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Posts posted by wifeaggro

  1. I remember this coming up when Age of Conan was released and then again when Star Trek Online was released. In both cases, the game directors clearly stated that according to market research, the majority of MMO players played predominantly alone. Therefore, according to current research, it makes complete sense to create an MMO where, for the most part, the content is designed to be played solo or grouped, with additional elements that require others added in.


    So for all intents and purposes, SWTOR is designed for the 99%.



    99%_Canuck :)


    NB - I appologize for not sourcing my comments about GDs talking about play tendencies. I am at work and don't really have time to go sourcing.


    Market research is wrong . the reason people play alone is because the content is geared for single player expierence. EQ 1 soloing was rare. EQ 1 was a wild success in terms of projections it it exceeded market analyts expectations by 300%. EQ 1 was projected to have 40 k subs. at its peak it had over half a million, all on a hardocre platform . 500k is a stnadard hope for all premium subscription games now and none are able to maintain those numbers for more then 90 days. except rift and wow (ie when i talk about subs i speak of north america and EU , China does not count they do not pay for the game monthly) Rift is hvering about 500k plus and, wow hell i dont know maybe a couple million and dying rapidly. Global research did not poll MMO players the polled PC game players which is a massive difference. If you poll a guy who play's Max payne and bioshock he will say he plays PC games alone. I play alone because that is what 90% of TOR's content is geared for. i spend more time in flash points with 4 people and prefer it that way. MMO's suck now and unless the dynamic changes i dont think they will survive past 2015.

  2. Hello, under-educated fellow. I'd like to inform you that although EA is the common denominator between Warhammer Online and SW:TOR, they are only a publisher and have no hand in the creation (i.e. coding) of the game. That is done by the development team, which is of Bioware's employees. They are mostly separate from the team that did Warhammer Online, unless some of the WAR team was rehired onto the SW:TOR team after a shrinkage of the WAR team.




    P.S. Welcome to the wonderful world of an MMO and it's launch. Do note that every MMO that has ever existed has had bugs at it's launch time frame. And even more so, most content patches and such will introduce changes that may conflict with code already existing which will cause additional bugs. But they do get it fixed eventually. After all, this game has been out for a total of 1 month exactly today.


    That was exactly the case my friend. all the people with talent from Mythic abondon ship well before launch and went to work for Trion. the left overs got fired and rehired to complete TOR.

  3. So...you spent 200.000.000 million on

    voice over and story telling.

    Now spend another 100.000.000 to fix the bugs

    that are destroying the game.

    And please.

    Try to make patches in a way that they don't add more bugs

    to the already bug infested beta stage game you released.

    EA will never learn

    WAR was not a lesson learned.

    And releasing a game on Christmas is still more

    important than releasing a game without bugs.

    So now run run run.

    And do the work..the real work on the game (not the marketing

    b@!#@!) you should have done from the start.

    And maybe you'll save the day.


    Smooth launch, Rookie post launch planning. a real rockie future for TOR i suspect. Seriously the game does play like a mid beta game .and the engine performs like alpha.Very very sad looks like im gonna see alot of panda commercials this year on spike .

  4. So I just got a new comp just for this, and while it runs awesome (and the game looks simply great on max in 1080) I noticed my CPU hitting 81C :eek:


    It's a 2670QM @2.2OGHz. Anyone with the same/similar CPU know if it's supposed to get this hot during gameplay?


    I have a i 7 990 x liquid cooled . mine does not go past 65 % . that is definately hot, on a side note if you have a warranty return it. and dont get a 2.0 GHZ cpu step down if you have to to a 2500 and get a 3.8 youll be much happier.

  5. Okay.... I get the Bioware made a mess of the last patch (which may I add is already getting fixed) nobody well defend Bioware on that, but people are leaving for wow?? the land of panda's pokemon and 5 year olds?? Seriously?? Okay, have fun there, personally I want to say thankyou to Bioware for an amazing game, and that I appriciate they are trying to fix bugs and other problems ect... they are new to this, they are learning, and its amazing what they have been able to do.


    Please dont post on here if you want to troll about the game being crap ect...


    i think this fiasco will do more for rift then it will for WOW. The game is not crap but there is serious lack of expierence in the devolpment team. its evident if you played Any MMO from launch . On a scale from launch . 0 being vangaurd a, 5 being AOC and a 10 being Rift. SWTOR is about a 6 at this point. This day and Age people do not wait around for you to become a 10 with all the options on the market.

