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Posts posted by wifeaggro

  1. This.

    I personally still consider WoW not even ranking in the top 5 of MMOs.


    Hell, i play freaking Text Based MMOs that are better.


    And to the OP.

    Those ideas arent that amazing...

    2 of them at least have already been said are going to be in the PvP New Year patch.

    AA doesnt make a game, it doesnt bother me either way or not, nor many other people.


    Its just a load of crap.

    Who cares if this game is like WoW or not?

    What it has done, is actually use qualities of WoW which make it community friendly and to me, a more progressive game while neglecting certain features that split the community, LFG tool im looking at you here.


    WoW is the biggest, yeah sure. That doesnt make it the best.



    To address point 1. Directly.

    Please no. Oh good god, its taking people numerous tries to work out strategies to take down a raid? Its the start of a brand new game, what do you expect?


    It cant all be like Ruby Sanctum. Learning how to take down the raids during the TESTING realm in 2 tries.

    Thats one of the major problems with wow.

    It started off alright with raiding, it took off ok after the patching of Vanilla WoW, it was mildly difficult to get top tier PvE stuff from raids.

    Then from WOTLK they just dumbed it down and made it so you could figure it out without having a challenge.


    No one was saying they are amazing they are simple fixes. and hadmodes for the general player who has less then 3 hours a day is gonna have a hard time trying to keep up with his repair bills. I never siad the hardmodes should be nerfed, made less buggy yes right now they are pretty damn buggy. they could likely tune them up after bugs are gone.

  2. 1). Reduce repair costs or make repairing a crafting trade. At end game the general player doing hard modes can easily spend 150 k learning the boss mechanics . that is an obscene money sink considering you already have several others. It discourages people from doing content and encourages exploits.Personal repair droids would go along way you should not have to sit through 3 or 4 load screens just to repair.


    2). Please give us a fast travel shuttle to our personal ship.


    3). Chat bubbles would go miles too right now trying to communicate with anyone outside of a group or guild is tedious and mind numbing. not having them really discourages the community on the whole.


    4).Open up all the flash points to lvl 50 normal mode and give them Daily commendation currency upon completion. currently there is not enough content for lvl 50's to do for the Ilum items. lock outs if your worried about rate of obtainment.


    5).Unlock the war zones and let us pick. tier them so lower lvls enjoy them.


    6). for gods sake get AA and option to run high res pacs ouutside of cutscenes your reputation as a devolper is getting slaughtered with the double speak.

  3. now i understand why is called THE OLD republic, because it's an old graphic..:)


    LOL the textures are pretty nasty on armors and floor Tiles . with AA forced the game looks much better . I just think BW mis judged alot of the MMO community and player bases thinking they would accept watery textures outside of cutscenes probably why they went with stylised in the first place to help hide the quality. the graphics are nt bad but they are not good either lol definately not 2012

  4. Actually, I work for a simulation development company, and part time for a company that develops high end mathematics software.


    And if you don't have an SSD, I wasn't speaking for you.


    It is extremely simple, atlassing was not in the game during beta, it was added. Unless SR just blasted a bunch of lies out his rear, the specific reason for doing this was that SPINDLE drives had trouble loading all the textures during normal gameplay. If it was bringing SSD's to their knees (keep in mind, spindles have about 500 iops, SSD's have about 50,000) then the game is literally more HD intensive than a database being accessed by thousands of people simultaneously, which would be the single worst coding ever.


    So, for me, and others who purchased SSD's specifically to allow for high speed loading of textures from the HD, something like atlassing is a completely worthless feature. And we should be able to disable it if we want.


    If the atlassing was so poorly implemented so that it cannot simply be turned off at whim, then the whole feature needs to be removed, and fixed, before it is put back in.


    Adding a checkbox for disable should only take a week, removing a broken feature should only take a week. It's really just a matter of "ok, we put a checkbox in" "now we test" "oh, it works" "done". If the feature is broken, then it's "remove code" "test" "it works" "done".


    The only possible reason in existence that it couldn't be done in a week, is because the developers did not document anything they did, so nobody really knows what parts of the code do this (which would be beyond ludicrous, and extremely bad for bioware in the long run.)


