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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. You avoided my question/challenge. Prove us all wrong about how good you are OP. Post your server and character name; so, we can actually see how you do in the rated WZ. It's simple, if you're as dominate as you propose, you'll have the facts to back it up.


    As for the suggestion that the tank assassin/shadow is one of the most OP classes in the game...that's just pure speculation on your part. Without combat logs or rated WZ, you have zero facts to back up that claim (showing a video of a geared tank fighting under geared ppl doesn't count).


    Okay I'll do that right now....you know since rated WZs are already out and stuff.

  2. Amazing.


    You couldn't even fully read and comprehend three measly sentences.


    So you're saying that knocking back a Marauder on my Shadow (So he can't hit me) then using my range attacks to nuke him down is bad?

  3. Having a knockback on a melee class is counter-intuitive.


    As a compromise, take away the pull from the tank tree, and share it between all of the trees.


    It'll make tank shadow/sins less OP, and make the DPS counterpart more viable.


    False. If you remove the knock back it's going to make both specs less efficient.

  4. LMAO....a bunch of whiners calling for nerfs. I think some of you trolls have a rotation of classes you want to whine about. You've cried and whined about every other class in the game and now it's the Assassin/Shadows turn.


    Also, coming on the forums throwing around numbers like 90% of all ppl playing this class or I dominate everyone on my server. bah....you're just trolling. You've been playing against under-geared people for so long you now think you're god-like.


    Want to prove me wrong OP then post your server and character name in this thread. Once rated WZ are out for even a month, you can come back to the forums and show us how you actually do against equally geared players.


    As many people have said, this certain spec of Assassin/Shadow has slipped under the radar. Now that's all I ever see in warzones now.



    To say it's not even OP in the slightest is a lie.

  5. Are you freaking serious? Or are most of you just jumping on the bandwagon? I remember at first everyone said shadows are the worst pvp class to be and now suddenly everything has changed, sigh.. Just because better players know how to play their class so now all the bads are posting "nerf this nerf that."


    I like how first it was operatives, then sages are OP. then tracer missile, now shadows. So, basically you want all classes nerfed so YOU can win in all fights. So basically you want to be the person who owns someone, but if you get killed, dear lord dont let that happen, you assume that a class is OP.


    KC does not do that much damage, I'm inf spec and I out damage a KC spec shadow ALWAYS, just because you faced a dps spec and got killed fast and then faced a KC spec and couldnt dmg it (oh wait, their TANKS!) does not mean its all in one.


    Besides inf shadows are the squishiest spec in this game so if you want to nerf it then you just don't know how to play.


    And KC spec shadows can barely get a 2.5k crit..



    My KC Shadow gets 2.5-5k crits quite often lol.

  6. 1 - Double Strike

    2 - Sabre Strike

    3 - Spinning Strike

    4 - Slow Time

    5 - Project

    6 - Force Breach

    7 - Whirling Blow

    8 - Mind Control

    9 - Mass Mind Control

    10 - Guard

    11 - Telekinetic Throw

    12 - Force Potency

    13 - Force Wave

    14 - Force Pull

    15 - Force Lift (yes, there's actually a use for this once in a while)

    16 - Deflection

    17 - Battle Rediness

    18 - Force Cloak

    19 - Resilience

    20 - Blackout

    21 - Mind Maze

    22 - Force of Will

    23 - Force Speed

    24 - Stealth

    25 - Mind Snap

    26 - Force Slow (better range than Slow Time with the 2pc Stalker set bonus)

    27 - Spinning Kick

    28 - Force Stun

    29 - Kinetic Ward

    30 - Absorb Adrenal

    31 - Expertise Adrenal

    32 - Medpack

    33 - Relic

    34 - Huttball Throw

    35 - Meditation


    All those have keyboard or mouse binds on my Shadow. Learn to play. :cool:


    "Special" Binds.


    Learn to read.

  7. I'm convinced that i play the best AC and tree in the game... we are so perfect that everything is balanced around us and after 2 versions of the game we get only minor changes .(IA/MM) maybe you belong in the same category?


    what i can understand is why the hell i don't see more of us?


    only explanation is that either players or developers are id****.


    The only thing I see now are the hybrid build Shadows/Assassins.

  8. Cross server is not going to be till like August-September..Doubt i'll stick around that long if no paid xfer/server merge.


    Bioware is most likely working on merging servers right now but it's going to be fairly difficult with the Legacy names because they don't want people shafted out of their stuff they created.


    Then when they have these free servers they're prolly going to use those for the cross-server PvP servers.

  9. We aren't big fans of getting our own classes nerfed lol. Hence why I wasn't one of the ******* scoundrels making videos and stickied threads showing off my 5-7k shoot firsts that resulted in the nerf.


    And again this guy is my teammate, Im not gonna try and get a friend nerfed just cuz I'm jealous of his insane burst lol.


    You were only getting 5-7k Shoot Firsts before your nerf lol?

  10. Ya I'm just a valor 89 scoundrel still in greens and empty oranges lol. And the valor 93 shadow that does this kinda damage to everyone just drinks lots of redbull lawl.


    Like I said before, help me thread on your class forums, someone will teach you.


    Have him post a video/SS of him doing 12k damage on Project then.

  11. Lol tank spec...that just shows how stupid you are right there.


    To all you thinking ONE boulder is doing 12k by itself lol...again so stupid.


