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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. Game runs pretty good on my AMD Thuban 1100t Black edition.


    Curious though since this is a 6 core proc - if I wanted to migrate to intel, what's comperable and whats better right now?


    You would need to upgrade/switch to the LGA 1155 socket and you'd see a performance gain with the i5 2500K which you can pick up for like $160 if you live near a micro center. I'm upgrading to an i7 3770K and if you did the same I'm sure you'd see a 35-70% increase in FPS.

  2. Newsflash: CPU ability is not solely determined by clock speed.


    It's been like this since the release of the Athlon. Actually, even before then, but to a lesser degree. Even if you OCed that 965 to 6GHz, I still don't think it'd be able to match an Ivy Bridge quad at 2.8GHz.


    Oh thanks for telling me that! I'm an avid overclocking and PC gaming and I had NO idea that wasn't the only factor. I wasn't trying to point out that AMD CPUs were bad or anything. I literally thought the core clock-speed meant everything.

  3. Sin. easy to play, viable on all 3 specs for pvp and pve, sprint, knock back, and many other.


    but that is just my humble opinion.


    Or you can just play melee OP and spam 3 melee attacks and kill people.

  4. Yea online games and even some single like skyrim seem to be very CPU heavy, i never expected a cpu to make this much difference, old cpu benchmarks barely increased fps on games b 1-2 nowadays its the difference from a laggy 25 to a maxed out 90, well from now on im going intel and nvidia all the way, im still using a 6970 but im planning on upgrading to a GTX 670 at Christmas


    I'd keep the 6970 until the new line of GPUs come out. You won't get a $ worthy boost going from a 6970 to a 670. They should be out around January 2013.

  5. SWTOR runs like crap. Anyone who defends SWTOR on this is just blatantly wrong.


    In order to get max settings and stay about 60 fps you're going to need an Intel CPU (Turbo boost) and at least a 6870 or higher. AMD CPUs just don't cut it unless you have that thing overclocked 4.0GHz or higher.


    My PC can run GW2 in crowded areas at full settings and maintain 50-70 FPS but in SWTOR with Shadows and AA turned down I'm lucky to get 30-50. SWTOR is just optimized very badly. Going to go ahead and blame it on the Hero Engine.

  6. That's the point. If you want to jump in and get in peoples faces, you don't play a merc. Simple as that. Mercs stay back and support their teammates from range, as he was doing. The only problem with mercs is that they have inadequate tools to defend themselves once people start focusing them. That is what needs a buff, not the damage.


    The reason they're squishy up close is because they do massive ranged damage. They don't need to be tanky. They're a ranged class.

  7. Ran into the most frustrating thing earlier in an Alderaan.


    I spent 30 seconds trying to CC/Kill a Sniper that was preventing our 2, yes 2, DPS Sentinels from capping the point. Instead of helping me DPS him down then just kept spamming on the node trying to cap it while the Sniper just snared me and kited around throwing attacks out at them. It was literally nearly 30 seconds of that because my Force Push was almost back. I was so frustrated at that stupidity I think I said every vulgar word known by man in Vent. And because of that we lost the game.




    Also, a lot of people just say it's just a game. Don't get mad at it. I don't really get mad at the game, I'm mad that there is someone out there in life that's too stupid to know how to play a simple game. It's mind boggling how much stupidity is out there in the world.

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