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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. Not true. He was also upset that Zannah didn't capitalize on his weakness. He also made sure not to be vulnerable around Zannah. One could argue Bane would feel Plagueis deserved to die because he allowed Sidious to discover where he slept.


    True also, so we see a conflict of ideology in Bane.


    On one hand he belived that a sith should expolit weakness to gain power, and on another he belived it was cowardly to wait till he was personally not able to defend himself due to old age.

  2. I recently rolled more toons on the Swiftsure server because the server I started on (Hedarr Soongh) is all but dead. I have found that more people are on the starter planets than our fleet 90% of them time. While re-leveling a toon on the Swiftsure I found out that Bioware is allowing Asian-Pacific server transfers for asian or pacific players, this is an outrage. We pay for our acounts and then we are told that if we would like to move to a server that we can actualy experience war zone pops on or have other players to enjoy raids with we can not do it. Why are they allowing some to transfer to other servers but not all of us????? I started ths thread because I know several people who are wanting to transfer but are beng told no same as me. Please let Bioware know about this by posting and submitting tickers for transfers.




    Also completley the right forum section to post this as this is clearly Star Wars discussion, prepare to have you unresearched QQ thread moved.

  3. It is already established by Plagueis that Sidious had become more powerful than he had ever dreamed of, and that he had taught Sidious everything he could, Sidious killed him smartly, not cowardly.


    Smartly, cowardly, Bane would have saw them as the same. He even mentions how cowardly he thought it would be if Zannah waited untill he was too old to put up a proper fight to take his place (wich he belived she was plotting to do). He belived in the old ways of martial strength and power, even though he knew those ways were a thing of the past. Old habits and all.

  4. Lol.....same fanboy lines, different MMO.


    It's also amusing to see people rally to the products defense (yet again) to denounce information because it's come from an analyst. Ignoring the fact that analysts base their predictions from historic evidence. After all, this is a star wars MMO made by Bioware! It's absolutely unthinkable to consider the possibility that it could flop.......isn't it?


    And yet here you are....amazing.

  5. The last 'unique' MMO I played was Star Wars Galaxies... but people complained that it was too complex and SOE felt they should change it to appeal to the masses and proceeded to screw the pooch in 2005. Long story short... here we are.


    I think you mean Smedly & Nancy complained it was complex, most of us players complained it was broken, boring, and a POS.

  6. Problem with new games is they've tried to eliminate the grind and made games too easy...now think back...way back....remeber Vanilla / BC Wow? Remember why you always had something to do? It's because you were leveling and grinding your *** off for months and months and months. 4 months into WoW most ppl had what? a lvl 20-25 toon if they didnt alt-ho themselves out.


    Sorry but we gamers didnt like the grind, devs have been trying to elimintate it for a few years now and all it brings is cries that the power gamers are bored.


    On a side note im not 20 years old anymore and dont have 10 hours to waste in the dorm room doing a lan eating ramen and hot pockets while playing a game like did in 2005. So theres so many things to do in TOR for ppl like me that mabey gets 1-2 hours every other day to do that im kinda overwhelmed.

  7. Palpy doesnt play by the rules...he makes them.


    He was never going to give up his power and planed on ruling for eternity. Luke, Vader, Bob the Builder, he really didnt care who his "apprentice" was, they were simply a tool to him, not a successor.

  8. Entitled? Heck yes I feel entitled to something that I've paid good money for. And why shouldn't I? Don't confuse this with an entitlement attitude that expects something for nothing, We paid our money to play at release and that's what we expect to be able to do.


    And you cried for more servers, you got them and then cried even more.

  9. They better be free transfers.


    They are in part to blame for the problem, so to charge us for a solution would make me cancel faster then girls taking off their clothes when they see me.


    If thier partly to blame then the player base is partly to blame too. I was here in EA and saw the endless crying for more servers. Also you play MMO's...you'll never have a girl take off her clothes for anything less than money, quit acting.

  10. You can attack me and the post all you want, you are only deflecting the argument and facts underlying my post and therebye prolonging this situation of under populated servers, doing a disservice to yourselves and this community as a whole. Childish "witty" comments are all that's abound in this thread. And ofcourse I am not going to list every person I have talked to that has expressed thier intentions to not resubscribe, you understand how foolish that rebutle is do you not?


    Someone used a thesaurus!

  11. No, I'm pretty damn sure everything was Durasteel until LotF, and then some Mandalorians went "You're not Mandalorian enough to be Mandalore of Mandalore, wear this Mandalorian Mandalorian Iron armor and be more Mandalorian" (paraphrased) which included a collar that, oh so conveniently, protected the flexible neck joint from Lightsaber blades.


    Calm down man, no need to get your panties in a bunch.


    like most things about fett the info i found was contradictary, it's said to be Jango's helmet, or duraplast or durasteel before LotF.

  12. Batman has been the complete bad*** of the DCU since Zero Hour, really. He even walked into Darkseid's bunker in Final Crisis #6 and shot him. He made a special exception to his "no guns" policy and fatally wounded Darkseid before being "killed" by the Omega Beams. Yeah, he had already grilled Scott Free (Mr. Miracle) on how to escape the Omega Sanction.


    He's the guy who has a plan in place to take down EVERY Superhero just in case they go rogue. He plans for every contingency. Only two villains have ever fought him to a standstill. Thomas Blake and Slade Wilson.


    And you guys complain about Traviss' writing and Revan / Luke / Fett being Gary Stu's? Sounds like comics today are beyond the point of no return and are nothing but fan fiction....wich explains why thier not worth the paper thier printed on nowadays.

  13. Yeah he is a human who goes up against super humans. He killed darksied. No one else could do that.

    He can beat superman in a fight. He is always prepared for every fight. Boba gets killed by a blind smuggler.


    Now Jango Fett vs Batman would be a good fight. Jango went toe to toe against Obi Wan and almost killed Mace


    Well then things have changed since i last read comics. In my day he had trouble with the Penguin FFS. I've not followed comics much since then but i have heard of the Gary Stu treatment they recived in the late 90's...just didnt think it was that absurd.


    But if were going to pick a Batman that can defeat Superman of all ppl, i think we should at least match him up against Karen Traviss' Fett...just to make things fair. I was more imagining "The Worlds Greatest Detective" vs. "The Best Bounty Hunter in the galaxy" wich would be far more entertaining that 2 over powered super beings with plot armor on.

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