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Posts posted by wifeaggro

  1. you know I am a CG artist. When I am working on a project and its in the early vis stage and my mom see's it on her random visits she says wow that looks really good..... when in reality to a cg artist it is a very very rough draft and looks like crap to me.


    If fuzzy/blurry textures look fine to you then its you because to the rest of us it isn't really fine.


    And when you look at other mmos from the past 3 years theres a glaring difference they are all on a pretty high level of quality graphically compared to swtor.


    Agreed. They were extremely short sighted in the sevolpment planning. The art style is not my favorite but it is passable if there is high res textures and AA right now its not even on a 2008 scale

  2. No problem - I can write their response if this is the case: "Hello everyone - we wanted to give you an update: Yes, we are aware that the high res textures are not loading. We are trying as hard as we can to fix this problem, but we are unable to pin down the exact lines of offending code. We assure you that we will keep working on it, and our changing of 'medium' to 'high' on the test server is not our intended permanent fix."


    Bioware - I work pretty cheap. If you are interested in obtaining my services as a PR manager, I'll mail along my resume.


    awesome response and it would go a long way. on a side note you migh wanna add .though we are working hard on it. there is a very good chance they will never be in as we completely stripped the hero engine .Hero no longer support the updates for DX 10 ,11 or hig res textures for our version. you see we tried to save a buck and spent 100 million.

  3. Your views excite and interest me. Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to?


    Classic. there is plenty to do at 50 currently ive been 50 for a week. my biggest problem is the damn game is broken completely. half the time the launcher wont work and the other half it crashes from laod in to chr select.

  4. THe door is that way >>>>>


    "Missing Legacy" THis was the last thing to be added before the retail client and they have said it was going to take a while to create it.


    Lack of End Game? It has a considerable amount to do that most MMOs did not have at launch, you just have a lack of imagination.



    I have seen far more MMOs in worst states that they are considered unfinished. SWTOR is in a very stable build with very few minor bugs that can be fixed later. No MMO has ever been released in a perfect state. This game obviously doesn't fit what you want. Well there are plenty of other MMos out there, go play them instead of trolling a forum for a game you obviously don't enjoy.




    No one got called out. There was a forum topic that was getting large and has been on the first page for 3 days. Stephen's job is to handle the community, it would be his job to find the response to this which he has stated we will get one, whether its the answer people seek or not is another thing. If anyone actually thinks Bioware was pulling wool over anyone's eyes, you are a fool because they know that their consumers will find any issue and pick at it constantly.

    I can deal with all the thigs you have stated. What i cannot accept is they lack of acknowledgement of issues. thousands and thousands of players have been unable to log in tdue to their launchers being broken, the last stealth patch to prepare for 1.02a completely destroyred the launcher. many have even tried reinstalling. you cant sersiously defend a company that wont even address unservicable customers with an apology and we are working on it response?.thousands and thousands of people cannot even get past the load screen to chr select. Is this a defensible issue? i can handle in game bugs wonky performace and even missing features as simple as low quality resolution and removal of anti aliasing. Poor endgame content hell i expected that its a launch MMO and am totally willing to subscribe have fun with what they got and enjoy the ride of the evolving system. But the rest is completely un acceptable.

  5. Um, no. You know how the game is sold for $60? Well, if it was a retailer other then Origin, then they would only see roughly 25-35$ of that as the retailer has to make a profit so they get it cheaper, and on top of that, Lucas Arts gets I believe, 33% of revenue of so you chop that number down some more. They actually haven't made that much yet.


    Thats not the way it works. The liscene agreement was 33% of sub revenew for la. Nothing on sales EA got all of the sales. BW LA RA SPLIT subs 3 ways. LA and Bw have not seen a dime yet

  6. I am perfectly aware they are working on the problem, and they have been since they addressed the question in beta.


    However, that does not change the fact there will not be a sudden dramatic improvement in the look of the game, the textures are already there and always have been, they are simply not being displayed correctly. They were not intentionally switched off, removed from the download due to size restrictions, nor hidden for some other obscure tinfoil hat theory, it was a bug.