    You obviously got hit with a racked up Project/Breach combo by an Infiltration Shadow and assume it was just Project that hit you.



    And lol @ saying you have the best gear in-game yet still getting hit for 12k by Infiltration Shadows.

  12. Actually you guys are just bad at your own class lol. Keep practicing, you'll one day figure out how to do 10k+ projects.


    At least now your eyes are opened to know that the best shadows in the game do this kind of damage multiple times a WZ.


    Oh the irony.

  13. considering I have the best gear in the game, am the highest ranked valor scoundrel in the game, and also pvp 1000x more then you both combined, I know what I'm talking about bud.


    Shadows who actually know how to use their class and are in full bm easily Project for these types of numbers....on targets like me who have the best gear possible. I feel bad that you both don't how to play your class yet, keep trying though. You'll figure out how to drop targets from 85% > 0% one day.


    Project doesn't hit for 12k. There aren't any damage multipliers in this game that will let ANY class hit that hard.



    You're bad.

  14. I have played Shadow Tank since day 1, with the goal of using the 31/0/10 build. I like tanking. Now that I pvp heavily, I have maintained that mentality. I like tanking in PvP even more than PvE. I have a smattering of Battle Master tank spec gear, with the full Champion gear tank set, as well as a full Champion DPS set.


    My 2 cents:


    Even in the full DPS set, my burst capability is nowhere near what pure DPS classes can generate. Yes, I can occasionally obtain some moderate flashy numbers when ALL my cooldowns are in available, but, short of those who recently hit 50, I'm not burning anyone down the way DPS specs can.


    In my full tank set, my DPS is drastically lower, and my survivability is drastically higher. Shocking how that trade off works.


    I think that there are a couple factors leading to this particular debate.


    First. People are prone to deal in extremes, and ignoring the middle ground. Translated to SWTOR, one might be all about maximizing damage. Or, all about healing. Or, all about mitigation. What those who are using out of spec gear(regardless of class, shadows and assassins aren't unique in this) are doing is taking others outside the norm. They are masters of the middle ground. Players anticipate responding to class A with skill rotation B resulting in fight scenario C. The problem is that this formula can become static in peoples minds, where all these variable are just that(or should be), variable and always changing.


    After so many fights its difficult not to have a conclusion already drawn at the start of a fight. Innovation on the part of a few has thrown people outside their comfort zone, and they are left thinking, "Wait, that wasn't supposed to go that way."


    Second. Society has become accustomed to immediate gratification. Again, relating this to SWTOR, MMO battles tend to be quick and furious. Boom, boom, boom and the fight should be over and the winner and loser quickly defined. Many of the posts in this thread are even indicative of this trend. They are little more than outbursts providing the emotional release a frustrated person wanted and contain little to no actual thought.


    A fight with someone using this build is anything but quick and the outcome will never be immediate. With middle of the road mitagation and middle of the road damage, their strength lies in drawing things out. Its not going to be over fast, and its going to require more strategy and less automated response on the part of their opponent. Bottom line, it will require a little more thinking; which is a requirement many players are not willing to meet.


    As for the damage/protection/healing shown at the end of a match. What a misleading statistic to base any argument on. All that information is relative to the individual player, the scenarios the warzone presented, and whether they were able to capitalize on their strengths, or had their weaknesses exploited.


    Sure, I can spam mediocre AOEs on groups all match, and throw my guard/taunt around when Im not being attacked, and my little 450ish heal is popping every once in a while I draw out any combat I'm in. That doesnt make me OP, it makes me a commendation whore. And my team should hate me for it.


    The AOE spam was unfocused and with any competent healer amounts to little more than an annoyance. My protection was wasted because I had to avoid confrontation to keep from depleting my hit point pool too quickly and I really didnt care who I put it on. And my heals were nowhere near frequent or large enough to have kept me alive had I actually gone after objectives. But at the end of the match..... gosh darn if my numbers didnt look good.


    Seriously, quit trying to downplay this build lol.

  15. Hybrids are good for hit and run harrassment and ball running thats about it. In toe to toe fight they dont have the staying power.


    Infact in a 1v1 fight on two equally geared and skilled players the Pure specced tank will win over the hybrid. The only advantage the hybrid has is the ability to instacast whirlwind and run like a $^


    I don't have Whirlwind.


    And you're 100% wrong on this.


    I've fought plenty of Tanks and even Marauders and stayed above 90% health with this spec.

  16. Aion is dying because the devs made the same mistake as BIOWARE trying to make PvP easier for the masses that wouldnt stick around anyway.

    As far as graphic is concerned when I loged in and we have 2 ppl Playing Aion in this household

    we both thought at character creation

    well this is horrible looking.

    at login

    we both went, eww look at this ugly model.

    The world is ok (no better that AIon ) and I compare graphics to Aion because its the only MMO with advanced graphic I played, not because I find it to be the best it has in fact many flaws.

    AS far as Balance is concern

    You go find 1 post where a whinge about a class being OP its no issue to me whether there is or not.


    AS far as variety is concern in PvP

    Its 3 minigames with 1 map each it looks like it has been stiuck there in lat 5 mins and no money went in PvP devellopment.


    and this thread is about what MMO vets think about This game.

    WHat have yu played Bfr mordredz that could make your opininon worthwile?


    and if you like this game I say good for you


    People left Aion because that game was a grindfest. PvE and PvP wise.

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