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Posts posted by wifeaggro

  1. I don't know the answer but I agree. Graphics are the one complaint I have with the game. I understand that they want the game to run on as many types of computers as possible but they are so bad it is distracting.


    Maybe I'm just spoiled by Skyrim, Battlefield 3, and Crysis.


    A high-rez pack would be nice for us crazy people who spend way to much money on our computers.


    Its really not that intensive the low ends could use it too, shadows and shaders are what tax frame rates they would have little issues with high res pacs. The textures are god awful not anywhere near what they shold be for a 2011 release game. the panel on my speeder literaly looks like my 5 year olds coloring book. same with my armors and the floors. they will win no fans in the press with this in the long run.

  2. Umm...yeah...that blurry texture thing?


    That's texture resolution. And that's exactly what we're talking about.


    IT doesn't just affect your armor, though that is where you would notice it most. It affects other textures in the game world as well. They look muddy...undefined..and blobby in many instances.


    They certainly do not look like the screenshots from in-game footage that Bioware is handing around to websites. I have seen some people say that they are seeing high rez textures...but many are not.


    So something is WRONG. And that fancy robe you have on your Sentinel? You *should* be seeing that in much higher detail.


    They have no high res textures nor AA or AF. Apparently they modified the living daylights out of hero to scale it for a lower end computer and broke the living Fug out of the high end options.

  3. People jumped all over me in beta for saying essentially the same thing.

    the fanbois were going on about how the gfx were all "turned down" for beta and how they'd be awesome on release, I said that it wouldn't happen and now we see who was right.


    Its a shame since the current texture res doesn't even push 4 year old hardware much less anything newer.


    I was right there with you and i knew when they took the AA option out it was a bad sign for any high res textures or AA coming back to the game any time soon. Bioware certainly did not spend any of that 100 mil on Scaling options or optimization lol.

  4. I have no idea what is going on with TOR. Basically I'm level 31 and have been playing on max settings with 40-100 fps depending on situation, never below really with very little problems.


    But today when I logged in and played it, I went to a dungeon/cave and it started dropping badly and the game was almost unplayable, 1-20 fps. I thought this could be like Taris so I got off the planet but it continued.


    Even the game menus are slow, now when I'm in a queue for a server, when I tab out and back in the loading screen with the characters is there for several seconds. Also it takes several minutes just to "Exit game", it just stalls and takes ages.


    I even made a new character on a new server to see, and still same problem. I also cranked graphics down to lowest possible settings. And did a full reinstall of the game but it didn't help. It is also less than a week old reinstall of windows.




    Windows 7 Ultimate

    Radeon HD 4870

    Duo Core 3.1 GHZ

    4GB Corsair 800MHZ ram


    As you can see my system is a bit old but it should play AT LEAST with minimum graphics settings with good FPS. It's actually still a decent rig and runs Crysis at about 30-35 FPS so I don't understand what the problem is.


    I will probably reinstall windows tonight to see if it makes a difference.


    Anyone else having a similar problem? Any help is appreciated, I won't be able to subscribe to the game if it stays like this.


    Sum up: The game WAS running fine, even in EGA. It's not my system as far as I can tell, or my HDD or anything, I wiped windows and have up to date drivers. Something has happened to game or client to cause this problem.




    I am having issues as well . FPS drop with a massive increase on GPU load. creating a lot of heat issues Have a 590 GTX and my temps went from 80 to 85 c to near failure lvls with live patch. ive noticed a full load on both cores now. yesterday a 60 to 70 % . funny thing is the graphic textures are still muddy with no AA lol.

  5. I have noticed a signifcant strain on my GPU after offical launch. Heat issues across the board was a steady 80 to 85 C with everything maxed. Currently my card is running near failure temps for my series.


    1).Card is Nvidia GTX 590

    2).Driver 285.62

    3).Fans are scaled to run 90 to 100 % after 91 C

    All are working correctly

    4).PCI fan scaled and working properly.


    Wondering if the problem is happening for anyone else or possibly alderan Specfic . will try tattooine. But i have noticed a **** from balancing from CPU and GPU usage to a heavy load on both GPU cores.

  6. This is good info except for 1 thing. Most monitors these days max out at 1080p res, because they are cheaper to make that way. Using the setting listed above may work for people, but your monitor wouldn't be running native res.


    I suggest people do this, but switch the res to 1080, not 1200x1920 and you should have good results.


    Funny because monitor resoultions have actually come downward with the uprising of HDTVs. I run on a 27'' 1080p tv w/ GTX570 and it looks pretty darn good for an mmo.


    where do you add this in the file below the standard stuff or above?