    The truth is this simple my friend its double talk and back peddle. the truth is this in 2009 it was brought to light by another member of these forums( they caught i small tiny interview that was not to be aired) where dev D.D. went on to explain how they had to rewrite the hero engine to support as many users TOR needed for devolpment. he also went on to explain that the engine was no longer able to support updates from Hero and could not accept newer features the liscense had added.this was in 2007 and he also explained it was the reason they could not support anything past DX 9 when asked about Dx 10 or 11 in TOR's future.AA makes a signicant difference as far as graphical appearance , i am pretty sure the atlasing he is talking about is hogwash and a way to confuse an average user like myself. thank you for shining truth on this.

  5. So now we have some clarification that they are looking to try to fix this as quickly as possible. Reid's other post was a bit vague in terms of how much of a priority this is for them. guess the piece of information we should be looking for now, is when 1.2 is likely to be deployed and how much of an affect the initial fix will have on the visuals.


    Just adding true AA will make a signifcant difference i went and set up a profile via nvidia inspector per a very helpful forum goer's advice . its pretty noticable i might even say it makes major differences . it get way better performance and suprisingly far less heat issues with it enabled. My 590 gtx was 90 plus in tor before this profile set up no it runs low 80's.

  6. Mine looked High Res just like the picure when i ran into those 2 droids.

    settings all maxed out, and gpu tweaked a lil bit.

    using an ATI 6870.


    that is a cutscene it does look like that but if you walk up to that drois with out engaging a conversation it looks like my 5 year old water colored the model. dont get me wrong i really enjoy TOR it has some faults but its still pretty fun. I am not giving up hope yet but in 2012 poor textures should not be something a game suffers from.

  7. There is some contention on that theory as every time I log in since the latest patches if I have pending awards from crafting quests or even a guild MOTD if I log in at the Fleet I have an entirely black screen until I clear these UI elements.


    Then the world graphics resolve in, and I do mean resolve in, I can literally watch the step up process in motion. And I'm on incredibly high end hardware here so its not an issue of my computer being unable to handle the load.


    I don't think they're streaming 100% of the game but there is evidence that supports that remote asset streaming was in use as early as the 2009/2010 beta tests and I still believe that some assets are being streamed, though attempting to stream player assets of this magnitude would be phenomenally stupid.


    Ive a 990 x intel a 590 gtx and i am completely confused on how my PC is still rendering stuff as i move . even with gress ditance cranked to 100 it looks as if i am watching a chia pet commercial

  8. I bought this game based on what i saw in the beta. If i can't have that, you can't have my money.


    I never thought i'd say this, but if WoW can show detailed arms and armor on lots of people then don't come and tell me that "it can't be done" because, obviously, they're doing it.


    I'm not going back to WoW but neither am i staying here. I don't wan't to look at something resembling a pile of mud, only to be told that's my character in his new gear.


    unsubbing now.



    So, i hear good things about Rift?


    Its an awesome game . but its pretty shallow at end game it needs way more guild features and social things to do. but if you compare it to this Pffffft they are completely two different games. this is an expierence good or bad through the lvling process. rift is hit 50 gear tier and raid. sadly it hink rifts endgame is better by a long haul.

  9. I feel like this game just isnt getting enough tlc from BW. This website is a great example....go to the news and updates section....check the date of the most recent post.


    Even the community news section hasnt been updated in 4 days...


    That was one great thing about Rift...the developers and moderators were constantly chatting and updating us with upcoming features, fixes, cool stuff to do, etc...there is no excitement here...no support.


    Rift was an anomoly of a devoplment team. their whole devolpment cycle was an open book. Hartsman frquently came on fan site podcasts himself and explained things in laymens terms. He also was very very honest about what his game was and what it would never be. kudos to trion they were top notch in the devolpment process and top notch in their post launch update cycles.

  10. In short they are not going to ever implement high res textures. you want good graphics play a game that came out 4 years ago high res pacs and DX10. you wanna play TOR be content with Nintendo 64 armor textures lego vblock shadows and be done with it. Was it mis represented? yes it was . can we do anything about it? no not really except unsub. ill live with it and play until im through the hard modes this is not the game im looking for Obi wan
  11. I don't see what stopped him from forcing AA?

    He can rejoice in any way because the next patch will bring back AA to in game options.


    Did you look at your ini fle lately ?



    // Making any changes to this document will result in the corruption of //

    // your install and will require the use of the repair utility. //











    So you understand that your not supposed to edit this file. and that

    Anti aliasing = 4

    adding that to your current ini does absloutely nothing to your ingame settings as everything else that works in conjunction with AA is not present. you realize the option was removed because AA does not work for some systems period even if you force it?

