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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by wifeaggro

  1. Sorry but the last thing you want to do in an MMO is replay the same planet again with 1 quest chain different on each planet.(class story). It doesn't work that way. Also the single player aspects of green phases where you would enter by yourself, take control of the building by yourself, the republic would move in and take control of the place, you would then go outside and see imperials defending the place???? Failed phasing much? I mean why take over a position and be told its been taken just to walk outside and see that it clearly hasn't. Or the imperials standing outside didn't see the army of republic enter and take over the position?


    Learn to phase. Make phasing world scale for real MMO experience.


    Thata a pretty weak plan for longevity

  2. That's what we are talking about. Running with the same group all the time.


    What your refering to is called a static . we run in a static and the only place that drops Force user gear is foundry . other then that you can get some energized force user gear a bit more. but for the end boss set over 35 HM under my belt ranging from BT to kaon and none have dropped a force user columi piece or weapon except Revan. The only 2 pieces of force user gear my static has came from him .

  3. Our group is seeing mostly BH drops from all HM bosses. I'd say is 80% or higher. Repeat drops every time. We even have a running joke about gearing up our PT tank companions.


    We've been running HM's for about a week now. We've done all of them except D7 multiple times, and we are seeing so little variance.


    Our main group consist of BH tank, Sin DPS, Sorc DPS, and Sorc Healer.


    We do change the group make up now and again. Sometimes we will have 2x Sin DPS instead of a sorc DPS. However, the BH loot still drops.


    Overall, we are enjoying the challenge of HM's, but we sure would like to get our DPS and healer geared. (We have a lot of trouble with the bonus Kaon boss. DPS/Healer checked)


    We are so tired of getting repeat BH drops on our Columi pieces. Heck, we'd even take more variation on our Tionese drops, which aren't all that great.


    I got dibs on the next Aim gun w/power crystal that drops off of the behemoth in Kaon (I'm the healer).


    Too bad he won't drop a dang main hand that useable for anyone but a BH.


    Please listen to us Bioware. Please!!!!!!!


    We are seing the same thing been doing HM for 2 weeks , 1 jug tank, 1 heal sorc, 1 BH dps, 1 OP, dps. 75 precent BH and 24 OP gear. ill give 1% for the DPS lightsaber we got of HK . all of our compaions are geared with BH eqipment and OPS equipment as well as the 2 having multiple sets.

  4. There is zero reason to do so, the DPS loss isn't worth it at all.


    In P3 avoid the balls while the boss is damageable, after hes immune, break the lightning balls with the people targeted, then get back on the mind traps.


    ~10k damage to each person is easily healable




    1. not needed

    2. not needed just kite them

    3. only on nightmare (maybe)

    4. not needed easily healable the boss doesn't do enough damage to the tank to warrant it.


    There is zero Combat logs to even begin to make such a statement, and i personally think all the easy kills we raiders are getting are going to be nerfed i suspect bioware using alot more spike damage then enrage timers in the near future

  5. I get any where from 60-110fps on everything maxed (and i even boost AA more with catalyst)


    The one thing i'd like to mention is my temps are running at 72c-82c on my One 27" monitor.

    I need to know what other peoples average temps are with maxed settings.

    I might have to return this card for another, the temps seem high for not running eyefinity...yet


    P.S i have the Gigabyte reference 7970, and these are my temps at Stock settings.

    I have fan running arounf 40-50% anything louder than 50% is pretty dang loud

    And my card is in the Coolermaster HAF-X case right beside the side Fan.



    TOR seems to run hot for a large majority of the high end systems even though its graphic options are horribly bad. I have a 590 GTX and found if i actually forced some of the things BW had turned off my card got a 8 degrees reduction. i went from low 90's to mid to low 80's. ive got PCI fans at 40 percent and Afterburner scaling with my card temps. i crack the door on my case which has vents and fans everywhere to reduce it even more . TOR is not optimized nor do think it will be until they update the engine.

  6. Unfortunately, i have to agree with OP. Itemization in this game is incredibly lame. If the bosses at least had their own non-token loot that could only be gotten from them, AND was better than T3 gear, then i could see it being worthwhile, but as is everyone is gonna be a cookie-cutter of everyone else of the same class in another month or so. Dont get me started on how ridiculously bugged the operations are...


