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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. Half of us rerolled on The Fatman server to get 50 and play. The majority will all still play together when rateds come (on Wots and the fatman). Others and I still Queue up on WoTs but not as much as we did before.





    lol yea there so so so so so many bads playing Shadow/sin. Which is why the spec looks average and doesn't look like it needs a tone down at all.




    There's maybe 3-4 out of the prolly 60+ people I've seen playing the spec that are good at it, including me. Now those 60+ people who aren't even good at it can still hold down players just due to the imbalance the class/spec has. I'm not looking forward to the day when those 60+ people figure out how to play it and that's all we see in WZ queues.

  2. Not having rocket boosts work in warzones/ops would make it not worth having period aside from making leveling alts and doing dailies in story areas go slightly faster. That slight boost is not worth 2-4.5mil credits


    I thought the whole reason it was added was to combat Assassins & Sorcs who tend to exploit the usefulness of their sprint ability. And it would be a nice gap closer for operatives.


    Having it usable in PvP is what justifies the cost IMO.


    And it's going to make PvP stupid and certain classes OP as hell.

  3. this is about the op thinking he is so godly and making the devs team nerf him( the class and spec) . fighting ****** geared and noskilled people doesn't make you good . so you have killed 2-3 at once. there might be some factors like


    1 . you got battlemaster gear

    2 . the people you are fighting have ****** gear

    3 . they have no clue and skill pvp wise



    and your video showed them all .


    I'm actually only half Battlemaster in this video.

  4. I will have to disagree. I love infiltration spec and the rotation I use kicks ***! CS,CS, (force Potency, battle readiness, and expertise stim) project, force breach, spinning strike. Game over 90% of the time. if still alive, cloak, re open spinning kick, then back stab.


    It is quishy but if you have a good healer and give him a heads up that you are so and protect him you are golden. Once they see you take someone out in 3 seconds they will work to keep you alive.


    Last night I hit 320K and damage and had a 4200k crit. All champ gear no BM gear.


    That's cool and all. Considering you can do that spike only ever 2 mins. And if your target gets guarded and you get taunted then you're SOL.

  5. LOL.


    Overpowered "traps"


    They are meant to be deadly obstacles, as they are now they are a trivial inconvenience. Some gear/power combinations even let people walk through them while heavily snared with little consequence.

    I'm with the OP, make them something that actually has to be avoided.


    If you can't kill someone taking 1-2k dmg every 0.5 seconds then LOL at you.

  6. Did you forget the part in SWG where you were restricted to ONE character per server?


    Did you forget the part where a lot of people had unlocked slots, multiple accounts, and that game was SUPER easy to multi-box in.

  7. No what's not? And why do you keep saying "hybrid spec?" 31/0/10 is NOT a hybrid spec. Nor is 2/31/8. Those are the most common specs people run. If you're using something else, maybe you should post your build, and then we can point out to you what you're sacrificing for FiB. Personally, I'd rather spec into slow time, and if you didn't, you gave up an AOE damage+snare for AOE damage+heal. You're also gimping yourself if you're using FiB+combat technique.


    You don't gain anything without sacrificing something else.


    I'm tired of posting the definition of hybrid so I'm just going to assume these people live in their own world where definitions don't take play.

  8. You guys are talking about being in combat stance, correct?

    Increases your armor rating by 150%

    While totally ignoring this:

    While active, melee bonus damage is reduced by 5%

    And the fact that light armor rating+150% is still less than medium armor.


    A shadow tank has less survivability than a marauder, does around the same damage as a Vanguard (and in heavy armor, mind you), and you have the gall to complain that shadows have too many CC options? It's called balance, people. You trade one thing for another. Shadows/sins have a little of everything, and all of nothing. Quit the QQ and learn to fight one.


    No it's not. Please if you're going to at least try to downplay the hybrid build for Shadow at least post some info that's correct.

