP...i suggest you read the old EU novels from the 90's (Easy way to spot them is thier published by Bantam and not DelRey), they were as close to the OT as you can get, once The New Jedi order novels came out it's been down hill ever since.

  6. Hear, hear!


    I agree with the argument that if you are going to post negative feed back then please do so in a factual manner. We all know SWG had its faults as does every new ground breaking idea that man brings forth. Took the Americans a number of years to break the sound barrier, men died in the attempt. My point is the original SWG dev team had a game plan and it was going to be magnificent. SOE destroyed it so we ended up with second best. But even that second best was absolutely ground breaking for its day... Yes we are talking pre-WoW, pre-Second Life **spits at both**.


    TOR is great, I am actually loving it to an extent, I usually keep away from WoWzor games and have a hard time accepting the WoWzor mentality... But TOR have something here, I agree to some extent that it is WoW (to state again I have played WoW) in a new wrapper but it's Star Wars... Let's hope the Dev's dont break what they have started and Bioware stand by the product and Dev team 100%.


    I would love to see Bioware bring some of the old SWG specifics into TOR but I think we have to accept that SWG died and we now move on with TOR.


    If some one re-invented SWG as it should have been I would be back over there like a shot, the EMU doesnt cut it alas.


    Some great posts here and thanks to all, I have thoroughly enjoyed walkign down memory lane. Anyone remember the Dancer Drama wars at Theed Cantina on Bria Server? KinKi et al all claiming the cantina, folk used to flock there just to sit n watch the public chat go mental :D Fun times.


    Are you really saying SWG is one of the most ground breaking ideas mankind has ever had?


    I thought i knew fanboys but you sir are beyond delusional.

  7. It wasn't even close to over complicated, It just took someone who was not to lazy to gather the materials needed. I myself thought the crafting in SWG was amazing and gave people something to do that had meaning.

    Crafting in SWG was actually high quality items if done properly, not this cookie cutter crap we get in modern mmos.


    And there it is...you thought.


    I played for 8 years and couldnt stomach working a 2nd job in a video game world. I wanted adventure and thrills not micro manegment and mathmatics....i do that for a living. I suppose if i were an adventuring nomadic martial arts master / combat medic fighting an evil empire throughout a galaxy i might just unwind by "working" in a video game.


    That doesnt make me lazy or stupid, it doesnt make me anything but of a diffrent opinion than you.

  8. It's always nice when people come to the forums telling people "everything is fine and dandy all you need to do is adapt" yet give absolutely no constructive feedback whatsoever...


    Tell me, how do you adapt to dieing in literally 4 seconds flat if focused by 3 competent DPS? And I'm talking about fully BM geared players going up against other fully BM geared players.


    There is no time for tactical game-play if up against competent teams, for them either. It's literally a case of who can burst down the other team the quickest. This isn't a FPS, gib-fests have have no place in an MMO. I don't have to hot-key 40+ ability's in a FPS...yet I feel like I'm playing a FPS because I don't get a chance to use them.


    Trust me Bioware are fully aware of the situation, coming here acting like everything is OK isn't going to change that. However the more people who come here and voice their concerns the quicker something will be done about it.


    Your mad cuz 3 good players killed you?



  9. You mean ingame buffs like Hunter's Boon and Coordination? Nooooo. Not what I meant. I mean bringing the class up to par with the pwning class. Make them do more damage, or make their defense better. Something like that.


    Yep ingame buffs. Nothing like seeing the cool kids spend 2 hours buffing and rolling everyone because they had 40+ in game buffs going each.


    As for your suggestion...it will happen, nerf / buff is that way of MMO's.

  10. Or... And here's a VERY novel idea... Ask for a BUFF to YOUR class!!! OMG who would have thought???? It boggles the mind, doesn't it??? :eek:


    But seriously, stop calling for the nerf bat every time you get pwned. :p


    No...just no...goddamn no...thats how SWG ended up requiring ppl to spend an hour getting 16-24 buffs to even be able to pvp.

  11. You want housing? Do what i wish to hell SWG had done from the start...use the existing buildings in game, make them a door way for instanced housing. Nothing was more absurd that seeing thousands of houses on planets such as the desert wasteland known as tatooine when there were huge sky scrappers in c-net that were just there for show.


    Also as an 8 year SWG vet i'd just like to say.....




  12. If the Sith were gone, the Republic would likely find another entity to generalize/demonize. Like I said, peace is impossible in SW EU, & it's NOT totally the Sith's fault.


    Sure they may find this group or that group of extremists and put them down quickly and quietly, nothing the real world "good guys" dont do. But without the Sith (and baring an absurd invasion by extra-galactic religious zealots...vong...eh) The galaxy would be a pretty traquil place by and large, remeber nothings perfect but it doesnt hurt to try.

  13. Yes, but why did he say that?!?!? There was absolutely NO justification given anywhere. Why would he suddenly decide it's absolutely fine to slaughter children.. sorry 'Younglings', oh yes because he's now on the Dark Side so it's fine. No doubt Palpatine gave him a checklist of all the things he could now get away with as he had joined the team. Like perks.


    Rather than imbue the characters with subtle shades of characterisation and moral incongruity, we are given two-dimensional goodies and baddies. The curse of bad writing from the prequels has sadly made it hard to explain logically why being on the Dark Side would neccesarily make you evil.


    Pretty sure it clear to see why, watch the film, read the EP.3 novel, use your common sense. If you dont come up with the answer then sorry.

  14. You do know that the vast majority of players do not ever, ever frequent these forums? Go ahead, ask in your server's General Chat how many people frequent the official SWTOR forums? Maybe one or two will speak up but otherwise it's just an awkward dead silence until someone switches the subject or an ubiquitious LFG comment appears in your chat box.


    In order to be aware of this change, you had to come on the forums, you had to track down the Georg Zoeller's post that was buried in the hundreds of PTS forums posts he and other developers made over a 2-4 week period. Do you honestly think everyone has the extra time to spend on the forums to learn more about the game they simply want to play?


    This is absurd. This complaint is absolutely legitimate and it has screwed thousands of players who are in the same situation. I'm one of them. It's ostensibly the #2 reason as to why I've un-subbed (#1 being the omission of Ranked WZs) because, exactly like the OP, I do not want to farm the same pieces of gear again for the third time. Farming BM gear in the form of RNG tokens from daily quests was already a kick in the gonads. Farming the same exact gear for necessary stat increases to compete at high level in PvP is the equivalent of pouring salt over a freshly cut wound.


    This change should have been retroactive on all gear that was previously modded without any exception.


    This issue has been handled similarly as the Ilum-exploit which happened in January. It's similar in the sense that BW did nothing right to solve the issue. BW promised rollback for those who abused the system but no one, let me it clear, no one has been banned that I know of (and I know quite a few folks on my server who abused the hell out of that exploit when it came out). And I know first-hand since me and my roomate both abused the system to gain 32 Valor ranks in about 10 hours.


    Now that I'm quitting I really don't care to admit that I exploited Ilum but if you think that BW has a clue of what they're doing and are actually satisfied with 1.2, then you are the type of person who would probably be satisfied with a replica of Malgus' 7-foot tall statute that would be entirely made out of poop.


    The majority of ppl that this change affected are seasoned MMO vets who know that reading patch notes and checking the forums is crucial. If they dont know they better learn fast or they'll be crying a helluva lot more in the years to come.

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