    You understand that the reason this is happening is because they are trying to retrofit their hero engine that has not seen an update since 2007. Look it is what it is the cut features to make a release . Lets get honest now and give the community a straight answer of we are working on it we realise the graphics are not matching the marketed screens. We will have this fixed in X amount of time. dont defend the non defensible.

  12. Incorrect. Technology progresses because you demand it, not because it is required.


    They use the graphics to suck you in because that's what you're looking for, not because it's required.


    It would be ridiculous because that would be against what you expect, not because it's required.


    This is the very mindset I protested against. Good graphics = a good thing. Good graphics =/= good game.


    That theory was true in 2005 . It is not longer applicable in 2012. you can have both if you spend 100 million in devolpment charge 150 buck for a CE and 300 for a novelty keyboard and mouse, you had better present a product that is consistent with what you marketed and what your charging for.

  13. This is most certainly not set up to highest settings in options, that particular armor looks bad indeed because it is probably one of those armors that have broken textures, but on the other hand your entire picture looks bad, edgy with no AA, etc.


    Myself and some other users have provided pictures with graphics overall (not just the armor) looking much better than this, how can you explain that?


    There is no AA or high res textures. how is supposed to provide a screen shot with them?that looks about right for an armor taken outside of a cutscene zoomed in some of the pictures people are posting are actually marketing screen shots BW provided lol that had high res tex and AA

  14. Yep, mine was deleted in less than 2 minutes. It mentioned a class action lawsuit.


    As well as the fact that every facet of game media they presented to the public, whether it was screenshots, video, or the beta, utilized those high resolution textures.


    It is ILLEGAL to present a product and market it as something it is clearly not, which is what they have done here.


    Seems to me if they're deleting all posts in reference to legal action - they are afraid of what may come of them, because they are guilty of exactly what they're trying to cover up. If there was no justifiable cause for legal action, what cause would they have to delete posts referencing it and pointing out exactly what illegal actions they have taken.


    So now again - I really hope this isn't your final answer Mr. Reid. If the textures that every single video, screenshot, and even the beta were marketed with were simply a 'UI bug' and never intended to be used, then they should not have been used in the marketing and promotion of this game. THAT IS FALSE ADVERTISING. THAT IS ILLEGAL.


    So I really hope you come up with another response for us.


    Copy pastad for easy reposting.


    Post deleted in 3.... 2.... 1.

    LOL just so you know you in the EULA in the boxes we no check is a claus stating we agree not to Sue EA LA or BW for any reason
  15. Honestly I'm of the opinion the game was rushed out the door to meet the holiday sales season. It should have remained in BETA until these server side lag was resolved, until guild features were implemented and until they had a more robust pvp system (matchmaking and gear path). I don't pvp either by the way.


    Only difference between me and you is that A) your taking everything personal and B) you think your issue is top priority and easy to fix. I think the game is a few months away from being playable at level 50 and I think they are working on problems with the engine / servers that the community isn't fully aware of yet.





    No you're pretty rude and single minded. I already got a level headed response to my post from a nice fellow who feels the textures are the biggest issue for him at this time. I can relate perfectly with his post. I'll be polite and say it this way: your nerd raging in no way helps the dev team resolve issues.


    So your tech support installing windows?

    It boils down to lack of expierence in the MMO market. They dont have the skilled people in MMO structure and framework that some of these other companies have point blank. noth that BW people suck its more of a EA problem , no one wanted to work for them after the War fiasco. most of the talent from Mythic SWG and Sony are at trion studios now, and your seeing the difference in how fast teams can react to situations like this. rifts engine did not have AA or high res textures in on any of the weekend betas but its last. and come launch day its biggest problem for 2 weeks was 8 hour que's. but its graphic engine had zero AA issues and texture problems. Not saying some did not expierence coompatability issues but its engine was rock solid.
  16. Casuals pay for hardcore players development. I don't understand your disdain for them. No casuals? No game. Goodbye.


    Also wall of text.


