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Posts posted by wifeaggro

  1. So i downloaded Nvidia inspector. tweaked the settings enabled AA and the game looked a large degree better. reflections popped the models smoothed out and i actually got cooler running periods of time with my 590 gtx. about an hour into game i devolped a blue haze of to the left side. windowing in and out cleared it only to have it return.


    So in the end i ended up disabling the profile and returned to the Bioware settings. all i can say is its absloute utter crap. tearing on the floor panels the models are so jaggy it looks like they are seprate from the game world. the standard bioware profile is so damn bad my card runs a solid 10 degrees hotter from running wild to deal with the way BW defaults render. I cannot believe how poor this graphics engine behaves. Its ludicrous you have to DL a third party application to get the game to behave. I dont remember a MMO (even the biggest heart aching flop AOC) at launch that had this many glitches on a graphical lvl. the endgame is just as buggy as AOC's . I have a new found apprecitation for Rift and the devolepment team of trion. they may have not innovated but the class system and dynamic content being the only things new. Its graphic engine and its endgame are solid as rock and they never ever lied to the community about what was and what is not. im all for giving this game time, but at this point i am seeing a massive gap in knowledge of MMO's and delivering what was advertised to your customer base.

  2. has nothing to do with how easy the content is.


    this right here after BT hard . we figured out everything is just enrage timer or a kill order.move around a bit interupt a heal. I had at least 4 weeks of content breking in rift . it required a couple evenings per zone to get it wired and figure out the fights. here its pretty simple. From my estimate a casual will be done with his first chr in 45 days. hardcores in 2 weeks. not a good sign for longevity.

  3. Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


    Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


    It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


    30 %burn off standard for any release MMO then they grow if they are good. if they are bad the stabilize then decline again at 4 months. Bioware did not help their cause at all with the whole lying about High res pacs and a very buggy end game.

  4. Why did they choose a engine that is so heavily instanced instead of building their own like Blizzard did?


    Im just wondering because I keep hearing about all the money they spent and the heart of this game the main engine seems very cheap.


    Any reason for this?


    The hero engine was a military application used for Mil spec sims. Bioware thought the engine woould be a good pick. I think the engine today is a good solid MMO engine. in 2006 when they leased it then rewrote it. well not so much. its why your seeing all these issues with grpahics and performance.

  5. A game suddenly feels more empty from beta, when it was free, and to Live, when it is not free....


    Wow, that is such a surprise...


    Yes...there are more servers than needed, and that generally is what most MMOs do these days. As for merging, I don't think we're quite there yet.


    I agree beta people were everywhere hell i got into open world PVP on nar shadda. now? well lets just say trying to make the first weeks Q 's light bit them in the A. all in all i beleive bioware had the best intentions on every lvl with this game. they simply are iin expierenced at making a MMO.

  6. I don't think this game will go F2P but I won't stick around for more than 3 or 4 months to wait for them to add basic features because I won't pay to log and do dailies and raid once a week.


    This game needs THINGS to do and they need to add most of the good features of SWG and other stuff like:

    - housing like in SWG with every item of the game being droppable and movable anywhere in the house

    - complete ship customization like in Galaxies (interior and exterior)

    - real space combat (with atmospheric)

    - city PvP raid

    - PvP perks and bases

    - social things in cantina like pazaak, sabacc and casino on Nar Shaddaa

    - complete racing setup on many planets with vehicle tuning and customization

    - complete character customization including post creation

    - appearance tab with clothing over the armor with dyes, etc

    - swimming

    - day/night cycle

    - add life to the world by giving adding hundreds of NPC in the cities and give them movements and animation instead of the current awful 24/7 frozen empty worlds

    - redo cinematics so they aren't so stiff, laughable, awful and poorly made

    - reason to go back and stuff to do on the previous planets

    - guild emblem on armor, identification, ship (with complete customization like SWG)

    - environment interaction

    - more diverse skills like in Champions Online with skills interacting with other skills

    - GM event, dynamic event and RP tools like in SWG


    They have a lot to do because at this moment, the game is way too shallow and I have little incentive to log.


