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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. It's certainly worth taking the time to find a class with the playstyle which you favour instead of going for the FOTM class (which will only be nerfed anyway).


    Yep. When I started having them SWG flashbacks I knew I found a home. Just takes time to work out. Once you get the nuts and bolts down it seems so easy. What's weird is I read people complaining about an upcoming nerf to my class, but so far, I don't see it affecting me hardly at all.

  2. I remember in SWG when a player first figured out how to do the IG-88 instance solo. Months later someone with a bat pet figured out how to solo that instance where you board a ship. Then it also had bots. I had level 90 characters who sole purpose was to give me officer tacs, and an ent to give me a buff. Oh yeah, it was possible to dual log multiple accounts in SWG. Then at night (all night) there were players who AFK played to grind holos and junk loot for sale. SWG devs admitted it was a problem, but said they didn't have the staff to enforce the rules. Also, most players AFK grinded their pet's level in less than 2 days.


    So, have things changed that much? With all the legitimate griefing in this game, I'd say no. Heck, I just saw an exploit last night in huttball I didn't know about.

  3. Yeah stuns are excessive. For reference a shaman only has one stun in WoW. I think it's called frost power (and it's a root). It can only be gained by expending talent points in the elemental tree. I missed that, cause I'm going to dual spec restoration and enhancement.


    Bioware ought to implement the WoW system. They've pretty much copied a lot of things from them already, a few more wouldn't hurt.

  4. 2 things. Too many stuns, and uber melee critical attacks. This is nothing new. The melee spies in SWG were villified so much, that most players wouldn't invite them to instances in PUG groups, unless they knew them real well. Melee spies dispatched people in the Restuss space port all the time in like 2 seconds. Operative continues without a nerf the community will turn on them too. Oh yeah, they hated their ability to cloak and escape combat also.
  5. I played a sith marauder in a couple of warzones. All a merc has to to is constantly back up and stay outside of that 4 meter range. It kind of makes you mad that he won't stay still, but all you really have to do is keep your distance. A jedi sage can just use force run.
  6. As a dps Jedi Sage I could get over 100k damage easily. Trying to heal other players is real hard. It feels like you have a target on your back. The heals too are pretty weak, and the payout in XP, valor, medals, etc. is pretty poor.


    Which class, commando, or operative, has the most effective healers? I am referring to survivability, because you are no good to anyone waiting on a balcony. Maybe this is just a phase for me, but it seemed kind of interesting to try and make it work. It adds a level of complexity (which is fun) trying to do something that gets you pawned over and over.

  7. They are melee, it is more like 3 shots. They can kill any class in full pvp gear in about 3-4 seconds. MAYBE 5 seconds.


    They will try and defend themselves saying it is all "Biochem", but let them beat that dead horse, as it has already been proven that was only a straw in the haystack.


    My guess is your thinking of rolling one and hopping on the bandwagon, I say go ahead, more power to ya. The more and more this happens, the sooner they will get the diserved nerf.


    I've already rolled one, but I don't like playing melee. Also, why do they get two really good stuns? There are too many stuns in this game already.

  8. It's excessive. There are way to many stuns and knockbacks for all classes, sometimes making the pvp almost unplayable.


    To make my point look at the shaman class in WoW. It has a totem to slow mobs, but only one root (I think it's called frost power). You have to spend talent points in the elemental tree to even get it. If you want it, there are a lot of other abilities you have to forfeit. Personally I don't have it. I will dual spec in the restoration and enhancement tree.


    Bioware needs to give each class the opportunity for a stun in the talent tree, that's up high enough that to pay for it you need to give something else up. Make it expensive.


    The other option is to leave in abilities that slow other players, and remove all stuns and knockbacks except for pve.

  9. As a highly skilled pvper I know my class. I don't whine on the forums but I calls it like I sees it, certain classes need to be nerfed, some need a buff (not mine), and the mechanics need to be tightened up.


    My main focus is not the legit complaints, or serious bugs, but (so far) multiple calls on nerfing every single class in the game. To me, the only class that might merit a single nerf is operative.

  10. Sometimes a player needs to learn to play their class, and stop blaming everything, and everyone else. To be sure, there are bugs, hacks, and exploits in the game. And, there might be one class that needs a nerf, but player skill trumps every stat in the game.


    That line was from the movie Nevada Smith. Brian Keith tells Steve McQueen, "Go on home boy, take the short cut."



  11. This is usually the same in all MMOs and it's usually lag not necessarily hacking. Any client server relationship is going to have this type of occurance since you client is guessing where they will be and being told by the server differently due to latency.


    Yeah, but I consistently get 85 ms latency in warzones. Same with WoW. I've tried like crazy to duplicate this sustained fast speed dancing around a stationary player in circles. I just can't do it with sprint on a jedi. Something is definetly fishy here. The circles are perfect. If I try it I get off kilter. Basically, if I'm wrong someone has extremely good hand dexterity, but that still doesn't explained the sustained speed burst.

  12. WoW has it too. I copied this, because I'm seeing the exact same thing in warzones.


    "I'm not sure if this is speed hacking but I see the occasional rogues and warriors dancing around at melee range and simply cant be targeted let alone hit. They seem to just dance around you in a circle faster then you can target them for several seconds and "lag" from point to point in almost a triangle shape."


    Can Bioware get the tools to police this stuff? I'm seeing it a lot in warzones.

  13. problem with that is that in the mean time with ilum as it is empire players all get their gear and have chars that can wipe the floor with our accouns that have 3-4 lvl50 chars in nothing but blues :(


    Only thing I'm saying is people sometimes have a tendency in personal relationships, Texas Holdem Poker, and gaming, to go all in or nothing. From personal experience, I need to find that happy place where I can't kick back, and let time heal these rifts. Will pvp be 100% better in 1 month? No. But, it will probably be 51% better, which is fine by me.

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