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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. I believe he was the head dev at Star Wars Galaxies. This guy knows MMO's backwards and forwards. Plus, he can push out development under a draconian budget. He perfected PVP in SWG, added power to the classes, while keeping it balanced. The only really bad thing about SWG in the end were poor 2003 servers which caused some very bad lag in zones. SWG was a joy in the end. For the hard core gamer it was close to perfection.


    If you can't get him, cast your eyes upon the rest of the MMO world, and find some good talent. The lack of quality pvp in this game can spell its doom, just like it did with Star Trek Online. Players in that game couldn't hit the door quick enough. Also, remember SWG had 8 long years - a lifetime in an MMO.

  2. ahh



    more nerf the Stealthy classes.



    people wont be happy till we have zero stealth and just walk around as free kills.


    you want us to wear light armor also ?


    Or have a new tier of armor for us ? Paper bags ?


    I never said to take away stealth. I'm only saying you couldn't have both dire snare and stealth. You would have to choose between the two. Having both is like taking twins to the school prom. It's kind of excessive, and just a little perverse.

  3. Not a bad idea as long as it was sith --> republic only and not the other way around so that republic that are tired of being on the losing end all flock over to sith and make things worse....but in either case I highly doubt they would ever do this.


    It would work. But, it would have to be for a limited time. It is an enormously man hour intensive thing to transfer characters to another faction, or server.

  4. In SWG bounty hunters had dire trap. It had a 45% chance to snare it's victim. When it activated it could not be dispelled by any means. Smugglers had dire snare fired from pistol. It had a 100% to snare it's victims, and couldn't be dispelled by any means. I propose that the bounty hunters and commandos have the dire trap, and imperial agents and smugglers have the dire snare.


    The way the dire trap worked you walked around and lay the traps. Opposite faction can't see them, but they can step in them.


    Let the QQing begin.

  5. That the other 70% or so, are just content hogs? I remember that one of the reasons Star Trek Online failed was a borked pvp game at launch. The Klingons were the equivalent of Imperials and they owned pvp. Plus Klingon content and ships was an after thought for the game devs. Do you see parallels with SWTOR?
  6. I agree, a lot of big holes in this game, most of which are pointed out in this post. Pretty dissapointed in the second half (lvl 30+) in this game. I had been waiting for this game to come out for a very long time, now i'm already looking for other games to take its place.


    I agree with this post too. With me Bioware has until Guild Wars 2 is launched. If they don't fix it by then, I'm gone. I won't return either. I turned my back on Star Trek Online 6 weeks after launch. Failed game is a failed game.

  7. These two things have to be put on the fast track. 90% of my game time is in warzones. I pretty much refuse to do huttball. I want to queue for Alderaan (which is my favorite), and sometimes Voidstar. My server doesn't have enough republic players to play against.


    On Ilum the faction imbalance is causing problems too.

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