    Not one of those things will be implemented. ill settle for a guild starship though. the Fleet station fails on so many lvls its not funny. it was a very poor choic fore a social hub

  7. Did I mention I get kicked to character select screen in 10% of the Warzone Games I try to join.


    I can handle bugs,poorly tuned content, missing features,class imbalances and lies about graphic options. what i cannot stay subbed for is poorly designed game worlds and arrogant reactions to the community telling them their design census was wrong. tor made some bad decisions and some of them cannot be fixed. truly a heart ache there is nothing on the horizon that even remotely looks good, dont say GW2 ill laugh till i wet myself.

  8. Alright, at 31 so far SWTOR has been primarily a single player experience by far (with few sprinckles of Flashpoints, PvP and the rare chance to find find a group for a heroic quest).


    How is it at 50? Does it get more Multiplayer-ish?


    I am asking because I just pre-ordered "Kindoms of Amalur" from Origin. It will release very soon and if I am going to play a single-player game, I might at least play a real single-player, (in all honesty the"Fed Ex or Kill X" quests dont cut it for me). But if SWTOR gets more MMO-like later, then I should probably put the efford to get to 50.


    What do you think? Any advice on level 50 would be appreciated.

    it gets mor mmoish in 50 yes due to runnning hardmodes and dailies are easier to do as a group.BW really screwed the pooch i feel in devoping the second M in the MMO. they designed all the planets to revolve around the single player story resulting in a very very linear lvling process. is the single player expierence good? yes its great. but if i wanted a single player game to lvl through then have on line multiplayer capabilites i could just simply wait for dialo 3. this game is very simillar in that reguard to a game with multiplayer options cleverly hidden in planets. sharding really compounded this situation and it turned of the true tradtional MMO player. I like TOR its fun , but in a end anaylsis from a veteran this game missed some very fundemental MMO design boundries that just simply make it a hybrid. People hammered AOC for its very light sharding and area restrictions but it was far far more open ended then TOR . At the end of the day the 3 best new MMO's on the market are Rift, AOC ,and LOTRO.I am having fun in tor but it has zero longevity past 60 days for me and my gamming community. and for the fanny boy's no i wont go back to wow that game sucks worse then tor, ill likely be back to rift and eagerly awating their expansion they will be announcing once TOR has cooled.
  9. you say how?!? when they show you screens and videos using high quality graphics in advertisements and tell you this is the product you will get in return for your money , then after you buy it u realize that it is not , i call this a scam , i would never bought this garbage if i knew it is going to be a 2005 graphics , they need to replace all the promotional videos and images all over the inter-webs with the actual medium textures not with lies :mad:


    they really need to remove that Kaon undersiege game play with high res textures. it is just making the issue worse.

  10. Ive played many MMO's from EQ to TOR all the way through the ranks and have never met a more antisocial crowd ( Don't care if you don't want to hear that ) <-- see what i did there?


    Ive seen numerous people in game asking for help ( which i do help a lot ) but nobody else even responds let alone helps.Its sad that a game that could have a great sociable factor,is so behind in being actually social.I can't say this on every server but its especially the case on the server i play on.Give the little low levels a hand and stop being so selfish.You were a low level once too you know ( a noob to those who like to use that word ) And peeps,don't take the word noob literally,everyone calls everyone it at some point in the game and although it has no dictionary entry,it should be taken as such ( a none existent word,and doesn't mean squat )


    just my little entry


    have a nice day =]


    there are several easy fixes for this. Lvl chat channels , chat bubles better options for LFG. it lacks social aspects because bioware was way friggin short sighted. Instancing lack of social options and a game designed around a single player story. pretty short sighted

  11. Not the slightest itch has occurred that made me want to start SWTOR up.


    I can't find groups to run content with, such as Flashpoints.


