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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. An eight year run does not make a failed game.I bet if TOR wasn't being made SWG would still be around. Call a failure all you want. The fact it lasted eight years says otherwise. Failed MMOs don't last half that long.


    SWG was licensed to run. So they milked its players by staying P2P and introducing the TCG which ALL these collectors wanted those items. The means that they had a contract to run that game with LA so it HAD to stay up. And SWG didn't fail? If it was a good game and lived up to what everyone thought it was going to be then SWTOR never would have been a though.


  2. Lol. You're arguing in favor of leveling from 45-50 in under 25 missions. That seems healthy for the game, right?


    Yeah, it does. Beings that an MMO is supposed to be based off end-game content and literally 99% of the stuff you do 1-49 don't matter at all once you hit 50. So what's it matter to you if someone wants to level to 50 really fast doing PvP? Not going to affect you in any way.


    And if you think PvP XP right now is unhealthy. You don't even know ANY of this game's mechanics when it comes to leveling and what people have come up with.

  3. Considering the game lasted eight years and only closed because LA would not renew the license with SOE, SWG wasn't a failure. Yes, the game had problems and many of them. But it was not a failure.


    To answer your question, NO! I will never forget Galaxies. I had a blast in my time there, all of it during the NGE. I do wish people would stop bringing up Novemeber 15, 2005, however. We all know that is when the NGE went live. It has no bearing on STOR so stop posting about it.


    The only reason it lasted 8 years was because it was licensed to run. If it was LA's or SOE's 100% owned development team on it they most likely would have pulled the plug.


    And yes, SWG failed. They projected nearly 1 million players at launch and barely got 1/3 of that. So I'd say they set their own expectations on how good their game was.

  4. Please don't complain about leveling. It's not hard.


    Was I complaining? I thought I was just calling you out because you can't grind PvP gear @ 50 because it's too hard for you.


    Leveling in any MMO after you have multiple characters = derp. So when they finally add more XP to doing something a lot easier for people who have played. Legacy XP + Cartel XP then leave it at that.

  5. Any chance we could get Trauma Probe's ammo cost moved to 1 and allow it to be spread to multiple team mates? All the other healing classes have their spam-able heals/bubbles that can be casted on multiple group members. This would be a fairly big benefit to Commando And Mercenary.
  6. I'm going to have to disagree with you OP.


    The old system was confusing, with too many different types of commendations for too many disparate things. The RNG was terrible, I NEVER got a piece of gear from a bag.


    let me say that again




    The current system is too grindy, but it is superior to the broken bag system hands down.


    It takes longer now to get the top tiered gear than it did back then.

  7. People complained about Ilum being really badly designed and how forcing them to do those quest is terrible. They asked for Ilum to be removed. DX Sadly, BW listened.


    Oh, I forgot to add: In my opinion damage is the problem for pvp. :eek:


    It's because OWPvP is unplayable in this game due to how Bioware coded their character models. You get 30+ people in one area spamming abilites, say hello to 5 FPS.

  8. i've been here since day one buddy and this i want everything so give to me now attitude isnt to smart you take the game as it it gets better with age look at all the other MMOs


    If we're paying for a product we're entitled to say how or why we think things should be in-game. Especially since 90% of the wants people have been asking for should have been in game since launch but Bioware launched and unfinished game.



    These forums are starting to remind me of SWG. There people were asking for stuff and all other people did was go and attack them on it. And we all know how that game turned out. Because SOE listened to the derp-tards on their forums when they said an option wasn't needed instead of putting that good idea in.

  9. dont expect them anytime soon. this game was not designed for cross server anything, and it is not an easy thing to just add-in


    It is a lot easier than you think. Especially since the Hero engine has great features of sharding and instancing of a game. Take one of those servers they shut down and use it as the cross realm for all the severs to PvP on.

  10. if you think 'bioware needs to address the gear grind' then you're playing the wrong game kid. go play a REAL mmo that makes you REALLY grind for gear, and then come back and thank bioware for making the gear grind easy(that's right, i said EASY)


    This game takes longer to get PvP gear than WoW does.


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