  6. they didn't even fix this in todays emergency patch.. what a fail


    there are so many things wrong right now . Rift is gonna make a killing this year at this rate. GW 2 has people quitting the alpha its so bad people thought it was gonna be a MMO turned out to be street fighter online lol. i feel for bioware though i think the deal with EA scared most of the talent away from this game in 2007. Most of the good people from Sony and mythic went to trion in 2008. Looks like bioware got second stringers for their MMO when EA disolved mythic. Dont get me arong the people are talented i think they have bad direction and horrible planning. Mostly EA causing this fiasco im guessing.

  7. Before I waste my time clearing it. I would like to know if the last boss in foundry is still bugged or not. Can anyone confirm/deny the bug?


    foundry itself is bugged . HK gets his core buff no matter when you click the panels. BW seriously needs to consider how its going to mitigate end game rage quitting. i am almost there to that point. end game is worse then AOC as far as bugs.

  8. Every server is light or standard in NA as I write this.


    In the world there are 5 "heavy servers."


    Server pop were increased. at launch they were set to 50 % to force people on to other servers to avoid ques for weeks instead of days. personaly i think it was stupid now all the servers are feeling light populatiosn . luckily im on spaceslug that server is very active, eventually they will have to merge 50% of their servers

  9. I'm a imperial battle master on a server where we outnumber the republics 3 to 1. And i got to say this patch is terrible. It does no fix the problems that we have been reporting,as not getting credit for warzone matches, or the loot system for raids. but it makes pvp and grinding to battle master so much easier. I finished my daily in ilum in about 10 minutes when i finished I talked to a republic shadow battle master said took her 3 hours. I really don't think bioware has any idea how to balance out a pvp system. They stated that they wanted a pve game. But the pve is still weak. Now new 50s can grind out battle master in hours ,and from what I was told even a 100k valor bug. I'm not a fan of bringing down any game for a certain time period, but they need to pull this game down and fix it for a day or so. And I know people will say this is still launch, but they have been making this game for what over five years? It needs to be better then this. Alright, done venting, lets see how long they leave this post up.

    Well the pvp was extremely exploitable . i think people are generaly pissed about not being able to take advantage of the system anymore. PVE loot has always been if you wipe no reward for chest encounters. i dont think that is a bug. there are rare occasions if you dont beat an enrage timer you dont get loot as well.

  10. 80% drop in fps.


    running a Q9550 at 3.6ghz; GTX 285, 8gig of 4-4-4-12 800 memory and rest isn't important setup.


    Fix it. Thanks. I'm not going to pay for a game that has no basic game features. Especially one that looks like it should run on 5y old machines.


    AA is working fine for me. i had foorced in nvida inspector. Turned of the profile and used their in game AA. its butter looks great and having no issues

  11. Just finished it on hard mode. Its hard - atleast the last two bosses. And trash? They are a little bit overpowered with their stuns.. So overpowered in one case I had a permanent stun put on me (only removable by my unleash talent)


    All I can say is.. Bioware, Im disappointed - is there anything other than the random aggro feature in your instances? Its so anti-melee and so anti-tanking. For the last boss you don't even need to tank the two adds whilst they die as they hit for hardly anything.


    Last boss drops head, bonus boss (robot) drops head too. Also had an epic lightsaber drop.


    All in all, good fun, different encounters but needs a bit of work to make it more manageable for tanks. Saying that Jugg is broken having to use a DPS tree to tank.


    I feel the same way about jugg . Bosses dont do damage to even qualify needing the stuff in the tank tree. ive thought about going pure DPS for tanking. you do loose a taunt though.

  12. This has been true since the days of UO/EQ1. The hardcore drive the game. They are the most involved in every aspect of the game and are the ones who create communities.


    The hardcore give the casuals someone to look up to. Casuals look at the hardcore gamer and their gear and accomplishments and want to be like them. This in turns gets casuals to play more and push to be more hardcore themselves. Without the hardcore crowd casuals will never see what they could possibly become and without any cool goals to look forward to casuals lose interest.


    If SWTOR is to succeed it needs to focus a good chunk of its dev time on endgame content which is difficult and gives out rare rewards that few will get but everyone will dream of obtaining.


    This dynamic has been proven true time and time again. It is no longer hypothesis. It is no longer even a theory. It is fact.


    as a casual i 100% agree with your statement. we casuals never stay subbed past 30 to 45 days. tor has shot an arrow in its own foot with its single player linear focus. i love the game but i wont stay subbed to play a single player game with online options. that is realtively easy too, despite the hard modes. one trick pny enrage timers on 80% of the bosses. just DPS races thats all.

