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Posts posted by wifeaggro

  1. This, they fixed 3 things and it took them 6 hours?


    Lets wait till a huge content patch comes - the server will be down for days!


    Great game Very poor Devolpment management. Its more proof you can make a medicore game but have a kick *** team and be highly successful. Rift is a perfect example very standard only stand outs was its class system and rifts. But its devolpment cycle is amazingly fast the dev team obliterates bugs and cranks out content ive never seen a MMO add as much stuff rift has in 9 months .

    I dont see TOR following this path i think we are in for a very bumpy ride with its devopment post launch.

  2. They didnt fix high-res textures like the patch notes said. Everyone is still stuck with medium.


    it is becoming SWLOLTOR . I really like this game alot. but i am becoming convinced BW is just in over their heads with a MMO . I dont think they have the right people leading the devolpment. they need a guy like Hartsman , that caliber of expierence right now i dont think anyone form mythic or Galaxies that is on their team has a clue of where to go with this game. if they dont act fast by next sub cycle people will just bleed back to WOW, Rift and the others.Textures are epicly bad as some of the other ambience featurse of the game, shallow mechanics and half baked idea's. but the game is a ton of fun and very good.

  3. This should be a high priority fix, as it's promised on the box, and in the screenshots that the game marketed with. The fact it's been an issue since beta and continues to be is horrid.


    your right it should be its kinda laughable they cut it out for releases i dont remember a MMO releases since 2004 that didnt have high res texture packs in at release.

  4. Because it's not just -one- server they put these fixes on. It's a mass upload to every server then they have to test the changes on each server individually to make sure they activated and didn't break anything else.


    you act like we have never played MMO's before. that has nothing to do with it. the patch was lame and it took them a long time because they dont know what they are doing yet.

  5. Simple, because I knew that for the 2 weeks prior to launch they were shutting the beta servers down to do massive work on finishing touches. I also knew that in betas you are usually 1 or 2 builds behind production. I had greatly hoped that two things would occur within the first 30 days of release:


    1) We would see major changes from the last beta build to release (we did, some good, some bad).


    2) We would at least hear about some really "concrete" things that would be coming in the pipeline in regards to patches / updates. All we got was fuzzy-math.


    I haven't seen this yet. The patch notes I saw recently from BioWare would make the work-a-holic devs at Trion Worlds roll over in Rift's grave at how abominable and disconnected they are in relation to what the players are screaming to get fixed. *Special characters no longer display incorrectly in the French credits.* Just one of the many nonsensical changes in our 1.0.1 patch on Testlive.


    I do agree on one point though your making trion is probably the only devolper BW should consider emulating at this point. That game has had the most vigorous patch cycles and content up dates in 9 months then most games do in a year and a half. Rift is a top shelf MMO , that game is definately wortt 15 bucks a month. What im curious to see is if bioware can match them. Scott hartsman is an absloute genoious in game planning and devolpment if they want to emulate anyone it should be them.

  6. Rift also launched with only a fraction of the content available in TOR... Rift was also extremely buggy (and still is), especially in their end game. They were far from perfect (and still aren't).


    Even amongst people who hated the game its still touted as the most polished and complete game at launch your friggin high dude and have not played many MMO's from launch. Still to daye the smoothest MMO out of the box. The end game is fine its the new raid zone thats buggy, and for the record people are ******* the game was fun prior to 1.3 to many cry babies how couldnt get through tier 2 in one shot ruined the game.

  7. The most succesfull MMORPGs had their haydays years ago. Times change.


    Yes they did and the sub cycles went from 9 months to 45 days. Games design is all about ease and cost effectiveness. for those that thought TOR cost 300 million to produce are compltely wrong it cost about 80 milion. it was about 10 million more then a standard AAA mmo. EA made their profit on box sales about 140 million LA and BW get 66% of the sub revenue between the 2 of them EA could care less about longevity . server maitenance and content devolpment will suck up their 33% sub revenue . TOR went to theme park and too instanced it wont hold subs past 45 days.

  8. First I was a very big supporter of this game since 2009. I was active on these forums up to launch daily. I really wanted this game to be amazing. I pre-ordered CE and DE's on day 1 of pre orders in july. So while you may not agree with my opinion it should concern you that a hard core fanboy has this opinion of the game. Here we go.


    Since Launch I have already canceled my account. I played to 25, tried all the pve quests up to that level and took my time listening to all the story. I tired space combat and pvp. Again, I really wanted to love this game. I am a huge star wars fan and was a BIG fanboy of the game to be good. I did not expect amazing, I just wanted a pretty decent mmo with fun combat mechanics and action.


    My biggest issues were the world is very static and dead. I feel like I am walking, and walking, and walking and walking and walking through a cut and paste game where nothing lives, paths, moves or changes. Its all just stuck in place. You move from area to area of this cut and paste environment with fairly boring combat mechanics that get old fast. You run into some good story but then way to many cut and long cut scenes for minor quests. I love this aspect for the main story parts but to do it for everything was massive overkill.


    The pvp is honestly some of the most bland and boring pvp I have ever played. From all accounts you put bad combat mechanics into a massive open area and it will be just as bland as the limited 5 objective areas illum will have.


    For me the game just wasn't worth putting the effort into as it wasn't that fun. it was decent but the average fan rating of 6.1/10 you are seeing on some metric sites is accurate for me. Its just a slightly above bad game which people who love single player story will play through then quit. Most mmo players like myself who played EQ and WoW and other games for years probably wont make this home for long.


    While you may disagree with what I have to stay, Please understand I was a big fan and supporter for years of this game. I took 2 weeks off work just for its launch.


    Now I have canceled my account. Ill be reading good books on my time of, playing skyirm, and hope gw2 is much better. It breaks my heart to not love or even like this game. I wish those of you who do the best. I post not to hate, I just wanted this game to be good enough to play from month to month for a limited amount of hours a week, I never expected much more then a wow clone but when swtor delivered so much less it was a large disappointment. The pure power of bioware and the star wars universe will have this game around for years to come, I am glad for that for those who love it. I just felt after 2 years of forum dedication aynd such a desire to just like the game I should post.

    I am having a ton fun in game. But sadly it will zero longevityonce the story is done.everything feared in 2008came true.they made a single player game with online features.it was designed around story.its extremely linear and heavily instanced.its overly theme park and lacks any feeling of exploration.its pretty static and disjointed all long term killers
  9. game looks amazing on my computer, I suggest you update your computer.


    That is flat lame man. Ive got a 590 gtx 6 core 990. Those textures are straight nintendo ir has nothing to do with computer specs. They suck son its a fact, the game is good the textures are not

  10. Just finished clearing the instance. Last boss is an awesome fight despite some of the bugs(like the boss disappearing).


    Great job to the team!


    Check out our site for our progression runs, streams, and video guides.




    In addition, check out Torwars.com who will be hosting our video guides for these very same bosses.


    Ver very bad sign for longevoty if the hard cores can complete the game in 8 days. The casuals will be done in. 8 weeks

  11. This happen to me yesterday. Just got to fleet and was wide eye with excitement. Essseles was the first dungeon available and I was excited to try it out. End :eek:up going with another group of level 14 and onr 18. Two boss in and they.started to yell at me to skip the scene. I myself was imtrestwd in tje story andrefuaed. Then the abuse started lasted for the rest of the run. In spite the gun user.rolled need on a jedi item and proceeded to taunt me.by tellimg me to learn to play and when people said skip I bettwr skip


    There are an extreme amount of a holes in tor. Loot everything, know nothings from wow xoming here sadly you will be out numbered

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