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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. Paid transfers are on the short list to get done once 1.5/F2P goes live. Here is the official word from a few days ago:



    Faction changes are not in the plans at all as far as I know. How would that even work? Say you had a Jedi - okay, the skills mirror and the gear does too... but there is all that backstory you are missing, companions you have no affection with, etc. Maybe they have something all thought out, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


    I'm sure there's a way they could code it to work.


    It's pretty much a 100% swap with everything. Might take a good person to code it all but it's do-able.


    If WoW can do it SWTOR can.

  2. I hate the "re-roll on another server attitude". Why should another player have to re-do EVERYTHING because they were just unlucky and their server died or PvP died. They had no control over that. So why should they have to spend the time and effort just to make the game enjoyable for them.
  3. The problem is you're viewing PvP as a grind. Just do dailies when you feel like it and the gear is just an added bonus reward for having fun. I'm not sure why you even want PvP gear if PvP is a horrible grind to you to be perfectly honest.


    Because getting your *** kicked each match because they have better gear than you is fun, right?

  4. Cause i'am really going to have a screenshot of my aoe blasting a group of people. That's the problem with the internet people just refuse to trust a person word. Not my problem it doesn't affect me either way I shouldn't have got a 5k hit as tank.


    I don't know how it happened or what caused it iam just saying it how it happened from what I saw on my screen i pressed discharge and got my first 5k medal.


    There's combat logs in the game now. Posting a SS saying you got a 5k hit in a WZ doesn't mean jack. Oh and hopefully you realize that hitting someone for 5k with literally no-gear on isn't a feat of some kind.

  5. Iam not going to debate this with you I know nothing about the mechanics iam just saying what happened if you choose not to believe I wear full tank gear that's your problem.


    Post a screenshot. Because I know for 100% fact, there aren't enough damage modifiers in this game for even a tank in DPS gear.

  6. Because you know everything right.


    I can tell you there aren't enough damage modifiers in SWTOR to let a tank spec'd Assassin/Shadow hit for 5k with their AoE.

  7. I can tell you a game with 10 million subscribers is given more of a budget than a game with 1 million subscribers without having to offer any proof to you whatsoever. The same way I can tell you that a mouse is smaller than an elephant without having to break out a ruler.


    That game doesn't have 10 million subscribers. I knew you didn't know what you were talking about. Also, if Tera can implement cross-server queues/invites and they have 1/1000000000 of the "budget" SWTOR or WoW has. I'm sure SWTOR can do it. I don't think it takes millions of dollars in resource to write coding...


    You - "Blizzards state they have 10 million people playing this game! So those 10 million must all pay $15/mo."

  8. I'm fine with merging servers, because the OP is right. Cross server ques won't fix everything so that's why we need server merges.


    However, it will lay the groundwork from never having to deal with crappy pvp ques ever again. Even if the game is on it's deathbed.


    If you only do server merges, then this cycle will continue every once in a while and there will be a month where the game bleeds subs even faster than it would normally because of **** ques. If Xserver ques are in place then you never have that problem, even if the server's main population is screwed.


    It's unrealistic to think that BW will be able to do merges with the speed neccessary to make sure this is not a reoccuring problem. They just can't move that fast. They've already shown that. To have to rely 100% on them to merge individual servers together whenever some servers have problems, and others don't? No thanks, just give me cross server ques so that way when they inevitably take forever to merge servers I can at least pvp.


    And that's why a lot of people state Bioware failed with SWTOR.

    Launched way too soon, launched without too many key features, they should have had a server-merge/cross-server plan to go from launch.

  9. Personally i've hit a 5k discharge (Hit 7 people at the same time giving me the 5k medal) and iam running a tank with full tank gear. So it's really no surprise seeing a 7k shock from a someone playing dps.


    No you don't.

  10. It took Blizzard 3 years to write the code to do it. How long do you think it will take Bioware with a fraction of a budget?


    EA makes more money than Activision.


    And with that signature, why are you even on these PvP boards? You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

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