    If you actually pay attention in game, once in a while you can see the textures in all their glory, but what they offer, is not all that far removed from what is available now, all you will notice once fixed is a little more detail and bump mapping.


    You obviously did not play Beta for the short half a day that they enabled High res textures. you are seriosuly deluded . it made a massive difference in appearance and enviroments. Ill even go on to say it actually enhanced my ingame expierence. there is no doubt in that. these textures the lack of AA and things that they marketed as the retail product through screen shots and videos. this was a number one hot topic in beta its not going away the game was signifcantly better looking with those options.

  7. Frankly, I cannot see why this thread was created, during beta and directly afterward they acknowledged that high res textures were not being displayed in some circumstances, and it was being worked on, no mystery no drama, and certainly no need for "clarification", nor any need to repeat what has already been said. Those who have the inclination can go scroll through all Stephen Reid's tweets, several of the earlier ones address the question of high res textures not being displayed.


    However, anyone who is expecting a dramatic change in visuals will be sorely disappointed, aside from a little more bump mapping and texture detail in some cut scenes, char wardrobe display and close ups there is not that much difference. It will most certainly not alter the art style, or offer up a dramatic difference over that which is currently available.


    The textures are currently bad on armors they suck quite fronakl. NO AA NO AF and NO HRTP is dissapointing severly. I have a high end machine and really would like more options. its currently not a MMO for 2012 graphicaly. months down the road i could see more DX options i did not expect that at launch. But AA that is a standard feature for games released 3 or 4 years ago. I could understand a slight delay on HRTP but this problem has been a issue since first build beta. Lets not defend a non defendable issue. My guess is there is serious problems with there version of hero the stripped and rewrote. the engine cant even support all the additions Hero put in since 2007.

  8. Well the places exist, the community just doesn't use them.


    in my experience, the vast majority of people playing this game haven't yet realized there are other players playing it.


    thats not the communities fault though they designed this for a highly single player expierence ther is no denying it MMO was an after thought. the whole game sis designed around class stories the MMO part is lacking , lets not deny that. the game is good its just not really a true MMO its a hybrid theme park BW single player game.

  9. 1). group under one generator.


    2).tanks in middle and rotates to free generator when bulwark defense goes up


    3 ). everyone uses interupts on bulwark smash


    4 ) when he goes into Defense mode just use the time to let healers recharge everyone and gain power back, the mob does not regen.


    5). repeat steps 1 through 4 the boss dies everytime. his rocket barage is easily avoided and bulwark smash is the only big hit he has. the mechanics are simple once you have doe him 1 time. its a really fun fight though

  10. I just upgraded my Radeon HD 4850 to a Radeon HD 6850, and I saw zero changes in fps. I still get around 20 fps on planets in the open like Tatooine. Indoors I still get around 40-50 fps . On the fleet and in warzones the game is still unplayable because of my fps. Why have I seen no change in my framerate? This is upsetting. :/ I've noticed quite a bit of improvement in other games I've tried, but none in SWTOR. Can anyone help me?


    what is your CPU? you maybe bottle necked

  11. Mine has settings for high low and medium. However I've done extensive testing and I can only get the client to display low and very low. :D


    hahahahah gotta love those nintendo 64 armor textures looks like some one collored them on. Its compounded by the high detail faces. its very very odd looking.

