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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. So? Your sample size is still way to small to be statistically relevant, and being cherry picked means the sample is unusable anyway. Try using the combat log available on the test server to find out what the actual DPS of the various ACs are, then get back to us.




    And yet he still managed over 17k protection. The fact that he did nearly 1 million damage in a single warzone without using guard is even more remarkable since it means he was getting less heals to keep him up. Either that or the healer was just standing back freecasting in which case guard would have been irrelevant anyway.


    The point, for people who seem to have missed it, is that screenshots that show large amounts of damage are just trophies and useless for balancing classes. Let's see some of those parsed combat logs to see what's really going on.


    17k protection is nothing lol. He threw TAUNTS out, not GUARDS. I can play my Focus Guardian and easily get 25-50k protection just from taunts.

  2. 44k and 46k in protection isnt tanking??????????????????????? Then what the f is....




    Man not bad at all >.> if in dps u can get 44k protection and 700k damage I just salute that **** lol /bow to the juggy from darkness sin


    You can get that much protection by just throwing Taunts around.


    Tanking = Having a Guard on another player the majority of the match which will lead to 100k+ protection.

  3. I'm not going to address the rest of your post because it's made up entirely of subjective opinion with no actual numbers to back them up. But I will address this list because it's so easy to counter.


    So for utility on a tank class, how about guard, taunt, stun, 2nd stun, 3rd stun, 4TH STUN, AoE mez, leap, second leap, reset on first leap, faster-than-Assassin interrupt, AoE slow, knockback, +40% DR, 2nd +25% DR vs tech and force, enemy armor debuff. And on top of all that, higher DR in general. Oh, and if they want to go hybrid they can also get yet another +20% DR and immunity to CC for 4 seconds.


    That class is the much maligned Guardian, which is getting buffed by the way. So today you learned that tanks in general have a lot of utility. Are you saying Guardians need to be nerfed, too?


    Yet Guardians don't even perform even close to Shadows in terms of their hybrid-ness.

  4. Why do people care so much about stats? First of all no player can consistently get this amount of damage/prot/healing in every game. Solo queue there is absolutely no way. I'm waiting for people to realize top total damage has no impact on actually winning the game. Honestly where did you get these statistics? This happens 1/100 games when the tank assassin has 2 healers constantly on him and a centurion geared opposing team that is constantly allowing themselves to be aoed.


    Any player getting high stats like that is because the other team did a terrible job. Any Aoe class for example can easily put up 500k-600k damage if the other team groups up constantly and zergs everywhere. Extremely high damage normally means the other team was doing something wrong.


    I can usually get those numbers if it's a decent match, but if we just steamroll them then no, my stats aren't going to be that high.


    LOL@all of this...


    It's impossible to take anything you say seriously when you claim that a sub-2k bubble is actually BETTER than a tanking ability that gives 50% increase to dodge over 12 seconds. This is quite possibly the single dumbest thing I have ever read on this forum.


    Then there's these mythical Operatives who are healing for huge amounts within the space of a 4second stun (instead of attacking) and cloaking while in combat.




    I would much rather take the bubble over Deflection. Isn't the bubble ability on like a 45 sec CD? I have no idea what type of CD it has though.

  6. Someone left / not enough players.



    It's kinda funny though, if it was a 6v6 at the beginning then there shouldn't have been a message saying the warzone would end because the teams were balanced. Some moron prolly saw they only had 6 players and just ditched because they don't know how the game works. Which about 99% of SWTOR's population has no idea what's going on.

  7. the DPS GEARED TANKS need to **** of group based pvp and go kill players in open world where solo play tuned build is appreciated.


    Real tanks are more Easy to heal in WZ's and with DPS'ing is not an option you are force to use diff tools and play a more effective tank than spaming your way to the dps board.




    You obviously don't play with a good hybrid Shadow/Assassin.


    The only thing they're missing compared to a real tank is 4k health but in return they do 2x more damage than a regular tank and they can heal themselves pretty decent.


    Know what I can do with my hybrid Shadow? Guard a healer and stay alive and if my healer gets some DPS classes on him I not only can just taunt them but I do enough DPS to where I can kill them in a timely manner. So instead of being a regular tank and just taunting them and waiting for the DPS help to come. I can do all of the above.

  8. Oh man. So many to compare. Hmmm.


    If you're talking about compared to other classes/spec's that fill the same role then that's where I'll base my votes off of:


    Juggs/Guards - Any spec, especially "tank" spec'd. Both vanguards and assassins (and mirrors obviously) are vastly superior in every way. The damage Juggs put out is meh at best, and their "survivability" is only ok. Control is decent, but vanguards and sins both have just as much utility while being able to function from range as well as melee when needed. Hands down the worst "can-tank" class to see on your team for anything OTHER than the occasional lulzy huttball cap.