    The end game fell flat. Its a lot worse then rift at release. at least rift had some sort of incentive to raid.All in all bioware needs to act extremely fast on the end game and start changing some of the things the hardcore community said 3 weeks ago (this is coming from a casual) I feel for Bioware on this making an MMO is no easy task but they made serious fundemental design decsions that do not translate into longevity and immersion. 2 key compnonents for success.

  7. Nope, it's just random dude. Took me three weeks of doing FE before it dropped the Sith Warrior Chest piece from Malgus. Sometimes you win and sometimes you don't. And when luck isn't on your side, it kind of blows.



    The only bug I've seen thus far is Kaon. Where both bonus and end boss drop Columi Headpiece.


    15 runs in FE and 12 times the BH dropping and 3 OP dropping is not random. its broken there have been threads for three weeks on this issue im not the only one seeing it. if you have to do FE 24 times to get a force user BP to drop . well not many of the community willplay that game. and the Kaon head piece is supposed to drop 2 pieces of columi because the bonus boss is harder then main boss.

  8. Why is it that the same loot drops in 8 mans as 16 mans, yet the 16 mans are easily 3 times harder? This goes for both normal and hard modes.


    What incentive are you giving people to run 16 mans exactly? We can walk through the 8 mans on both difficulty, but when it comes to 16 man hardmode its a different story.


    as a guild we would like to raid together as 16, but really, why when 8 man is so much easier and shares the same lockout and loot?


    IMO you need to increase the loot on 16 man normal to ONLY columi drops to give incentive for guilds to run the 16 mans, and again the 16 man hard/nightmare should be ONLY Rakata drops, again incentive to do them over the much easier 8 man versions.


    Now that the Bulk of the population is hitting endgame we are seeing how horribly itemized it is as well as buggy. i suspect another 20 to 30 % burn off at the end of this sub cycle. BW needed to listen to the early endgame community and adjust of their feedback if you look back to 8 days after release we see alot of the same threads we are posting.

  9. False Emperor HM is the only one I'm seeing the problems with no loot variance when running with the same 4 people. Well, at least that's the only one I've run enough times with the same 4 people, that has utterly identical drops everytime, to create an informed opinion on.


    My usual group just stopped doing False Emperor because of this, I'll have to go there with random people I guess. The problem could exist in other HM flashpoints as well, I just haven't run them enough times with my static group to come to that conclusion.


    It exists across the board believe me i have posted several threads on this we have seen 2 pieces of force user gear in over 30 HM FP's. its mostly bounty hunter gear. Unfortunately this is a known issue . we are now just seeing the majority of the population at endgame so i suspect more and more threads over the next week. I have already canceled my sub until this issue is addressed. Ill re sub once clarifcation of an adjustment.

  10. Hey all,


    Our standard group has been running hardmodes for the last 2 weeks. It's typically a guardian tank, sage healer, commando dps, and sentinel dps. We are seeing next to zero variance in drops when running with this premade group.


    The couple times we have swapped out a member or two, is the only time we've seen different drops.


    Take False Emperor for example. We've run it 13 times and seen the smuggler jacket 11 of those times. Twice it's been the Trooper jacket and those 2 times we had swapped out members.


    Are other premade groups seeing this? Don't bother telling me random is random. I know how streaks are possible, but I'd love to know if other people that run with the SAME GROUP are seeing very little variance in drops.




    Yes Absloutely i created a thread saying the exact same thing. It is always the exact same thing ,) force user equipment 75% bounty hunter and 25% Operative. The group make up of 1 Jug, 1, sorc, 1 OP, 1 BH a static group we break the content for the guild and hand out the strats for the groups who have trouble. its every single time the same exact issue you are having.

  11. They know it, we know it, the gaming community knows it. If they had any guts, they'd release the numbers now that everyone has had a chance to fully experience the game. Of course they won't because they'll be humiliating considering not but 3 weeks ago were bragging about this "surge" and their player population.


    Every single MMO released expierences a 30 % burn off in 30 Days . Every single one. SWTOR may have a bit higher maybe 40% maybe 45%. One thing is certain BW released with 2 million in sales. if they maintain 800 k of that 2 million they will have a massive profit.Non of the devolpers are ever truthful about their numbers so id rather them say nothing then lie like blizzard with 11 million subs and only 3 million of them pay. There was a signifcant burn off recently that is for sure. but its no where near the catastrophy your trying to make it LOL.