  12. it seems to me that holding, and knowing what targets you have aggro on are a bit difficult so far as a level 26 jedi knight. i have poor aoe to hold aoe aggro and damage doesnt seem high enough to even hold aggro from my own companions even though i have a threat increasing stance.


    and as a side note, trying to pvp with a jedi knight guardian is beyond worthless, you do virtually no damage, and you still die quite easily


    typically i enjoy tanking in mmo's, but tanking in this feels much worse than it should be


    Yes this is a issue for Jugg and guardian. the issue is we have very little AOE threat management we have 1 AOE force taunt wiith a realitivly small radius. Jugg and Guard seem to be single target tanks. the proble is alot of the enocounters are very geared towards AOE threat management. The problem is compunded by no target of target to tabbing or clicking through targets to get them from healers sucks beyond belief. the issue at hand is going to result in alot of juggs and guards levling in DPs spec and switching to Immortal in endgame and shelving them when they are not raiding. assassin tank is far better in the Tanking range for lvlin through FP i cant speak for hard modes i am afresh 50. but BW has been aware that this issue is imbalanced since Beta. there are so few of these classes that actually tank it will not get much attention. prepare for carpal tunnel.

  13. Alright so Bioware just entered the MMO arena. Like a virgin trying to please all those capricious players.


    Wondering how BW guys are handling all that crying and ranting and yelling and swearing, which are so so so overwhelming in any MMO forum?


    Blizzard guys with their 7 or so years of experience are tough enough and know how to ignore QQ and/or when to take it seriously. I'm worried about Bioware which, as an MMO-newb, lack confidence for the moment and can get too touchy or panic for this flow of tears and rant.


    In any case, my personnal cheers to BW guys out there. I think they made an awesome job.




    Now, as a fellow MMO player, let my QQ begin.




    im sure its fine rhey just made crap ton of money in sales. They entered into a very onsided agreement with EA and LA. Right now i think rhey are deciding if its worth it to try and stop the bleeding or let their big dream gade off into obscurity. I like the game but i dont rhink the core of the mmo population will find this game to have longevity. Its too theme parkwith very little social features. The mechanics are very static and world deaign is about as good as nwn 1 was
  14. I too have just enabled it since last night. My goodness the game is beautiful! I upgraded my machine lately to an i5 with a 560TI graphics card, really AA makes all the difference in the world!!


    Did you read the file. right when you open up the ini it tells you do not alter the file and it will not enable AA lol it also states you will corrupt your files and require a full scan if you alter. your not viewing true AA and the graphics engine is a mess , the op is correct it has serious conflicts with AA and high res pacs

  15. I've had 8x AA on since release, you just have to enable it via the config file. I can't speak for others, but it's not caused any stability issues for me. A quick Google for "enable anti aliasing swtor" will provide details on how to turn it on.


    If you go look at your ini file its been changed lol. they also coded something so you cannot turn it on via your INI you dont have AA even though you think you do. We are not getting high res pacs nor AA anytime soon BW is in way over their head right now. WaaaaarrrHammmmma anyone.

  16. Greetings,


    Before I start …


    1) I am level 50 (Jedi Knight / Sentinel)


    2) I have PvP'd to Valor rank 38


    3) I have my professions maxed, all datacrons found and most quests in game completed


    With that said …


    We all know this game has many bugs and many things that feel / seem unpolished and unfinished. Conversely, what seems unfinished to one person might seem perfectly fine to another (Hardcore vs Casual perspective as one example of contrast.)


    My post is about the universal functionality that causes most Western market MMO's to fail. I make a great salary predicting this, as most games are initially supported by VC funds, PE funds and other sources of investment, all of which I consult and broker.


    I have a great track record dating back to World of Warcraft (for successful bets,) predicted the demise of Vanguard, Aion, FF14 and Warhammer. (For advising not to invest.) Some of the reasons were, of course, Western gamers “dislike” grinds and Eastern specific functionality inherent in Korean and Japanese titles attempting to monetize Western markets. That which is commonplace in the East is moderately tolerable in the West, but ultimately rejected, when it comes to certain aspects of the gaming culture.


    That aside …


    As an investor, I look at 3 metrics (in MMO's and MOBA genre titles.)


    1: Audience


    2: Market Share


    3: Long term sustainability (after initial growth.)


    Audience: When you lease an automobile, you either return to the dealer 12-36 months later to buy or lease again (or go elsewhere,) this is called "lease loyalty" and is often identified with the Brand, salesperson or financial constraint. The connotations of the first two are positive in nature, the second, neutral and not applicable to this discussion. Companies such as Blizzard (for example) are successful because they "know how to talk to the people." They have an audience and cater to that audience.