    I can't complete heroics, no one to run them with.


    There's a large disconnect with a significant percentage of players that seem to think this is a single player game and the only interaction should be based on an 'as needed" basis which then would terminate as soon as that function is filled without so much as a 'thanks for the run', only to find them asking for help yet again in 15 mins. Disconnect.


    I would like to run flashpoints to accumulate gear/social points/whatever but it's impossible past the very beginning flashpoints because I can not find people to run with.


    Even with a guild with a couple of dozen members, this game feels barren and desolate.


    This is a MMO. Give us some MMO Tools to engage the single player crowd to make it easier for them to run group content or participate.

    join a guild were recruiting . we are running them everyday. But i do agree Bioware released this game with not enough community building tools.
  12. why the hell can't you accept that the MAKER of the activity statistics everyone keeps quoting cannot be seen this way? BW could provide accurate statistics about subscriptions and activity- And only they. And yes, they raised server caps, people do not keep playing 24/7 like in holiday periods and so on. That are the reasons that the server seem less full.

    There are people leaving after the free month, a lot more than those who have posted about it here. We will have to see how many. Im sure BW will try to boast with subscription numbers after the free month.


    There will be an easy 30 to 40% burn off , the question remains can they retain the other 60% long term and win back a small percentage of the burn off. Currently not a cance they may see AOC type of burn off with a 30 % retention after 6 months.

  13. Rift has been very public about their sales numbers and have announced sales over 1m and that they have seen significant growth over time. This report has sales under 500k. Maybe Trion is lying or it's low because vgchartz doesn't include Amazon, Walmart or digital(such as Steam) sales. After an initial launch, it's generally hard to find a box copy of most MMOs so I wouldn't expect vgchartz to report much growth.


    Trion has been the most honest team ive ever seen . very transparent, the sales from launch put it at 850k . but i could easily have hit 1.1 1.2 mil

  14. Rift really hasn't been doing that well. I find it funny when people bring this up. I was at Pax Prime in Seattle this past August.


    I was Volunteering as an exhibitor for the Meridian 59 booth. We met a designer and someone from QA from Rift. They seemed desperate for people to play their game.


    Really? you should follow financials actually rift is making money hand over fist . and Trion is getting massive pressure from investors to go Public and many more devolpers begging for them to liscense their engine for use. Rift is doing quite well it sold 850 k copies and retained well over 60% at the 6 month mark. All on its own dime its own IP and its own Engine. they are raking in the cash believe me raking it in.

  15. Here's the deal: I want SWTOR to survive and flourish. I really like the game overall. However, there are GLARING issues with this game (I'm not going to rehash them here...no point in repeating it) and yet Bioware seems to be blissfully (blindly?) boastful of their game. I get how PR works, blah, blah (so don't attempt to give me a lesson), but I have seen ZERO humility on Bioware's part that indicates that they have heard their customers. :( Look at Trion. Whether you like Rift or not (I found it to be rather bland myself) that is a company working its a*s off for your $15 a month. They have approached the community with humility and open ears, and it has paid off. Meanwhile, Bioware is too busy spinning the hype machine and patting itself on the back to approach the community's concerns humbly and comprehensively.


    Please know that I am writing this post as a fan of the game (and Bioware) and I really want the game to succeed. In my life, I have never seen an individual or entity succeed in the long term by avoiding self-reflection and constructive criticism.....ever.


    I agree had Hartsman been in charge of a multinational I.P. and had over 100 million dollars for production there would be a massively different climate in the MMO market. Rift is bland lvling process this is true but that endgame is solid, the graphic engine beyond solid. and has had the most rigorous update cycle i have ever seen they have literaly made an expansion pack in last 6 months for free.

    For now i am going to give SWTOR the benefit of doubt simply because its new and i do think once BW takes their lumps they may have the ability to suck it up and start changing what needs to be changed. if not i will return to Rift its the best MMO on the market currently.

