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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. commandos are not fine, congrates on having a match where no one targets you. commandos have virtually no escape tactics, nothing like a sorc or op healer, not even close. They get interrupt immunity for 12 seconds, on a 2 minute cooldown. The knockback will just allow leapers to leap to you again. I play both a commando and op healer and I can run keep myself up against 2 good players, and sometimes 3 bads, and if everything goes south ill just stealth. Sorc/sage cc is incredible and just ridiculous. So one match you got 850k (dont think you did, since commandos dont have good aoe healing like ops and sorcs) of which it was either from a full length voidstar or a full battle over mid for alderaan. 1 WZ doesnt mean the class is fine.




    I highly doubt he got close to 850K.

  2. I came back to the game recently. Across 4 of my characters I grinded out full BM back when it was harder to get than War Hero, have more playtime on 99% of all the people in War Hero, yet I'm still having to re-grind everything even though I've put more time than people who actually have War Hero.


    I would love to be able to pay money and get War Hero gear or EQUAL states in the Cartel market. That's not anything close to Pay2Win, it's Pay2BeEqual.


    As a MM Sniper, they are my bane. Best was 2 shotted by a Scoundrel.


    ...Yes, I have augmented WH gear, and it didn't help.


    Yeah....Scoundrels/Operatives weren't 2-shotting when WH gear was out. Nice try though.


    Who remembers when operatives could come out of stealth and do 6k damage with one ability? Who enjoyed getting hit for 6k with one attack? Who thought they needed a nerf?

    Well months later we have the same problem except with rage juggs/maras. They leap to you and do 6k with the first attack. How is this not nerfed yet. If operatives aren't allowed to 6k in one ability certainly the much more tanky juggs and maras shouldn't be able to either.


    and thats why rage juggs and maras NEED A NERF (so do pyro-techs)


    Yeah, Operatives could open with a 6-8k opener.....but then keep hitting you for 4-5k then move on to the next. While I do agree derpsmash is stupid its not even close to what Operatives could do

  3. Dear Bioware,


    As a Founder and subscriber, I'm a little dismayed that you are willing to give away so much of the game, that I pay for each month. Dont get me wrong, I like FTP options as I do think they are beneficial to the ongoing development of a game. However, the path you have chosen is unpredented in how much it gives for nothing.


    A person can play the entire storyline of every class in the game, on either side of the conflict, without paying a dime! Really? That's a bit much IMO, and sort of a slap to us that pay monthly. As a suggestion I would like to see a more LOTRO type of model where a FTP'r has to buy quest packs and zone unlocks in order to progress. This method allows the FTP'ers a choice in what parts of the game they want to play WITHOUT angering those that pay a monthly subscription.


    What you have done here is decide to just give the game away. I trust you know what you are doing here, but I, for one, am not too crazy about it.


    Thank you,





    This games story isn't worth $15. It should be free

  4. Returning level 50 here and was glad this game is now F2P, but I have to pay money for action bars? You must be out of your mind.


    Good luck with F2P


    F2P is for the story, that's it. You can spend some credits and get the other things but in order to fully enjoy this game you will have to spend money.

  5. I don't think you understand what I, or what anyone else, is asking for. The cybertech grenades everyone uses aren't even stuns, they're AoE mezzes. We don't want no stuns, but we want less of them. There's just too many right now and resolve is total garbage. Now that people can mindlessly spam stun keys and not have to worry about overlapping CC layers, resolve does nothing. You're long dead before it kicks in. And lol at "massive massive strategic layer", because fighting a target that doesn't fight back is sooooooooooooo hard. You don't even have to time your stuns anymore. There's no resolve penalty for overlapping CCs. HAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, haven't laughed that hard in a while. That's a good one.


    Get a good team and have your healers clear the stuns.


  6. I two-shot a recruit Jedi Shadow yesterday with Shock+(1/2)Shock + Maul.


    There was skill involved in that?


    The "skill" to have the patience to stick through all those bloodbath Warzones in order to get your PvP gear.

  7. well...in DCUO; Age Of Conan , GW2 you can REALLY get better. Here too actually but here is this Gear>Skill problem.

    but thats also alright if you want that kind of progression.

    I play all those games. I LOVE the combat from DCUO , there is no better than that Imho, mouse clicks and holds for weaps + a few slots for powers/skills + active blocking, dodging anti cc and good power management. also some gear progression. Age of Conan gave me carpal tunnel, its combat is great too, but after 1.5 is more gear oriented; still VERY skill based. GW2 is the perfect blend of eeverything above , and swtor is traditional.

    I play Swtor cause i like to win **** that makes me op sometimes lol; when i wanna relax.

    So i sub here and play the others for free. its healthy.


    DCUO was terrible lol. No wonder why you're bad at this game.

  8. If they want to have a successful PvP queue system they need cross-server.


    Those people QQing that they want to keep fighting John Doe over and over and over again and stupid.

  9. I will say it again. SWG was not a failed game. It lasted EIGHT years. Failed MMOs tend to die in less than half that time. The original game, the CU version and the NGE all had their problems. My six years were all spent in the NGE. The last two years of Galaxies were better than Warcraft at any point of it's life. SWG haters can say whatever they want, but to me and many others, Galaxies was a good game that we all had fun playing. It was certainly better than that steaming pile of crap Warcraft.


    Every MMO will eventually be shutdown. TOR was a big reason LA decided not to renew the license with SOE. Now all future Star Wars games are going to be made by LA itself. People can call SWG a failed game or, like me, they can say it wasn't. It doesn't matter since it is all based on opinion. My opinion is that SWG was a good game with problems, TOR is a good game that is still growing and Warcraft is a piece of crap that needs to grow up and become a real game.


    We will always remember games we had fun playing and games we hated. We should never forget the good times. But I agree that people need to stop bringing up the day the NGE went live. Especially in other game forums. It has no place here.


    It was licensed to run..

  10. Bzzt. Wrong. The 350,000 was a rumored peak. They did, however, sell more than two million copies.


    Anyways, it is ironic that 11/15 marked the downfall of one Star Wars MMO and possibly the downfall of another.


    350,000 was confirmed by a developer. And they sold 2 million copies like 1 year before the game was even shut down. And that doesn't mean jack because I knew that I purchased nearly 6-10 copies of that game.


    The more accounts I had to AFK with the richer I became in-game.

  11. And back then the confirmed global market for mmos totaled about 3 million.



    Thats a LIONS SHARE of the market compared to the paltry 300k subs bioware has today.


    Those subs are still leaking btw.

    Okay kid. Back then, in 2003, 3 million was NOT that number. Don't come here throwing obviously stupid numbers just because your game died. And SWTOR has nearly 500k subs. How does it feel like SWTORs record low is still more than SWGs record high?

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