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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. Amsked


    Ok for your character window but now I hope that you can post a screenshot with your damage in bg not 700 k but at least 500K damage.


    I'll start taking screenshots of my warzones then. There's already tons of screenshots going around showing the damage potential of the build but I will do it just for you when I play later this evening.

  2. Amsked,

    Could you post screenshots of your character window with stats and gears and a screenshot of your trees spec (kinetic:31/10 or 23/18)

    You have said that you do 700k + damage in bg but you can't prove us because you haven't screenshot.As you haven't screenshots with 700k + damage, I propose you to play some bg to prove us that you can do 500 k damages with your character (the same that we can see on the character window that you are going to post (I think it's not a pb for you since you can do 700k + damages).

    I ask you these informations because we need a proof and facts to understand and compare stats with other type of character. Indeed the level of damage that you said to do seems so high for a shadow kinetic.

    Note that all other tank can wear dps gear and up their damage ( loosing their tank role) it'is the base of MMO (see guardian for ex, when they wear dps gear they can up their damage more than shadow...)


    Yes, my stats aren't what they used to be because I've been re-collecting my BM mods since if I don't have them then I lose out on the gear changes. But here they are.


  3. Missed that sorry :/ I never disagreed with your opinion once you explained your reasons, before that I was kind of annoyed because the people I saw posting had no valid reasons. I still disagree than WZ stats should not be a determining factor, but that is just me. I also read your original post before you updated it with ideas for a re balance.


    Who are you from galaxies, I do not recognize the name. I am thinking it was from the last 3 months or so I played on chilly and the 3 months I played on SS before the end that I met you. I know the names of everyone here before then pretty much lol


    AMK, iDire, iNuke, RLPvPer, Amksed. I had a BUNCH of names and I played with UC, EBD, and Weezy-Son.

  4. So it's ok for other classes to do such numbers but when it's assassins people scream NERF?!


    If you actually played the classes or knew about them you'd realize it's not even close the same. In a Voidstar match nearly every match people are bunched up, so like I said 90% of Troopers attacks are AoEs and if you're hitting 3+ people each time for 1-2k then it wouldn't be difficult to reach numbers on a Vanguard Tank/Hybrid class.

  5. Meh, they thought that damage/protection in WZs was enough to prove a class is OP compared to others, proven wrong.





    90% of Vanguards attacks are AoEs, so I have no doubt it my mind a Vanguard in the Tank spec could get really high damage. Especially since I know there was a hybrid spec for Vanguard/Powertech that was able to pull these stats. And from what I've read for the most part it's no longer do-able anymore. I've gotten 300K+ damage on my Commando Healer just by tossing AoEs every now and then in a Voidstar match.

  6. Doing 700K just means you purposely throw your offensive round in Voidstar because you can only do about 500K per round but the round you win should have close to 0 damage done if you're actually, well, winning.


    No doubt Darkness is overpowered but I find it funny a guy claim to be able to win 2on5, when Darkness spec is so prevalent that you'd probably face at least 2 guys with identical spec in that 2on5. I guess it's so overpowered you can defeat 2 guys with the same specs as you by yourself.


    I mean of course you actually can win 2on5 if they're all the bad classes, but there are a lot of Marauders and other Darkness Assassins out there. Any two of those guys will give you a tough fight by the virtue that you're pretty much fighting someone with nearly (and sometimes identical) DPS/survivality, let alone 5.


    Yes I can actually, I've done it before. But like I've said, people don't know how to play this spec yet and once they do it's going to be a problem for all.

  7. Once again, you cannot call a class OP because it has potential to do good damage/protection in WZs. Generally people base it off of 1v1 fights, this is an easy way to test the capabilities against other classes. Shadow to me feels balanced, and all other "hybrid" classes in theory should get the same benefit from tank spec with dps gear.


    Now you are suggesting a class that does on average half the damage of sorcs/other DPS classes, should be nerfed? Just because they balance their lesser DPS with more protection points?


    How about the fact I can 3v1 and stay alive for a good 20+ seconds and kill one of the 3 while waiting for my team to back me up.


    Pair me with 1 healer, I prefer a Trooper, and we can 5v2.

  8. I RARELY save screenshots and I had one with me being 649K damage and 237K protection but I un/reinstalled Fraps since then and no longer have the saved screenshots.


    I'm still looking for the SS Prestige had of him doing the stats he did.


    I for one would never want this class to get nerfed but as time progresses more and more people are going to be playing it and more and more people are going to start to learn how to play it correctly and then it's going to be a problem. Even the people that I see that are TERRIBLE at the spec can still put out the numbers and play objectives with the build. I'm trying to make everyone aware of the spec and it's potential and trying to get Infiltration / Balance fixed along with Kinetic's damage brought down a bit.

  9. If you think 400k odd damage with decent protection, and a little self healing is OP...


    Sentinels can reach far beyond the 400k mark which seems to basically be the cap for shadow tank spec with dps gear, plus have more healing in the stats.


    400K is nowhere near the cap.


    On a good match I've reached nearly 700K and my friend, Prestige has gone over 700K damage. Along with having 150K+ protection and 75K+ healing.



    And I would expect Sentinels/Marauders who are spec'd into DPS and wearing DPS gear to get over 400K damage.


    Not a Shadow/Assassin who is spec'd into TANKING and wearing DPS gear to get over 400k damage.

  10. 1 mil damage is OP if you classify good WZ stats as OP, and no shadow could ever reach that high, unless you have proof of course? No probably not, and shadows do have taunts too.


    It's really not hard to do a lot of damage as a Focus/Rage spec, especially if the team you're vsing is bad and grouped up a majority of the match. Which is what I'm going to assume since he was able to achieve such high damage.


    And everything you said isn't relevant to anything I've said. Like I said earlier, a DPS spec'd player doing damage? No way?!

  11. He is actually in a dps stance. Also the AoE power of the smash needs to be addressed, no one is arguing that either.


    I personally see nothing wrong with it.


    My Guardian is Focus and it's VERY easy to counter and a Focus Guardian is pretty squishy. Focus them down and don't let them get close to you and you're golden.

  12. Umm ok, you clearly have no idea, I have seen Guardians with 50k+ protection yet still have 700k damage.


    That's easy to do with just taunts. Now actually put a Guard on someone and take another players 50% damage.


    I pull 25-50K protection usually in every warzone I'm in on my DPS Guardian just by throwing out taunts.

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