    Healer ops - Besides <30% surgical probe spamming lulz they are hands down the worst healer to have on your team. Piss poor energy mechanics (not their fault), squishy as all hell, NO utility (stealth is a joke). Sages and commando's are flat out more efficient (better resource mechanics by far as well), less squishy and have more utility to offer the team. I really feel sorry for healer ops.


    Worst dpser... this one I can't decide on as I want to say sniper simply because they're harder to succeed with when people pay attention to them, however their dps when allowed to free-cast is really good to have on your team. So I guess sniper DEPENDING on the enemy team's competency level. Either their heavily disadvantaged, or they're decimating groups quickly.


    Operative/Scoundrel healers are amazing, I truly wish I would have rolled one instead of my Commando. Their mobility and their heals is just amazing and in 1.2 they're only going to be getting better.

  9. This is such a charged topic and almost @ 100 pages, I would be really surprised if someone at BW hasn't seen this yet. I'm glad two of the Shadows I've personally seen dominating with this setup have openly said they're OP and they know it. Can't wait until they adapt to the inevitable nerf and all the "bads" jump to the next FOTM.


    I literally can't stand play KC /w DPS gear anymore. I switched to Balance because I'm so tired of seeing Assassins/Shadows playing it now. What's funnier is they're able to play it half-arse and still kill almost any class.

  10. I highlighted the areas in red where you lied/bsed/completely made stuff up.




    I am a BM geared assassin, with 425 bonus damage, and 700 force bonus damage. When I have 3 stacks of harnessed darkness and use recklessness as I cast lightning, my damage per tick is roughly 1200 per crit on an opponent lesser geared than me (the guy I tested this on is a centurion/champion geared marauder).



    The highest I've ever seen this crit for is 1800 on a green geared 50 (I know he was green geared because he had 11,000 hp and hit me for about 300 damage with a crit maul).




    Also, a tank spec sin can never kill a conscience healer because the dps just isn't there. Tank assassins win 1v1 because they can heal so much/mitigate so much while stunning properly to maintain an hp advantage. They do not win 1v1 because their dps is "RAWR OMG." They play like a tank that slowly plinks the enemy away while maintaining hp. Thats it.




    If you want proof in my numbers I can post screenshots, more than I know any of you can do.


    You're prolly getting those numbers......on tanks with 50%+ damage reduction.

  11. I agree with amksed and just to give u guys an idea about the dps amount a tank sin/shadow(31/0/10) or a hybrid sin/shadow(27/0/14) can do, i'll share some numbers.


    Now with popped up adrenals and relics, my tk throw using 3x harnessed shadow does about 2.3k per dmg tick on any full bm non tank player on a avg. I.e. more on sorcs, a bit less on medium armor but roughly 2.3k crit per tick. With force potency thats like 2.3k x 4 = 9k + dmg in 3 seconds


    Same a charged up project with force potency does more than 3.5k dmg and if i get the extra project (50% chance) i get extra 1.5k dmg = 5k dmg


    If I'm a hybrid spec, my double stike which almost always crits does around 1450/1450 on any non tank class = about close to 3k


    Slow time is just great for the debuff/harnessed proc but does like 2k + always non buffed



    I'm able to win 95% of 2v1 fights against equally geared people of other classes. The only times i might loose would be when its a healer tank/guard combo.



    Just to make it easy for u, we are able to kill Healing classes 1v1. Now that should tell any 1 about the dps in this spec.


    Regarding survivability, Almost 40% dmg reduction, 500 hp tick every 4.5k sec, Health potion, 5sec Resillence for 45 secs, 12 sec deflection, Knock back, Force Speed, 10% hp from a 1.5 min cd skill, 10% hp back with a buffed up TK throw, which could be every 10 seconds.

    If we have a healer around, we can guard it, while doing crazy dps and making sure both of us arent dying...easily takin on 4 people at once.


    This is why I agree with AMKSED


    Oh, hey Aryan. I forgot to mention you in the original posts with Prestige.

  12. please for the love of god lol use the correct tense.. Ilum IS not a crapfest, Ilum WAS a crapfest :p


    That said no Open World PvP isn't coming back in atleast 2 months if at all.


    I remember when OWPvP used to be random and people didn't expect for the developers to have to force players to pile up in 1 area and fight.



    If your server doesn't put the effort to fight on any planet vs the other faction it's just as much your fault as it is Bioware's.

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