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Everything posted by Kunari

  1. Agreed, there is no reason to remove them. They're buffing the other crafting skills a ton and then nerfing the !@#$ out of Biochem. The reusable stims/meds/adrenals were the only plus to Biochem at end-game. The prices for the blues (or "new" purples) are going to explode! All the biochem crafters out there are going need to keep their own personal stocks.
  2. ^^ QFT. OP only got to level 20-ish, then ran around a few dozen WZ's. He was missing many of skills and abilities a Commando will train into at higher levels. He's also not going against classes that are fully trained/skilled either, so he noticed fewer knock-backs, interrupts, stuns, etc that other classes bring to counter Commando's. He also didn't seem to run into any teams that knew what they were doing if they just let him cast without challenge. My friend is leveling a Trooper now (in the 30's) and we often two-man-group into WZs, I know, at least on our server, that our opponents pay attention and rarely let him go unchallenged. So from my experience either the OP is making up a story to sound like an objective review or just ran into the perfect storm of teams that didn't know how to counter a Trooper.
  3. They are increasing the AFK countdown. I too wish they'd change the doors myself, maybe move the spawn back so you have to run to the ledge again instead of just sitting there waiting.
  4. Doesn't hurt to have a spare Sorc or Assassin.
  5. I have noticed over the last patch that I do DC more often. Usually when trying to open a window: Crew Skill, Inventory, etc while there is a bunch of activity going on around.
  6. Don't over complicate it. Before the WZ starts, if there isn't 8v8 (or at least 7v8) then hold start of WZ for another 30-60sec to fill in the missing slots.
  7. I'm a Republic player and I'm getting more and more same-faction Huttball rounds too.
  8. Huttball does get boring when that's the WZ you play 90% of the time and it also gets frustrating unless you're playing of of the blessed classes that the map design favors.
  9. Yup, I don't see an exploit in the pics.
  10. L2 use your gap closer abilities. If you're a melee class and you're stuck at 30meters you're not doing it right. Melee classes in this game have a variety of gap closures, snares, LOS, stuns, etc.
  11. Sounds good and keep progression pretty much the same.
  12. Come on March! The option to pick your WZ is also coming, don't know if it's in 1.2 or not. I'm pretty sick of Huttball too but I'll play if if that's what pops up.
  13. I've had it only a few times. I'm not stressed out over a "deserter" debuff but I'd like it to be similar to the medical droid on a 24hour reset. 2-min the first time you "quit" a WZ, then 5min, then 15min, etc. A 2-min "ban" is small enough time that it'd be almost over by the time you get zoned back into game. So the legit crashes wouldn't really be effected.
  14. They've already said 1.2 will have the "pre-season" of the rated WZ's so hopefully that means pre-mades will only fight pre-mades groups of 4's and above. Two groups of 4's can compete against a team of 8.
  15. I agree that splitting up the zerg into smaller groups would make Ilum so much better than the laggy-zerg-fest it is currently. I commend your idea however, it seems that the over-populated side would just shift to North/South to farm the normal & faction "bonus" boxes. I think your idea would get the zerg to split a bit but I still think they'd have a Zerg waiting in Center to move N/S with smaller scouting parties to watch N/S. Edit: again, I like where your idea is going and it shouldn't be a huge task to make happen.
  16. I've seen kill trading on our server, but not nearly as often as it appears on other servers according to the forums. .
  17. With the latest changes, what spec do you go with now? I don't see it in the OP anymore.
  18. False Dichotomy there are many who don't fall into either of your two group definitions. Myself for example. I've done plenty of PVP in other MMOs but for-the-most-part find TOR"s PVP "fun" yet needing of improvements.
  19. What --if anything-- are you going to do about the terrible FPS issues on Ilum's Western Ice-shelf?
  20. "...The only thing that crits is his voice in your ear channel." Right now there isn't anyway to shut him up.
  21. I'm on your server and I've teamed with you in WZs. I try to always stay near you for the heals and to help defend you.
  22. As a Gunnery Commando I never really used Max. Elara or Alric all the way to level 50.
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