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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


    and finaly...


    because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



    so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


    Jock hang much kid?

  2. I would say the DPS of Operatives have been nerfed so hard, that they should at least get a good healing spec right?


    Then again, then Sorc/Sage has been hit with just as many nerfs when they destroyed the hyrbid spec, so it seems even.


    Someone gets it.

  3. Im really disappointed in the pvp in this game. I played wow for 4 yrs and a few of my friends from wow quit swtor because the pvp in this game caters to skillcapped or low skill players.


    1. Autofacing

    2. Lack of macros

    3. Class imbalance (although this happens to every MMO), some are pretty obvious in this game yet bw devs drag their feet as usual.



    Im beginning to wonder if bw intended it this way to cater to <2k bads from wow to actually feel like they are worthy


    BTW plz roll more fotm classes guys, no skill required....shadows,sents /smirk


    Stoped reading after "I played WoW".....really....you PVP'd in WoW and think it was good......



  4. i think it's funny that everyone brings this point up about the new wow expansion, and yet, they were in warcraft lore a long time ago, and at point the player base had asked for them. Now that they finally have them, they're ripping it apart.


    welcome to the internet.

  5. im on hydian, just starting to get back into swtor after a break and loving the game but it still needs people missing so many herorics, sure BW will have everything sorted though 1.3 looks good.


    What....what is....i mean....what the hell is this i dont even.........positive words about BW and the game........you fool, you dont know the trouble your in....you mad mad mad damn fool!

  6. Ok, let's get something straight on this. Before the Karen Traviss "Saiyalorians", ONLY Luke Skywalker was OP, by necessity. Since George Lucas has the "No Kill" order on his Big Three; Luke, Leia, and Han are all imbued with Immortal Plot Armor until such time as either A. George Lucas relents and lets them get killed off, or B. George Lucas passes away and his will doesn't state that their Immortal Plot Armor is still in effect. Usually, multiple Jedi were needed to take down enemies of the Sith or Fallen Jedi variety before that. Ok, MAYBE Kyle Katarn was a bit OP too. But seriously, Traviss really took the OP trend completely beyond reason with her stuff. If you go the "fan fiction" route with FotJ, then you have to go the Mandalorian Fan Fiction route with Traviss's garbage.


    Never said i didnt.

  7. I tried PVP but got tired of hearing ppl insult me, my family, my kids, my well..... anything. PVP'ers are the most vicious e-thugs online. Sorry i dont want to hear ppl talk about sodomizing my kids with a knife because they died in a video game.
  8. Im still waiting for the bathrobe cheering section to tell me why the Jedi are gary stu'ed into the realm of gods and no one says a word. But if any other group is it's pitchforks and torches.


    Anakin- "No one can kill a jedi."

    Qui-gon- "I wish that were so."

    Anakin- "You must not read the EU after NJO."

  9. All paying customers ARE entitled to get everything out of the game. A better question: Why do people think a game that is intended to be entertaining and fun should be a tedious grind? And this is from a guy with a vanguard, scoundrel, juggernaut, sorceror, sentinel, shadow, sniper and mercenary on the same legacy so the requirements aren't impeding me in any way.


    The problem I find with Bioware in general is their "rewards" typically demand that you play the game a certain way. Like if people want an chiss jedi they'd have to play a chiss something else that they didn't want to. Or you'd have to play stories from lvl 1-50 one at a time for unlocks. I play all 8 stories chapter by chapter so all 8 slots are filled. Most stuff is useless given my playstyle.


    Granted, I could care less about the droid. But I have to ask, what is so great about that droid to warrant the effort involved? He's just another run of the mill companion as far as I can tell.


    You and your ilk need to read the ULA again, Your entiltled to one thing and one thing only by paing a sub....logging in to Bioware's servers when thier available.

  10. Na, you still have to earn things. It's just more mainstream now, less hardcore. How many people were playing mmos before blizzard? Quite a few less than present day, I'd guess.

    What it boils down to is playstyle.

    Person A is willing to devote alot of spare time and gets item within a week.

    Person B hasn't got the time to devote, but wants the item too. Gets said item in a couple of months.


    Both people have item. The trouble is that person B is now behind on the new content, dailies, crafting, grinding, because of spending time getting the item. Now, what I'm about to suggest isnt necessarily what I'd want, so don't take this as personal opinion, but if person B had a quicker method of getting the item, they wouldn't be behind, and could spend their time grouping with other people maybe? The end result is the same, both players have the item, both got the item the way they wanted to.

    What I'm seeing is person A saying that's not fair, I had to earn it, had to put in more effort. Well, yes you did, but wasn't it you saying you didn't want it easy mode?


    And what i see is an entire generation of MMO players who have been told thier special snowflakes and had thier hand held far too long. I'd love to invent a time machine, drop these "Wrath babies" into the genre circa 1999-2004. They be eaten alive with thier self-entitled attitudes.


    And BTW, im person B, im not in college doing 48-hour lan parties anymore, im an adult with kids,a job, a wife, bills, ect. so i cant do it like i used too.

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