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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. I'd like to see cross server for rating purposes but also a "practice" que where you can go against people on your own server. There are several 8 mans that id like to have my 8 man against but the cross server that might not be possible. Plus our guild has two to three 8 mans and it would be cool to have a scrimmage option


    It will be possible.


    If X guild gets 2100 rating and your guild gets 2100 rating you WILL be put in a match against one another at some time. And if 1 of you don't make it to 2100 then you know which guild is better.

  2. I don't see how so. Merging communities for every facet of the game > merging communities in only one facet of the game. If you merge servers you can actually start a pvp guild instead of being on a server of "Population: you" queuing up with people from other servers that you won't even be able to put on your friend's list.


    Pretty sure there's way to invite people from other servers to queue up with in a certain game.

  3. You merge servers again. Allowing dead-servers to exist is moronic.


    LOL. So there goes the community again?


    In the end if you're going to end up playing with every single person in the game due to servers dying, why not just do the better option and implement cross-server queues?


    LOL @ Casuals trying to run an MMO.

  4. How are cross-server queues the band-aid solution?


    What if you get merged into a server and a month later everyone quits and that server becomes dead?


    Cross-server PvP is what every MMO should launch with. It solves ALL population problems PvP queue wise. Don't listen to stupid people Bioware. Which 99% of this game consists of and is bringing your game down.

  5. I did. For two days, actually.


    Combat-wise, TERA is inferior to Spellborn, because it includes lengthy non-interruptable combat animations for almost everything.


    And, for everything else from questing to scenery to UI to story to music and soundbites, TERA is atrocious. A plague on the MMO world, frankly. About a textbook example of everything that should be avoided at any cost.


    A friend of mine summed it up quite nicely : after two days, the one salient point of TERA is that it is a korean MMO. This is *not* the first thing a game should be remembered for.


    I don't even think you played it lol.

  6. Really? Seems to me like it's just starting to get really good.


    That being said... why are you still playing?


    SWTOR launched too early. They focused too much on the LOLVoiceOvers. Sorry if you can't see that. The game should have launched with everything from 1.2 + the ranked warzones.


    It still has a future but it's not going to be like the one many people visioned. Luckily, EA was able to make back all their money they put into this game due to initial sales.

  7. People can hate WoW all they want but it's still the #1 and most successful MMO out there. I'm not a huge fan of it but it's still a good game that has plenty of features.


    As the other guy has said, TERA is the way to go. Some people my look at it and think it's a Korean MMO and grindy and has the "fairy" style theme but beyond that there's SO much more in that game. I thought it was just going to be an Aion 2.0 but it's actually a really fun game. You have to pay attention vs boss fights or you'll die nearly instantly. They have a GvG system, a ranked PvP/Political system, open world PvP anywhere you want, and they'll have battlegrounds and arena type PvP before the end of summer.

  8. Either a lie, or sheer ignorance. As a shadow tank, max DPS, 1v1 is around 725DPS. As a balance shadow (DPS), its 1250DPS. Numbers don't lie!


    750 dps? LOL

    I find that hard to believe when my Double Strike nearly hits 1-1.5k per hit x 2.

  9. Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


    Only a fool doesn't worry about competitors. SWTOR is in trouble with the mass amount of games coming out in the next few months.

  10. OMG you can casually level halfway through on a weekend? And you think thats a GOOD THING? You dont realize that a huge part of the SWTORs, and virtually every other MMO in the last years, is that the game is "finished" too quickly. Well, maybe not for ALL games, but quite a lot of them have the issue of bored players at max level.


    If that is so, I doubt even giving TERA a look is a good idea, since it ll just be another fast food trash MMO for people who want their quick fix of achievements.


    I prepurchased GW2 based on my love for the first part, but I fully expect that to be a letdown as well, in dozens of ways that nobody predicted before, and that are mysteriously not a problem here, or in Wow. There are such huge numbers of things you have to get right in an MMO today, they are bound to underperform and have a mass exodus after 2-3 months.


    Just as with any other MMO. SWTOR apparently has done better than most for some reason, as the mass exodus isnt happening yet, or in any case they got a solid 4 months out of the game.


    Every MMO in the forseeable future will fail in the eyes of the forums, Its the nature of things,


    The majority of content in Tera is endgame. I don't want to spend hours grinding in 1 spot just to get 1 level in an MMO. That's boring as crap.


    Also by a casual weekend of gaming I mean 6-8 hours per day.

  11. You are just another example of the people who have the mindset that nothing else matters except their own personal queue times. You don't care about things that could ruin PvP for a lot of people, as long as you get near instant PvP queues.


    They should make a special server just for you, where if a full group is not found in 30 seconds the missing spots are filled with NPC characters to play against. Yes, this would be really stupid for PvP WZ's, but hey, you'd have really fast queues!!


    Cross-serve queues are better as a whole. Who wants to RPPvP with the same people over and over and over again?

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