  7. James Ohlen said Anti Aliasing would be in by launch, or shortly after. I don't remember anything being said about textures, though if somebody has a link?


    that is truth statement. they have said noting about textures which are god awful. The faces are subperb . everything else is bad. EQ 2 had better textures at launch . I dont know what the were thinking . its yuck.

  8. Hi all


    If you don’t care about graphics quality, but just love the game as is...don’t read this thread....just GAME ON !!


    First of all...I got in last night, plus I was in the beta....I played and played and played.....great game....but I am one of the people that really has a problem with bad graphics...for me it can be game breaking.


    And to make things clear....I like the art stile and the models, so it's not a question about that.


    I forgot to take some screenshots of what I’m talking about, but it's old news to many of you.


    Some of the textures are ok I guess, but when you get close to a rock or a ship or a building, textures look really fuzzy and washed out...and no..iI'm not looking at it with a magnifier..it's easy to see the low quality.


    This is something you would expect from a game from 2000-2004 (Texture wise).


    I just don’t get it. Yes they want everyone to be able to play the game, but what about the rest of us.


    It's like saying... "Not all can buy a great looking sports car, so now people can only buy small cheep a** cars".....that’s fine...but what if someone wanted to buy that sports car..should he not have the option ?


    If SWTOR had a ULTRA option in graphics settings....then we could use that, and people with problems could turn it down. At middle settings the game would look like it does now ??


    I love the game, but graphics are just ..... OLD.


    Hope this will change in a Patch...even AA and AF would be a big help (Yes you can turn it on in the .ini file...but still)


    Sorry for the rant...just think it's crazy thinking from a company like BioWare


    Am i really the only one... (Expecting a lot of short posts saying..."YES"):D


    Any way....see you in game

    I fully support this thread ive been saying this since august. I love the game but it needs to be scalable for a high end machine as well.the textures are horrible, AA AF and a version of dx 10 or 11 would be nice. Right now the game is on a 2005 level as far as graphics

  9. Yes i know its 2 days before the “up to 5 days EGA” but let’s face it, the game has launched and everybody not in yet, feels like losing game time already.


    BioWare’s decision to let people enter in waves and not all at once has some point to avoid other MMO’s launch problems. But to what scale?

    Day 1 and day 7 is a huge difference, after all they all preordered…


    The biggest issue imo that feeds the fight between the fanboys and the whiners is the absolute lack of information about eta for the rest.


    There are small things BW could do easily but could have big impact to the community..


    Wave 2, 3, 5 or 20 means nothing to those waiting their turn!! Instead you could tell us the actual inviting progress with an “estimated” time of completion.


    For example :


    Instead of “We sent the 4th wave” why not something like…

    “We unlocked 50.000 more preorders reaching a total of 200.000 thus 1.8M more remains”

    And to be even better add the redeem code date of the last invites. So…


    “We sent 50.000 more emails reaching a total of 200.000 thus 1.8M more preorders remain, Last invites were sent to those redeeming in 26th of July. ”


    Also final wave at 15.00 p.m. didn’t help either!


    I am in game currently i pre ordered the day pre orders became available the launch has been flawless. But i completely agree with you the lack of communication and shaddy marketing is ridiculous. from the begining they said all the details on EA would be given well in advance . your right its been constant back peddlling and vague statements. Pretty poor customer relations in my book. But i absloutely for saw this when they announced the EA access being attached to pre order dates. the only reason i preordered with out having any release date.

  10. you failed.. they cannot help you.. once you accepted the GL on a toon its on that toon unless you promote someone else..


    this must be your first MMO..


    might want to submit a ticket.. but I doubt they will help either.


    this si the first MMO that has ever pre deployed guilds . but thank you for just confirming this community would suck at launch , i long for closed full time beta already.

  11. send an in game ticket.. because outside of the game you are screwed. In Bioware's defense, they did warn you a number of times that only your first character auto-invited to the guild would be invited. otherwise you'll have to wait for officers to come in for invites. Beyond that, without an ingame ticket, more than likely you'll have to wait the expiry two weeks before the next officer is promoted to leader.


    I mean I guess it sucks that there isn't a good answer, but they did plaster all over that auto-invite would only work for your first character made.


    edit - first character accepted. for clarification.


    Nor am i blaming BW at all . i realize it was my screw up But thank you for answering my question with out being an arrogant dicky . ill submit a ticket , GL in game:)

  12. I am guild leader of a small guild . this morning i had changed my mind about some appearance options after accepting my guild deployment and deleted my leader chr. Our guild now has no leader as i did not assign leadership to anyone we are in game and need to have me appointed leader again. is there away to do this with out a GM?
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