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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. What for ? There is plenty good games now to play instead of this crap ...


    I didn't say I was limiting myself exclusively to SWTOR. I will also level a shaman in WoW. Only, that in my case to rage against something that is only just a game, can make for a bad day, week, month. I'm trying to get the car back into cruise control, and listen to some good tunes.

  2. Alderaan. The left (for republic) turret area has really bad background noise, like a fluttering in the base speaker. Also, I got killed in voidstar, but when I went back to the balcony area I didn't respawn. I lay there dead (could'nt move) while my fellow players spawned around me normally. I finally logged off.
  3. Do other classes have a sprint ability that is faster than jedi/sith? Because I've tried to duplicate a speed with sprint on both my jedi that doesn't appear to be as fast as what I'm seeing. What I'm seeing is not force speed for 2 seconds either. It's a sustained speed.


    I've seen the videos of the teleporting, or skipping with speed hacks. Is that the tell tell sign, because I'm not seeing that?

  4. What's the name of that ex head developer at SWG whose last name begins with T. I can't remember his last name. He was pretty sharp. They need to hire him - like yesterday. He has got the brains for following changes to their ultimate conclusion. They obviously don't have an A team in place.
  5. OK, I'm not fixing to advocate anything, but just to paint a picture of what could happen.


    Let's say you are an executive at Bioware that is looking at plummeting sub numbers, and you have to come up with a plan to shore up that declining revenue. What do you do?


    Well for one, you could start charging everyone real life money for character customizations. Two, you could charge players who want to transfer their characters to another server. Three, charge them for changing their advanced class. Four, charge them for faction change. And, five, charge them an exorbitant amount of money for a class respect. And, we all know a lot of players would pay through the nose for some of this stuff. It doesn't do any good to pout, pick up your toys, and go home.

  6. I've tried to herd cats and it's real hard. Queue times on my server for the lower bracket isn't that bad. 10 minutes this morning after the patch, which is comparable to WoW cross server queues. I think you might be blowing smoke. At least the well geared leveled 50's won't be farming lowbies anymore.


    It's funny how in real life people will wet themselves in a controversy with someone a foot shorter and 50 lbs lighter, but in a game they can attain to be that bully they always aspired to.

  7. It didn't have to be this way. Bioware, and some say EA, released this game way too early. Of course, Bioware was behind schedule. On top of that, out of the gate Bioware was too late to react to poor pvp and end game content.


    There remains the distinct possibility that very shortly server populations will decline on some servers. Players on those servers who are level 50 are already complaining about long queues for warzones. When that happens, either the players of those servers will not renew their subscriptions, or Bioware will have to start server merges. Only time will tell.


    Once the servers merges start begins a steady decline of an MMO. The patch that came out today was a step in the right direction. Here's hoping that luck is on Bioware's side.

  8. Sorc/Sage can do very-very high damage in warzones, but...


    ... mostly these are AoE attacks. Lots of smaller damages.


    For example on Voidstar many defenders grouping at the center and watching the two gates - but nothing else. So my Sage can do Kinetic Waves a lot of times, approx. 2,5k hit / player, so the total amount of damage is ~10-20k per cast.


    But 2.5k is not a big deal where most players has 15-17k HP.


    Whoa there. What class gets 15-17k HP?

  9. Why is this? Constantly in fights with operatives / sorcerers loading them with dots, only for them to stealth like cowards and run away, the dots should break the stealth like the game says it is suppose to but it doesn't.


    and operatives wonder why people think they are op.


    I think with jedi shadow they wash the dots away with resilience. I don't know the equivalent name for the same ability with sith assassins, but they have it too.

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