  12. Why cant games get this right? Player crafted gear should be the best possible in game armor. Everything craftable should be the best possible. Still having good gear drop from PvE but being able to break it down into crafting supplies. Or strait up credit rewards or something. After level 50 in this game crafted gear is a waste.


    Example: If you ever played DAoC and built a template. Crafted gear had to be in the template to get things right. You had drops from PvE in there etc etc but you put Crafted gear in to fill in holes in your stats.


    I dont really want DAoC style, I loved making templates dont get me wrong but I dont want a stat cap. If I want to put Aim on every single piece and only have Aim as a stats and gimp the rest why cant I do that. (I wouldnt btw)


    Anyways, I do enjoy the game as it is. Hit 50 last week and my Trooper struggled at first in WZ's but in about half Champ gear now it aint so bad. I like the grind of PvP'ing for something but I dont want it to be gear. Id be happy just PvP'ing for a nerver ending Valor rank. Or PvP for titles for everyone to see. Something like that, you get gear from everything else. Dont need it for PvP. Having crafted gear be the best and able to put what stats you wanted you could make your own sets for both PvE and PvP putting more into End for certain things or Aim for example for PvP. Dont need Expertise either.


    PvP needs to be SKILL based not gear based.

    there are several things wrong with gear at the moment and the rate of aquiring. its pretty botched once you figure it out. PVP gear is insanely easy to grind and can be better then some of the FP commendation gear in PVE. Crafting should be an alternate way to aquire the second tier raiding gear, it should never be the best it will make the pve content pointless.

  13. Bioware there is a serious flaw in the tier system. currently players can acquire gear easier from PVP then the first set of tionese . Many are using PVP as away to speed the process through the PVE content. PVP gear set bonus's are actually better in PVE then the PVE gear is in a lot of instances. the word is circulating either by design flaw or intention.


    But more and more people are choosing to not run Flashpoints and strictly grind WZ's . force user's get an extreme shaft. I have cleared every HM available , the amount of BH and OP gear is incredible . My static has one Bounty hunter one operative and they have multiple sets of each. The inquisitor and myself have 1 piece each to show for roughly 30 flashpoints , and we run all of them.


    BT is the only instance to have dropped a columi piece. when looking at the set bonus's form PVP and PVE some tanks are choosing the PVP set for their first raiding set. As the Intercede bonus has a hard number stat to it. As where the Tionese and coloumi set is roughly theory from its shield bonus .


    the rate of acquiring between PVP and PVE needs a hard look and some tweaks made to the system as well as the set bonus's. On a side note please remove auto assigning gear on master loot were all adults and don't need a big brother telling us who gets what gear.

  14. I was making a new Sith warrior last night (I'm on Space Slug). At no time during my 3 hours or so of leveling from 1 to 10 did the population go over 20. Chat was almost completely silent. I don't think I saw one single group request for the two heroics.


    I get the whole holidays thing but prime time on a Thursday night? Austin, I think we have a problem.


    The low level activity is bad. lvl 50 is cranking at least on my server. prime time the fleet has 200 plus people and 2 3rd's are lvl 50's . thats not including the planets that have dailies and those in instances and raids. With that said BW does need to act fast on the endgame and implement legacy system to get a resurgence in lower lvls. I also dont think leaving 215 servers open when they have a gaming population to support maybe 100 servers, is a smart thing to do for their customer. there was a huge burn off in this game, i was suprised to see such a large exodus. i expected a 30% burn off but my guess that its more like a 45% from the 2 million copies sold.

  15. So you would rather have the outgoing damage in fights made trivial by dismissing enrage timers? Sorry man, TOR is not a synonym for lawl-ezmode.


    It's not a cheap tactic. Your suggestion would make the end game an utter joke -- much more than it is already!