  16. How much do you want to bet the holoterminal high res gets labeled a "Holoterminal bug" and gets fixed before the textures?


    This is truth right there. The real issue that the hero engine they have modified cannot take updates. its not seen a engine upgrade from the dev since 2008. get ready for a massive snow job i was in beta i saw high res full time in game for about half a day it was glorious and made a huge difference in the game play expierence

  17. first of all, you guys are blowing this way out of proportion. It's really not that big a deal, I actually appreciate them at least trying to head off the issue rendering tons of players on the screen can cause, (massively lagged ironforge?) and really you should be mad at the ppl with ****** comps trying to play that force us all to get gimped.


    secondly, i've played the game on 3 different computers so far...and it looks as good as it does in that "false advertising" photo ppl keep posting on 2/3 of them that i've used. It looks pretty terrible on the comp that is only slightly above the recommended specs. So i wouldnt use the reccommended specs as a baseline for getting decent graphics, thats just not going to happen.


    So either its not really as bad as you all say (trolls), or my guess (and probably the true one) is a lot of ppl have under specced comps (or don't know how to set up their graphics cards)


    well for one i have forced AA in nvidia inspector it makes a a lot cleaner game. But the textures are god awful and no its not my comp

    Intel 990 x

    8 gigs 1600

    1 590 gtx

    windows 7 64 bit

    fios 4.5 DL


    for the record i was in beta since build 2 build 3 they turned on high res pacs for about 6 hours. promptly brought the servers down and removed them. it looked beautiful. they also stated they would be back for launch that some users expeirenced problems so they were removed. the texture look like Chit on my machine when i go to chr select its almost laughable. in game its a tad less noticeable because i'm busy doing things. but it is no where near the graphic quality they advertised nor what they had in beta build 3. dont defend the non defensible this is just complete and total rookie MMO developing nothing less Bioware has a a lot to learn , the game is solid and engaging but they severely underestimated their audience.


    Bioware plz look at Trion and their development cycle. not blizzard they have done nothing but make their game worse in the last 2 and a half years.

  18. There are 251 servers with around 300,000 concurrent players. This equals an average of 1200 online on each server. That's essentially 600 players per faction. Generally half of this population is either on the fleet or drommund Kaas on my server. Meaning there's about 300 people spread across the 7 other worlds, PvP, flashpoints.


    Not only are server populations tiny at the moment, but the use of sharding on planets is bewildering. Most planets are bigger than zones you find in MMO's that don't use sharding.


    We get these massive beautifully realised worlds, with absolutely no one populating them. They need to increase population and get rid of sharding.


    I agree sharding should not have been used but for the first week. Many many people have turned away form this game simply because of the lonely player feel.

  19. Just recently had to replace my 2 6870's.


    Recently just bought 2 new 6970's.




    **Btw my 6870's have been working PERFECTLY until this game came out**


    I'd say maybe 2 weeks into playing SWTOR? My cards died...



    Now i'm on my new 6970's and I notice the fans on them are SPIKING up sometimes, probably because THOSE AS WELL are getting hot.


    Going to have to take the other posters advice and LIMIT my FPS now.. and do some other regulatory measure to make sure my cards don't die.. or just quit playing.



    Bioware are you reading this? Your GAME IS DESTROYING HARDWARE.


    Use V sync. i have a 590 gtx and i also have a set up with 2 6870's. your not getting spikes with other game because tor is now loading on cards 100%. Vsync might reduce your heat issues as well.It dropped mine for some reason when i enabled it . i tested it several times in 5 minute increments easy 10 degree difference.


