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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. Don't want to jump on the band wago, but this quote... it pretty much speaks for itself.


    If you consider yourself a good PVPer and say that back-pedaling doesn't matter then I have to :rolleyes: at you.


    I've played games where back-pedaling does matter and SWTOR's is A LOT more forgiving when it comes to back pedaling.

  2. I play a Combat Medic Commando in pvp. I am 49 right now hoping to hit 50 today. I run about 16k health and I am not even fully geared. The only problem I have is when I get zerged by 2 to 3 at the same time. If I get 1 on me, I can either make him giv eup trying or hold out until a teammate comes along and helps. I really enjoy playing a commando in pvp


    Oh man are you in for a treat. You better queue with a tank and make sure he helps you or you're just going to get stuck in place and melted down.

  3. I said you're bad. I heard you were bad in SWG too. Whats it like being an all around bad player at video games? Wasn't SWG super easy?


    Awww so this is what it's all about. Fanboys from SWG. Love it. Over a year after that game's been shut down I still have people wanting to take shots at me. GG kid, stay in school.

  4. Oh cause the bads got beat up means it's op'ed? Riiight. Or the fact that normal war zones aren't a good way to tell how good or bad a class actually is because NEWS FLASH! this is all team based objective pvp if you didn't know.


    K, why are you still here? You've already proven you aren't intelligent. Be best if you just left it at that.

  5. My post history is full of qq'ing about toher classes? Sure you didn't search yourself on accident there.


    No i'm pretty sure you back pedal and keyboard turn then claim to be good... Which doing both those things makes you look like a scrub.


    Sure we'll go with that.


    But like I said, if you're going to try at sound smart then make it seem like you're somewhat intelligent first.


    Derka derka back pedal derka derka keyboard turning derka derka I sure showed him derka derka!

  6. I know plenty of pve'ers who left because lack of or not callenging enough pve content. So you're wrong.



    Also aren't you the one who was calling nerfs on tankasin while back pedalling and keyboard turning?


    Back-pedaling in this game doesn't matter. And most def wasn't keyboard turning. Nice try at trying to be witty, but here's a tip. In order to do that you have to be somewhat intelligent. Even funnier when your post history is full of QQing about other classes.


    Let me guess, you're one of those people that I utterly destroyed back in the day?

  7. It may not be able to handle 50v50 on ilum with bases capping back and forth but i've done a few 20+v20+ in the black hole. So yeah GG.



    BTW it's not the engine it's self. It's BW's crappying coding they put on the engine.


    So how is having a PvP limit in OWPvP making it OWPvP? Just seems like it would be a 20vs20 Warzone...

  8. I love PVP, my main is a fully geared and augmented WH healer OP. i would be fooling myself if i thought that the "BULK MAJORITY" <== of players in most MMO'S including this one were pvpers. the bulk majoritys are PVER'S and i can assure you if their toons are constantly nerfed and played with at the expense of pvp they will take their wallets elsewhere, and we can all agree this game cant afford that to happen at this point. We have competition in this game right now its called rated wzs, which would be much more challageing than a death match between a FOTOM 4 vrs 4. if you want an over hyped duel then go to Illium and duel. im certain if you spammed general there youd have plenty of that, or better yet flag yourself and camp a faction area.


    there problem solved.


    Lets see. This game had nearly 2 million people at launch. And now it's most likely barely pushing over 500k. It's been said a lot on these forums and other areas like Youtube and sub-forums that that only people left are pretty much Star Wars and/or PvE fans. So I'd be willing to bet that those 1.5 million players that are no longer player were somewhat PvP fans.

  9. WE have a way to compete. It's called rated war zones.


    If you can't realize that arena in WoW was a constant balance issue then you're blind. It was stupid at all the buffs and nerfs that went on to the demand of the pvp'ers, who we all know aren't any MMO's main subscriber base, to ask blizzard to do the stupid **** they did.


    I'm all for arena's in this game... Given it doesn't become the **** fest that it did in WoW and it provides NOTHING but entertainment period, meaning all you get is a rating and no rewards from it. Maybe a title or something at the end of the season for being on top? A mount... something dumb.


    Go look at the amount of views PvP players get compared to PvE players in WoW. The difference is LOL worthy when people say WoW isn't a PvP game.


    PvP = Makes an MMO.

  10. This is my personal opinion:

    I have a Sorc healer and a Merc healer, alt.

    I prefer Merc more. For me, heavy armor will be better than 10 bubbles Sorcerers can have. I feel the need to add that I have seen warriors having problems with killing a Merc healer but never a Sorc. Also, all my friends agree that guarded Merc healer is better than guarded Sorc.



    Again, this is my opinion and many will disagree.:cool:


    Nah, not even close lol. Cheers though.

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