    What Bioware failed to do was capitalize on there audience and relied on Brand recognition (which is questionable.) This was countered by the negative association of the Electronic Arts brand and clustered by the involvement of Lucas Arts. (a too many Chiefs and not enough Indians syndrome.)


    So what was left in this wake were Star Wars fans, KOTOR fans, and people curious to start a new game (MMO) from the on start. Unfortunately, most of these "New" players have played Polished MMO's, and have come from other titles to give this one a chance.


    Like the test drive, if you have the money, you need to be sold from the start. (And most have the money to purchase multiple games and pay the subscription for the one they ultimately settle on.) The salesperson, the test drive ... it all needs to make that first impression, or for the most part, people will return to what they know and like, and reject the new endeavor for reasons such as those found all over the SWTOR forums and this post.


    We were sold on Star Wars, but the test drive (and lets be honest) is lackluster at best. The audience has spoken on the Forums – about things we dislike and want changed immediately. (Would you settle on a car that had a bad test drive if you could afford something better?) Bioware runs into two problems here


    1: Engineer talent (are they talented and efficient enough to overhaul and change what’s needed to be changed?)


    2: Budget (Are enough funds committed to make the changes happen, or are they hedging there losses and preparing for the worst case scenario already?)


    I suspect it is a bit of both, I advised all my clients to divest of anything to do with EA and Bioware for this vary reason. They needed to attract more talent from the star, BETA test at least another 5-6 months. They should have overstaffed to deal with forum moderation, customer service and bug stomping, among other issues.


    These issues, listed above, are only the tip of the iceberg; there are some major flaws in this game that are causing droves of customers to leave.


    Some of them, but not limited to …


    Combat: In both PVP and PVE, the non fluid ability delay is game breaking in design. It’s workable albeit annoying and needs to be changed. The game will not be successful long term in its current state. The lack of auto attack is one thing, but the ability delay is too much to swallow.


    Grind: At 50, HM's, PVP ect all become long grinds ... this will cause some to stop playing or eventually lose interest, not due to the grind, but thru faction imbalance, class imbalance and gear disparity in warzones that get boring fairly quickly. (The same maps can be fun if the issues states are resolved, which all link to root and main caused, such as slow combat.) This issue is further compounded by non 50’s facing 50’s in WZ’s.


    Lack of Community: No server forums, sharding and lag in non-sharded areas ... well, this is a problem … a very huge problem. Community is a huge part of any MMO, the excuse of (“we cannot moderate separate server forums” and “we don’t want to build community on the forums,” is a load of BS, and as an investor question the companies availably of resources, fund and confidence in product.)


    Lack of Customer support and service: Auto Droid ticket response after 3-4 days is unacceptable. Not being able to speak to a GM, a human being or call into the call center is very problematic, and brings for the concerns of the previous item.


    Ambiguity: What abilities do, lack of metrics and logs to analyze what occurs in game, no visibility on the future outside secretive of the cuff comments made by some developers ... sorry, learn to talk to the people please, the current state in this respect again, is not acceptable in today’s MMO market.




    How do we get white and purple crystal fragments? Are they in game? Do we need to reverse engineer for them? Questions like these should have answers, even if the answer is "sorry, they are not implemented in game yet."


    End game Ops bugged, Heroic FP's (some encounters) overturned for 2 weeks now - this is unacceptable, sorry. These are the initial OPS, not newly implemented expansions or patches. No excuse.


    I could go on about the negative niche and non universal things, but that becomes somewhat ideological in essence. The point here is that, this game has potential that is being squandered daily, and people are responding by leaving the game. Most will not return, and this is proven by 10 years of MMO's failing and the habitual patterns of the market / MMO audience, which is about 24-28 million world over.


    On a personal note; I am willing to give the game a chance, I am staying to see / hope they make these changes and improvements.