  9. I think this is the most accurate description of the shadow/sin tank I've seen in the whole thread.


    Shadow tanks:

    1. Only have light armor

    2. Are kiteable

    3. Only have 1 "burst" attack (execute)

    4. Have very mediocre AOE attacks


    They're NOT dps sages in guardian armor who can stun you for 30 seconds and hit you for 8k per attack.


    People are still just whining that they got nerfed. Suck it up. Why not whine about something useful, like giving dps guardians/juggs better damage higher up the tree?


    And that is very false.


    1. Light Armor that gives you 40-45% damage reduction.

    2. Kiteable? LOL! Try playing an Infiltration to know what kiteable is. Pull, 20s Sprint that breaks snares/roots, and a perma snare on people.

    3. My Projects/FiBs hit for 3-4k and my Telekinetic Throw can hit for a total of 8K.

    4. Refer to 3 on FiB.

  10. Im playing a valor 75 darkness assassin with full bm stalker gear also modded with power and surge... I played MMO´s since daoc came out and consider my self maybe a little over average skill wise, I do not face many opponents witch also have full bm gear (apperently not many on my server has it.


    many many of my 1vs1' fights are very close call fights, and considering they have worse gear, I fear the day I fight only full bm geared or war hero geared chars for that matter..

    simply because i think i will get my *** kicked =)


    just my experince and opinions...


    I suggest learning your class better then.

  11. People actually >believe< assassins are overpowered.... ??


    Play one. Get back to me.



    And I don't mean playing tankasin with dps gear and luling at how you got 10 medals and "rocked" the enemy team when in reality you had mediocre damage, minimal heals, and mediocre protection, but added together causing a large number of medals (making medal-hunters think they ruled earth).



    The only real pvp spec available for assassins is the tank-spec and some of us prefer not to be shoed into playing that specific tree (personally its the most boring tree, and although I can do pretty well with it, I play deception instead).



    If anything the other 2 trees of assassin need to be fixed/buffed in some way to make them useful in pvp.

    Where did anyone state that since the class can get a high amount of medals then that makes the class OP?

  12. Why are the acceptable? Because you say so? Wh is there a wrong and a right way to play a tank spec, but everything is fine for healers?




    I could see if healers had an unlimited resource and they were able to spam attacks that hit for 3K while being able to keep the group alive then there might be a problem. But as of right now, that doesn't exist.

  13. they will never take out the healing from harnessed shadows just cause you have some ****** ideas... can you please stop posting any more ideas,leave it to the professionals,ok? your ideas would completely ruin the class experience and what not...


    Someone's mad.


    Want Bioware's approach? Nerf KC and do nothing to make the other specs compete.

  14. Yeah, nothing major just a slight re balance.


    As mentioned before I think all Shadow/Assassin trees should have their own form of Harnessed Shadows.



    Kinetic - Damage debuff to target attacked with Tele Throw : 5/10/15% /per stack. -20% Force/Melee Damage when in Combat Technique. Increase the heal in Combat Technique by 200 to help the actual tanks who were wanting to tank keep themselves up due to the loss of the heal from HS.


    Infiltration - Increases Tele Throw damage by : 6/12/18% /per stack and reduced Force cost by 20/40/60%. +30% armor while in Shadow Technique. Switch the Kinetic Field (30% AoE Dmg Reducton) down to the tier 1 and replace Harnessed Shadows there for Infiltration. They no longer need the extra armor since Shadow technique automatically has the armor increase.


    Balance - Heals target player by 3/6/9% max health /per stack. +20m range on Telekinetic Throw/Project while in Force Technique. Toss out Mind Ward and make that an innate ability for people in Force Technique and replace that tier with the Harnessed Shadows for Balance.

  15. What are your thoughts on balance, I personally think defense is an issue there and the range of the abilities are lacking.


    Both Infiltration / Balance need to be bumped up to medium armor status. And I personally think Balance needs to be able to use Project/Throw from 30m.


    All specs can throw out decent numbers, but Infiltration and Balance get dropped by even the slightest bit of DPS.

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