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Everything posted by Putok

  1. I've seen both SW and SI completed, and liked them both. SW was probably a bit better. With both, I'd complain that at the end they
  2. If they add new race/class combinations, either adding new character slots or allowing a race change is pretty much mandatory, imho.
  3. Are you just talking about ability delay? If that's the case, it is a fundamental problem of coding, and something they're working on.
  4. Just use your immunity shield when the first wave of a bajillion fighters are flying at you. You should always be in blaster mode at all times unless you're out of combat. Killing them faster is a far better way to mitigate damage. Shoot lots of missiles on that part too. It wasn't a walk in the park. IIRC I just BARELY survived the first time I did it, but it's much easier than Aetan Defense for example. I actually died a couple times figuring that one out (though it's an absolute joke once you put epic upgrades on your ship).
  5. I have no idea why they took these out. Emperor's Wrath is especially puzzling, given other class-specific titles were left in. It's very odd how much they removed in terms of content and features period. The beta client had more graphics options, including high res textures. They took out a boatload of armor too. The title removal makes even less sense than most of the other content they removed. High res textures are pretty close on the "***?' scale though, especially given the medium resolution version of some armor pieces are broken (showing wrong colors and such). It's very annoying to see armor pieces swap between correct and incorrect colors in/out of cutscenes on my PC vs some of my companions.
  6. I do agree that the design of many of the side quests are quite antiquated compared to Cata, but it sounds to me like you're just a bit burned out. If you've been going balls to the walls for the past two and a half days, you might just need to take a couple hours to do something else.
  7. "Is that you, my morose monster?" that one always cracked me up for some reason.
  8. Republic needs better looking gear for starters. More races (and unique races...) would help too. Something cooler than Purebloods. A percentage bonus to all credits, xp, and valor earned would also be helpful.
  9. Not if it takes any development time away from anything else. IMHO, slowing development of anything at all (or slowing bug fixes) to cater to a tiny subgroup (people that want to game on their apple, but don't want to use bootcamp) is bad for the game. If it doesn't, go for it, but I'm not sure it'd be worth their while.
  10. They're planning on doing just that, they've said. Allowing people to use orange gear at 50 is on the to-do list, and will be implemented in the relatively near future. They're changing mods so that you can't use mods from cheap pieces in expensive pieces, and also setting it up so that the set bonus will be carried over to the orange gear.
  11. I think people would ***** about the loss of but perhaps they can just
  12. Republic? Are there actually under a hundred republic players on your entire server? I have a hard time believing that.
  13. There are always 200+ people on the fleet before midnight, I usually see over 100 on most planets, and I make about 500k a day on the AH. My server is doing just fine. There were even a hundred people on VOSS earlier today. There are currently 53 on ilum, only two of them bots.
  14. Spoilers below from SW quest, read at your own risk.
  15. I just did this step with my marauder leveling companion (on my assassin). We were both very disappointed that she didn't have the option to kill his lame, sorry, treacherous pansy ***. Not being allowed to kill someone who betrays you as a Dark V Sith Warrior is about as lame and immersion breaking as it gets. Only real point of disappointment with the story so far, and it's a big one. I came to the forums to see if I could find a thread of people ************ about this, and I was no surprised to find it on the first page.
  16. I bought orange bracers for my baby Jugg for 5k. I have yet to find belt or bracers for my assassin. If I don't find them soon, I'm going to start spamming with "name your price" in trade :-p They are exceptionally rare, and I'd certainly pay a few hundred thousand.
  17. Give the Republic better looking armor, and races that are more unique. All the races are very bland, but Purebloods, Chiss, and Red Zabarak are the least boring. In WoW, Alliance MASSIVELY outnumbered Horde until BC. Belves, and the Horde's reputation for having fewer kiddies and being more competent fixed it.
  18. My guess is they didn't want to say more until they had something specific to say, and solutions very near ready to be implemented. IMHO, this is something that should have been taken care of in beta. The poster who stated that Blizzard's games are consistently considered the best in their market because of their combat and responsiveness is bang on. I think that (along with excellent production quality in general) is the reason that all of their releases have gone on to dominate (and often redefine) the market they're released into. If they get the combat working, this game has all of what's needed to be a large long term presence in the MMO market, so I hope their fixes work well, and are implemented quickly.
  19. Why won't origin sell you one? Do you not have a credit card or paypal?
  20. They posted in the ability delay thread saying it was something that the devs were working on right now, and they'd try to get an update in its own thread.
  21. I'd add that side quests get very drab. I think improving the actual mechanics of questing (beyond dialogue) should be high on the priority list for future content updates. This game lags well behind WoW there. I'd say this leveling experience still feels less grindy (at least less grind than level 60-80 in WoW), but it could definitely still use some improvement.
  22. Most of the way through Belsavis with my leveling partner now, and I'm liking it quite a bit. Most other planets after Tatooine have been bleh. Alderaan wasn't awful, but got a little old towards the end. First part of Hoth was OK. Taris was absolutely horrible. Worst planet other than possibly Balmorra IMHO. Quesh was OK, I think. Cool looking, and short. Belsavis has varied terrain and environments, which is nice.
  23. Do you mean the ability to queue missions, or just repeat the mission previously run with a single button push?
  24. Inquisitors don't even get a pet that would find that remotely useful...
  25. There needs to be a GTN search category specifically for orange/custom gear.
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