    On a professional note: The damage has already been done, and the chance to monetize on this game / company is long gone.


    I think Bioware knows this, and it wouldn’t be justified by a company / business to allocate funds to a project that doesn’t have long term growth and sustainability.


    WOW grew to 11 million. It started at much less. Aion started with 3.5 million, shrunk to under 350k. SWTOR 4-5 million, and is shrinking daily. This shift alone is problematic and often spells doom and gloom for an MMO title. (Just something else to also keep in mind.)


    The number of subs that are required to sustain this title and the number of subs required to allocate funds for further development is unknown. I assume they will make a profit, but at the cost of quality in customer service and support, delaying game changes and fixes and also delays in other areas.


    This wasn't as "bad" a launch as many other titles that have been released, but they didn’t get it right either. There are plenty of other options for current customers and even more on the horizon. I hope other companions look at what happened with this game and learn from the errors. Bioware needs to stick to games they do reasonably well, such as Dragon Age. This game would have been better if they consulted with Aion's engine / combat team and hired some folks from Blizzard or other like companies. The current talent pool and experience level of key people it seems is lacking, and the management team pushed the game in a direction that many dislike.


    If Bioware decides to make another MMO, I hope they base it off ME or DA. If they think they can save the game, then they need to allocate the funds, take the game off line for 1-2 months and relaunch it. Otherwise, we all need to learn to enjoy mediocrity and a game that might have been.


    Good day and see you all later.



    I said the same crap 2 years ago with about a paragraph and with far less intelligence. I knew the feature set and game design would almost be a kin to NwN minus a toolset.i knew they had severe misconceptions about the mmo population. I like the game but i dont rhink it has longevity the skimped on key features and went way to deep in the theme park focus.with that said i dont believe a f u c k ing word you wrote. Though you certainly have impecible writing skills

  17. The Hero Engine is pretty terrible.


    Lol maybe they should lease trions new engine and remake tor. Trion is winning awards right and left for their two engines they made them selves. Bioware made some very serious fundemental mistakes. Its disturbing how good the game is whith a crappy engine. It is gonna kill their retention in the long term mmo players demand more these days not a instanced static world with good story and medicore gameplay

  18. So as some who made level 50 might know the raid gear has its Armor mod slots LOCKED down so you cannot take its mods out and slot it into your favorite orange quality cool looking armor.


    Yes some equal quality "loose" armor mods was said by developers to be made avialable in raids , but we have not seen a single one yet at least.


    What is worse for PVP gear there is no equvalent to this, or in other words no PVP armor mod vendor so your stuck with your champions etc gear exactly how it looks, as the juicy stats are on the armor mods which cannot be removed (and lets be honest the level 50 epic PVP gear has had so much negative feedback for its crappy looks)


    In other words you will end up looking EXACTLY like all other players of the same class, the question then begs WHY then Bioware implemented the Orange moddable gear in the first place, if its practically not usable at endgame ?


    Yes, some Bioware developer said they "had" to do this because otherwise some raiders would just farm the first couple bosses and remove the mods and by this make complete upgraded armor sets without having to kill the more difficult end- bosses.


    I cant believe they just made this "cheap" bandaid solution, instead of, for example made the armor mods dependent on the piece it was removed from, ie chest piece armor mod only usable in chest piece orange armor etc.


    Before anyone says why even care for looks or "only stats count" well in that case why even make the game graphically apeasing ? or even just make it text based like RPGs from the 80s :-)


    Bandaid solutions like this from the game developers really make me worry for its future, and lets be CLEAR, i waited 5 years for this game and could be called a "fan" and do NOT want this game to fail, which is WHY stuff like this (and as you all know the "list" with urgent things for them to fix is getting longer every day already...) is really making me sad.

    purples have base stats outside of mods.you could never mod a orange to be equal to that purple.i do agree with the sentiment though if you get a dup piece it could be scavanged to make an orange better
  19. This is a thread meant to show Bioware that the majority of players DO NOT want LFD or LFR tools even if they arent cross server because it has a huge impact on the community not only server but as a whole.