  13. Sorry PC is fine, The graphics looked better in Beta and didnt have all these graphic glitches i and other have , like still the rays of light out of the 'lights' green walls of light. the clear/white boxes around Characters when they walk through shadows. Everything is at max on this game and i can handle better games and better populated games on my PC. So it isnt on my end its the game and I want to know what is being done about it dangit.


    I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit with serv pk 1

    AMD Phenom II X4 955 Processor 3.20 GHz

    8GB Ram

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 with 1 gb of ram on it.

    Everything is brand new and not used. Run WoW on ultimate perfect and it has smooth shadows all the time, Same with Skyrim it is on highest setting all the time. There is no reason why a new game like this should look so sloppy on my screen.


    there are several threads stating whats wrong.

    1). no high res pacs in game outside of cutscenes.

    2). No AA

    3).no antroscphic filtering

    4). Dx9 only

  14. See, there's this thing in the working world called 'work ethic'. When you are paid to be working, you work; you've sold your time, now do your job.


    Seriously, why do grown adults act like highschoolers and post on forums / play games when they're supposed to be working? The lack of maturity in some people confounds the mind.


    your jealous

  15. Rift is still a good example, however, of the typical MMO population curve that the fans here somehow think TOR is going to avoid. As good and as highly praised as Rift is, it still dropped from 1 million-ish members to half that within about 3 months, and now is down to around 300 to 350K after 10 months.


    Difference is, that's phenomenal success for a game like Rift, created by a previously unknown developer, on a $50 million budget. For TOR, that would be abject failure.


    I absloutely agree Rift is highly profitable with 300 k subs i mean highly. they didnt liscense an IP they made their own engine and they have zero fingers in their pie. they have complete control over the devolpment of their game and a probably one of the best minds in the genre at the helm.

  16. http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats


    I've been checking this the past couple weeks and noticed the decline in server trends is going down. Servers that used to be heavy, full, are now becoming standard. It's a slow process but it's not working in favour of TOR.


    LOL actually your disproving my 30% burn off theory that all MMO's expierence to me it looks like TOR may only loose 10% in first month! thats outstanding and enraging at the same time. I thought i was the only one willing to sit out there poorly designed game to see if they could fix it.

  17. It pisses me off as well.


    EVERY SINGLE screenshot uses high resolution textures that those purchasing the game cannot see.


    I also find it incredible that the mainstream gaming media hasn't mentioned how utterly bland the character graphics and textures look as a huge drawback.


    The response was incredible, but the fact that some players believe it shows that someone probably got a pat on the back. There are numerous MMORPGs out there that have high resolution textures without the drawbacks that Bioware mentioned in their post in response to the texture issues.


    They have and there are several gaming sites that have been covering this story . there are 7 or 8 news stories form various generic sites.

  18. Yeah really? You mean Trion who had an utterly dysfunctional combat mechanic which rendered all mitigations to zero, bosses either one shooting players or getting two shotted by bugged debuff stacking (Greenscale 20 sec fight anyone?). Class (Soul) Synergy which tops even swtors Stim stacking in terms of ridiculously dumb design.


    Broken Classes (Rouge Tanks). And even more than three months till they fixed the basics? Just to open up an other incredibly dumb bug. I mean, i even remember when my toughness reduced boss critical damage by 80%! - basically i could heal myself through enrage timers once i got enough toughness cause they crits did 200 damage on 14k health. And let's not forget this whole "Full world invasion" debacle.


    PVP Warzone rewards for zergin'? How about the even more failed Valor system which got changed?


    PVP Class (Soul) Balance? Age of Warrior, Age of Pyro, Age of ***/Night?


    Big Events.

    Asbeth spawns, server crashes. two times - silence for a week. "Oh eh yeah, looks like we can't have full serverwide events, we promised this as a core feature, then went into beta and live and just figured it out, but thanks for "Participating, free titles for everyone!)


    AF not working till today properly. Random crashes and memory leak during first month too.



    If that's the bar for Bioware i certainly don't want to be here in three months. ;)

    At least all we get here is a not properly working texture renderer. Not a whole core feature missing and every aspect of combat mechanics totally bugged.

    you obviously are not in the end game. and yes Rifts soul system was F' up at release i agree with you i was a rogue. But this endgame is so damn bugged half the time you cannot even enter into a flash point due to instance reset bug. the boss mechanics are so broken they rely on enrage timers every single fight. say what you will im no trion fan boi but SWTOr is pretty damn ridiculous right now.

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