    LOL im a casual and its actually the reverse. the hardcore base keeps the game afloat while we routinely unsub and resub in a 30 to 45 day cycle while the hardcore (if they have challenging raid content and in dpeth content such as single group content, Epic class weapon quests , guild content such as halls. features to earn to put in them) Will stay subbed for 12 to 18 months. Casuals do not pay the bills in the long haul lets just make that perfectly clear. i subbed for 9 motnth to 12 in EQ2 when i had a hardcore playstyle . since then i have ghad 2 more kids more hours on job. and my sub cycles bounce form MMO to MMO in a 30 to 60 day cycle. I am not saying all casuals sub like this but id say the majority do. Its not because game mechanics are to hard its because i burn through all the lvls and single group content in about 45 days. all on a casual playstyle.We dont pay bills we vaction.

  17. As Han Solo said, "I have a bad feeling about this".


    Me too Han me too. I remember a dev interview form 2009 stating they had to rewrite hero a year into deveolpment because it would not support all the users they had working on TOR , they also said they could not longer get updates for the engine because it was completely ripped apart and put back together. The hero engine form 2007 is not that great hero today is a decent engine though it was meant to be able to be patched and updated fast. it lacked a lot of other features a Big AAA title would want for a persistent game world. I dont think we will see any graphical features added for TOR until at least late summer. it will take them at least that long to code all the fixes and additions them selves instead of accepting Hero's updates.

  18. The game is not possessing LOD correctly. The game is placing priority on objects other than those viewable to the player. its a problem http://community.heroengine.com/foru...ge;topic=228.0

    I for one want to hear that its a known issue and that its being fixed, and not brushed under the rug with a change to the wording in the prefs menu.


    Let me detail possible issues that could be caused by improper LOD. Massive ram use, constant HD access, CPU and GPU heat issues, random Low frames. And when we look in the Tech support forum what do we find? Massive ram use, constant HD access, CPU and GPU heat issues, random Low frames.


    I want to hear that this is or isnt causing those issues. I want to be assured that this game isnt lowering the life expectancy of my GPU and CPU.


    Dont even get me started on the Hero engine. There are plenty of threads about that.. (explicitive)...


    Trions engines are slick. They are going to be released as a liscense matter o fact investora are clamoring for trion to move public. Any mmo in pre production looking to relase in next 4 years should watch that team closely and how they handled xevolpment

  19. I've been "dissatisfied" with the lack of high res textures myself, but seriously guys? There's no need to be blatantly disrespectful to those who are working hard to try and make the game everything you'd like it to be.


    If you play this game solely for the PRETTY COLORS AND PICTURES then please, by all means /quit already because that's ridiculous. There are so many other legitimate problem threads on this forum that seriously interrupt or completely halt advancement in the game and you're flailing around because your shadows are a little jagged or your two-tone helmet isn't crisply defined?


    Oh what a world we live in. Grow some patient balls and quiet down already. The game is new, it's Bioware's first MMO, people are so spoiled these days when it comes to gaming that their expectations completely override logic anymore.


    And like I said, I'd like my high res textures and AA as much as the next guy, but I'm not going to crap my pants and cry over it either.


    You know, I don't know why I even read the forums anymore. Actually, I don't even know why I sometimes respond even. But you people just drive me up a wall with your entitlement issues. Take your 14.99 somewhere else and go buy some tampons.

    70 pages of disatisfied customers kind of disagrees with your statement. Very few fanbois even attempt to defend this low ground. Its 2012 100 million dollars and a premium subscription on top of outrageously over priced 150$ CE and TOR extras like 300$ keyboards and mouse set and they release a client that does not have high res textures or anti aliasing? Come on even you have to see this product does not resemble its screens they marketed off of
  20. Ive got the fix right here


    "Enable_High_Resolution_Textures = True"




    (Just joking but in some sense its probably simple. Ive done enough games to know that it really depends. In theory it should be as simple as picking the high res texutre option in the .ini, as thats how it was initially set up. In practice? Somewhere somehow they broke them.)


    Simplt put. They ripped them out after 1 day in beta build 2 or so cant remember. They dont render now outside of cutscenes. The armor textures are terrible those never render

  21. Take a screenshot of your game, with you away from conversation/holoterminal, and zoomed relatively close to your character.


    You'll have to forgive the tone of myself and others in here, but every single person that says they have high rez working either won't post a screenshot, or will post a screenshot and then prove themselves wrong in the process.


    Because there are no high res textures. They worked for half a day in beta build 2 or 3 but it caused horendous problems for some users so they took them out again

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