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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. Guard on another player, even if I didn't try to stay within the distance, gave me a whole boat load of medals. Maybe that's what your referring to. Does guard stack on top of a sorceror/sage shield?


    Add stealth to the equation, and you have a heavy hitter. They appear, smash your face in, and then disappear using their dot scrubber on top of force stealth. I think with shadows it's called resilience.

  2. Pleae put a stop to the dumb people posting in this forum complaining about OP classes!


    i dont think some people what role a DPS, healer or tanks role is..


    Im loving your game atm, the WZ's are really fun and sure they are a few bugs in there but im sure you will work them out in time. Keep up the good work and dont listen to these people making dumb/raging post coz they got own in aWZ coz they dont know how to play there class.


    GJ BW keep up the good work.


    You've got to keep in mind that many of those people complaining are getting pummeled by super geared level 50's. In their mind if they get zapped by a sith soceror, or an operative they must be over powered.

  3. Somebody compare this new system to WoW's current system, and tell me the difference? Sounds like with both systems you can get some pretty good gear from hard work. What's past is past with AFKers. Bioware can't reverse somebody's tokens unless it was documented by a video, or seen by a GM. As much as we would like the AFKers to suffer for their greed, little can be done.
  4. With the amount of stuff I've seen, it appears this is rampant. Maybe your idea has some merit.


    What amazes me about a minority of SWTOR players is how they keep pushing the envelope. It's just not the hacks and exploits, but also the unsportsmanlike conduct where guild comes before other team mates, especially PUGS. We also read about exploits in voidstar that Bioware claims are working as intended.


    SWG had its players farming holocrons, and junk loot for sale using homemade macro bot programs. SWG said publicly they didn't have the staff to police this. On top of that some players would train mobs on the unsuspecting players, and when they came back from watching TV, they would be in the cloner.


    But what was a big fo paux was to duel a combat ent and beating her. They would plaster your name all over the game server for beating up on a helpless ent.

  5. No brackets, we'll get that any day, but don't hold your breath. A gear system that is broken. Mirrored classes are almost mirrors, but like horse shoes, it's close enough. Open world pvp is a joke. Flashpoints are too easy. Hacks and exploits are well documented, but they are on top of it. Farming kills might be unsportsmanlike (huttball for example), but it is not only legal, but encouraged by the failed pvp system.


    Am I missing something?


    I'd like to say some classes are over powered, but even battlemaster geared level 50 feather dusters are over powered in this game. How can you really tell with the expertise and adrenals.

  6. It is. See my thread about surrendering as a solution.


    By surrendering you forfeit all valor, XP, and warzone tokens right? That's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Of course it would diminish their victory into a hollow one.

  7. In a huttball match with 5 points to 0, right where you pick up the ball 2 level 50 players just pass the ball back and forth with inpunity. When the clocks almost run out they go for the goal. I asked my team mates what they were doing, and they told me farming kills.


    One of the opposing players, who is also a battlemaster geared 50 sith assassin, seeks out lowbies for repeated kills in the other warzones. I guess to pad her stats at the conclusion of the game.


    And, Bioware spiked the ball this morning, on a much needed bracket system. You non-geared level 50's are going to have to put up with her by the end of the week.

  8. Just so I won't have to hear the complaints anymore. Everyone points to sith sorceror/jedi sage, or Operatives as being over powered. From my standpoint a heavily geared level 50 jedi shadow/sith assassin is the nemesis to a sith sorceror/jedi sage. They pop in out of nowhere, dispatch you without even a goodbye kiss, and then just disappear.


    On a side note I'd like to know what kind of crits they're getting with that back stab ability?

  9. I'm wondering if there are any guilds with 8 advanced classed battlemaster geared level 50's. Have successive duels with the best level 10 to 30 players you can find. I bet the level 50's win the duels each and every time. I used to love to watch duels in Restuss in SWG. Seems like dueling has become a lost art. I'm assuming the results would apply to the opposite faction, since they are supposed to be mirrors. The duels would have to be at the start of a warzone. So there is 1 1/2 minutes to get it done. Can duels be done at the beginning?
  10. It doesn't last very long, especially under heavy fire. It's a safety net for one of the weaker classes in the game. Do more than 5k damage and it's gone, and on a lockout of up to 20 seconds (depending on your gear with set bonuses which can decrease the lockout by 3 seconds).


    Also, I'm gonna give it a 4/10 nothing really new here, just repetition.


    Sith assassins, even a level 19 to my jedi sage 34, can slip up and take you out before you get your second breath. Really jedi sage left to their own devices is a glass cannon. But, only if you dispatch them quickly before they do real damage. Sames goes for sith sorceror.

  11. Presence of mind works by reducing the activation time of your next force damaging attack by 100% (making it instant), this would include mind crush, and telekinetic wave, as they are the only other activation time abilities. Telekinetic throw is instant, meaning once you hit it, minus the Sage/Sorc lag, it instantly does damage.


    Presence of mind is granted by, like you said, 30% of the time whenever your telekinetic throw does damage, 4 ticks in all I believe. I've had times where for 45 serconds of spamming telekinetic throw it still hadn't been granted. But think about it, whenever your telekinetic throw does damage, there are four ticks in the channel, 30*4=120, meaning a 120% chance that it will be granted. Almost guaranteeing it, unless it gets interrupted, line of sighted, etc...


    I just got through with voidstar, and it didn't seem to act up like it did with huttball. Maybe it was just a fluke. But, that Presence of Mind which I got about 1 1/2 hours ago is definetly worth the 1 point. Seems like telekinetic throw and project is all I ever use. Project specced right even gives you a double hit. I'm really liking the balance specced jedi sage. Telekinetics is for....

  12. Unless I've set something in my talent tree to cause this; telekinetic throw has the following bug. It instantly resets as soon as you fire it. Normally, it has a 3 second channel, even if there is no cooldown from the talent tree. In my most recent warzone, as soon as you activate it, there is no channel, and it can be immediatly fired again.


    Do the devs read this stuff.


    I just looked at my talent tree and I have Presence of Mind checked in the talent tree. But that is a 30% chance for an instant reset. Seems like it's working 100% of the time. If presence of mind is working as intended, then it is the most important 1 point in the whole talent tree.

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