    I srsly do not get why people started whining so much about this lately? Its not something that if you don't have you can't play the game properly.


    I found groups and started groups for heroics 2/4 and flashpoint myself asking in the general chat .


    Word of advice : DONT BE LAZY! And ask in the general chat and you will find people, sure it might take awhile sometimes but at least the spirit of the community will be kept alive.


    Look what happened to WoW because of it ( again, the no cross server argument is invalid) - no more wpvp ( yes ganking at summoning stones was still considered pvp on pvp servers) and people turning jerks.


    GET A GROUP YOURSELF and the satisfaction for finishing a flashpoint will be higher, you will get to know those players and eventually add them to your friends list.




    The game currently with its sharding and very static ambience is already pushing a almost NWN feel . Aside form the space station i rarely see people. thank god i have a solid gamming guild that has been together since EQ 2 . I have made zero new aquaintances in this game largely do to ease of content and heavy sharding through the zones. A dungeon finder would destroy any chance of socializing with people on the station. I really like this game but there are some serious fundemental MMMO flaws. A dungeon finder would only put a nail in the coffin of TOR's in game server community's.

  20. First I'd like to make it clear that my intention of this post is not to bash the game, but to state the obvious, and maybe things that players are not aware of.


    I've been playing the game for like 7 days now, my character is level 36 at the moment. having finished all quests of Darmund Kaas, Tatooine, and many quests here and there, completed my legacy quest line and going further with the story quest line.


    Having said this, it is clear that I have played the game, and my judgement is not out of nothing.


    Secondly, I would like to mention what is good about this game, and why this good part turns really bad later on:


    1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.


    2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves.


    Lastly, what really is very bad about this game:


    1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


    2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


    3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway.


    4- companions: useless at level 50 and in flashpoints. Can't do quests without them, so you have to keep at least one companion with you. Having five companions that you need to gear, work on their affection, just to turn out useless end game is kinda of...useless I say.


    5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): super, duper useless, the epics you craft are bound on pickup, you basically cannot sell anything useful. Non-profitable crafting, recipes drop rate is very rare, missions take too long to finish beyond 260 points of skill. So far I've sold only one crafted item out of like 10, so I didn't bother at all, since all crafted gear is literally useless even when leveling up, since you can get really better gear just by doing quests.


    6- Walking: all the unnecessary walking this game has, from spaceport to ship, from ship to ship controls, then back out of the ship, to the elevator to the spaceport to outside, not to mention all the useless uninteresting cut scenes that pop every time the ship flies. Why can't we just hit one button from the spaceport and enter the ship? why do I have to WALK, not even use the mount to do it?


    7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


    8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs: all of these just sway the players from continueing to play the game, in my opinion I should not continue subscribing to this game anymore, in fact I'm going to cancel now.


    ADDED (edited):

    9- No macroing: I'm already at a stage where I have only 3 or 4 empty slots in the quickbar, and still did not reach lvl 50, not to mention that not all of them are bound to a key, oh and i'm talking about my 4 quickbars.

    (finished Editing)


    All of this sums up at how bad this game really is, story lines? good finished in 15 days...then what?


    Bioware could have done something better with this game, but no. I believe they should have made this a single player game, in fact, this game is an exact copy of Knights of the old Republic games, it is just that now you have other people playing around you, and you can see them and play with them.


    Now let me ask a final question...What is an MMO? a massive multiplayer online game right? where on earth does SWTOR fit that description if groups are made out of 4 players, PVP of 8, and the biggest raid is only 16 players...how can this be massively multiplayer online game? where's the massive in a maximum of 16 players playing together? and of 4 questing together? and of 8 PVPing together? where? even battlefield has more player count than this...this is just the biggest joke on earth.


    And this concludes my whining.

    rift is a highly successful post release game partner go lock at the stock and finacial reports trion is kicking *** and is getting alot of pressure from the market to go public.
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