    Also the stock fan speeds in CCC are absloutely horrible. Go and get your self MSI after burner and set up a fan scale it will help alot with your heat issues. the reviews for 6970's shows the run hotter anyhow but i dont doubt TOR is running peoples cards hot as hell. In beta it never loaded my card up past 60% now at live its runing 95% full time on both GPu's


    Im using nvida inspector to force AA and for some reason my heat issues began to lvl out . i was a consistent 90 to 95 on my 590 GTX with both GPU's maxed . now its running in the mid 80s high 70's fully loaded for 2 plus hours. Im pretty sure its Driver related . No one has really added profiles for TOR yet and doubt they will, it really does not push graphics i just sucks at rendering them properly.

  20. I have to say this but look at MW3 i believe it was the top selling game of the year. The graphic on that are **** compared to BF3, the graphics on BF3 are insanely better yet MW3 sold more copies... how does that work out? Its not all about the graphics, people that play wow dont play it for the graphics. Game play is so dam important and i believe well for me anyway they SWTOR has great game play.


    Once again the game is new, its having some problems they will fix it.


    They cant fix something they claim is not broken lol

  21. This is simply an issue that shouldn't even havto be discussed in this era of gaming....we should fighting over class balance over anything or smaller issues its a shame and to me this a ground breaking flaw that will make or break this game...with upcoming games to look forward with graphics 3x as good this can only hurt....:[


    thats what concerns me back in beta , hell even before beta i knew this was going to be an issue for the a big part of the population . MMO players are extremely critical, tech savy and obsessive about things we like. I knew that shooting to low with some of there graphic features would result in shooting their own feet. i got *****ed at by the community in 2010 when i started bringing these concerns to the forums. and asking for things like DX 10 and 11. and when i stepped into beta i started asking for more sliders and graphic options and better shaders i got " dude its beta they have high res pacs blah blah blah it wont look like this at launch" I had hopes in beta build 2 or 3 when they enabled high res for a day then promptly took it out 6 and a half hours later. I knew then the graphic engine was in trouble. we either accept it or gut it out i doubt they can fix this with out completey retro fitting the engine with heros current feature set.

  22. Yep, that's what I meant... So the INI changes actually do nothing, right? I really can't see any difference.


    They will enable AA up to x4 Tor i incapable of any AA past that. the problem is the hero engine the are using has not seen a Producers update since 2007. The rewrote hero and all the features that hero added from 2008 to 2011 are not present. hero in 2007 was not that great of a grpahics engine it was a easy engine to produce with though because it was very basic and its could update on the fly.

  23. I just logged in and took an overall look on the servers... I see maybe 1 server with a high population and 30-40 servers with light/standard)


    Are people leaving this game? Is it failing?


    I'm kind of a fanboy when it comes to star wars and I TRULY want to love this game. So far I'm loving the awesome voiceovers and the combat system (even though many complain about it cuz of sucky pvp).


    But the graphics engine is just... horrendous, the feel of the game is so bad... the world doesn't feel stable and working but glitchy and static, the audio bugs OMG I can't run my speeder for 2 mins without the hovering sound dissapearing all the time replaced by other environment sounds etc. cuz they are poorly programmed they overlap each other I think?


    Is serious fixing coming to this game? Do you think it will get the overhaul that it needs?


    I'm really worried that the EA budget money making machine, has saved resources on this game in places where they really shouldn't have.


    I'm never going back to wow or anything like that, but seriously I'm praying for a golden overhaul for this game cuz I just don't see myself sticking around for anything other than the storylines so far.


    I'm sorry if some of you people who can easily ignore all these issue are offended, call me a troll all you want. But I really hope we can get enough attention on these matters, so that one day they will take it serioulsy and throw the resources needed into the game.


    No amount of talking about how good it is, can obscure the truth, that this game needs a major overhaul to compete properly.


    Please at least try to hold back the trolling monster inside you if you wanna comment on this thread.


    Thank you but this is my honest 10 cents and it has nothing to do with trying to bring the game down or promote other mmo's, I want this game to be all it can be and imo it has long way to go.

    Your seeing the 30% burn off. Every MMO goes through this. Its a launch game and people had way to high of expectations. so SWTOR could lose quite alot of actual sub revenue next month.

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