    Rifts end game was way more diffcult then this. they had very little enrage timers. Personaly i think TOR's single group content is way to easy. enrage timers just make it a DPS race. Ive done every single 4 man on hard and its pretty damn easy. the only thing enrage timers do is limit your group make up. there are ways to increase the diffculty other a 200 % buff for every boss on a timer lol. And TOR is EZ-mode currently even with enrage timers

  16. ive ran hardmode bt, bp and kaon under siege. the only enrage timer we have ever really encountered is the final boss on bt. she enrages fast and seems to always enrage for us at about 1 to 2k health, she instagibs the dps and our tank kills her himself. all other bosses were either dont encounter the enrage or their enrage is weak.


    if you are always hitting enrage timers your dps is a bit weak, need to step that up some.


    need t kill her before her 5th magnet pull. thats all it is

  17. Your dps is bad. Tell them to fix their spec, fix their rotation and stop sucking.


    Nah Enrage timers are a cheap Dev tactic to hide bad imagination and meh mechanics. Its the same group make up for every HM one tank sniper, sorc and , op heal spec or sorc heal spec. enrage timers are just lame it does not allow for any group make up other then 1 heal 2 DPs and a tank. nothing wrong with enrage timers but its BW crutch, and the community repsonding with LRn 2 ply and all your BS eleitst crap is non sense we farm these things with the same stupid group set up. but if you try to bring two heal specs just to help your guild advance with gearing the zone is not completable unless you respec. its just a crutch dude thats all it is. Rift did content with very little reliance on enrage timers and the fights there are epic in 5 man zones.

  18. Every. Single. Time. He blows me off the ledge, and I am unable to enter the instance to receive loot or complete the quest do to this bug. I have missed out on loot I can use, and at this point I have come to the belief that it's impossible for a melee tank to complete without suiciding for the rest of the parties benefit.


    Can we PLEASE get a fix on these heroics? There is NO reason we should EVER not be able to re-enter an instance. EVEN if it's completed. The only thing you need to do is program it so once it's completed, the area is deserted! Instead of making all these people (and I know I'm not the only one) miss out on hard earned loot. When there is this easy of a fix, I am very ticked that we haven't even gotten a 'we're looking into it'


    Filed a bug report on the loot I missed out on, my friend received it in hopes they could transfer it over to me even though I don't get to complete the quest, but NO they completely give me a canned answer saying it's been forwarded to the team, and do nothing for my missing loot!


    So there you have it.


    No I will not tank HM False Emperor for you.


    We one shot him everytime with me tanking its all about preposition . walk backwards to the ledge. if you do that he will suck you in instead of throw. place your self in that cut out on the pillars and stay there.

  19. If you do the dailies for a week you get enough mods to make all of the tionese gear pointless. Can we please buff this gear so it adds incentives to do hard modes. I understand we have a columni armor token drop on 1 boss, but at least make the tionese crystal usefull. Add some rare mats to the vender or something. I have 300 crystals, but I'm using level 40 pvp gear because my mods are better then the tionese crap.


    Set bonus . but the aquistion is bad. by the time you have enough commendations you will have a full set of Collumi from last boss drops. Very poorly planned.

  20. This happened to my team yesterday, we found that the problem, is breaking the core the instant the locks appear, you need to wait 3~4 secs before breaking the locks, then hk'll be released from the core properly.

    At least, as i said, that worked for us, we wiped 2 times, because he was always powering up, but doing that, it went really smooth


    That is incorrect the encounter randomly bugs no matter what you do. it is iin fact broken. it will work 1 out of 5 tries.

  21. I will give you a hint, The **** is bugged. People like you are whats wrong with 90 percent of all game community s. As for the original post yes I never had an issue with the boss's ship until after 1.1 You can kill the boss through the damage of t hie ship but it is extremely difficult. Not sure why the ship doesn't go down anymore. my group shot the ship many more times then needed to down it. Shows it on fire but it never actually dies.


    It is bugged. several people in this forum fron as community members and i am personaly convinced they are Bioware employees they defend the borken mechanics to the end.

  22. Want to get past HK-47 in foundry? Dont be bad. CC the first two droids that come out and right off the bat burn hk down and only focus on him. The adds hit like wet noodles(you) so you dont have to worry about that trash. Just blow all your cooldowns and burn the boss. If he does bug in the center and has his buff on that makes him **** have the tank face him away from the group and pop cooldowns. At that point you continue to nuke his face down. Its not hard. He dies quick. If you fail on HK I would love to see you on Revan before the patch. That was a FUN fight. Too bad we downed him on a regular basis without problems.


    Ive downed revan , HK is the problem in the zone it seems even following his mechanics he will get the buff reguardless of the panel clicking. The point is its not the the content hard . its easier then all the games ive played. the point is there are several encounter breaking mechanics still in game. Id actually like to see it harder but unbroken . I agree my delivery on this thread sucked but the fan boi defnse of this broken end game is absurd they should get their asses chewed over this garbage we are paying for it now.

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