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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. I have 1370 expertise and I get hit by 6.5-7k smashes/sweeps quite frequently. I've seen one JK have a 9.6k hit. Probably on a low expertise player, but still ridiculous.


    Yeahhh, sure.

  2. What, your upset that people are discussing the nerf possibility of Assassin/Shadow and not Marauder/Sentinel.


    Beings that I have 1 of every class and so far everything is pretty balanced. I'd say Sentinels and Marauders are a tad stronger then Shadow/Assassin. I'm not upset at all.


    In fact, I admire your little 3 page post about Assassins and Shadows. Maybe if you were actually correct on information and knew what you were talking about you would get as much attention as I did when I thought Shadows and Assassins needed nerfed.

  3. meh. i would rather BW spends their time working on things that everyone will actually use. xserver is a waste of time and only will be used by the tiny group of people who actually want real competition in rateds. thats a very very small number of people... maybe 1 or 2 teams per server. the rest will be spending most of their time in normal WZs just as they do now. or they will spend their time in rateds vs teams of alts from their sister guilds, just as they do now.


    So you don't want competitive PvP? You're bad.

  4. or reroll mara/powertech/sniper :D


    or go healing, the merc is the ebst pvp healer i think, pop scg, then missile, then med scan, then quick scan, then med scan then quick scan


    thta is a nice chunk of healing, you go ththe 5% shield, the regen, the 10% armor buff and a ton of healing


    Operative/Sorc have Mercs heals beat by a fairly big margin.

  5. 1. WOW - Sorry but it has literally almost everything an MMO needs.

    2. SWG - Even though I hated the way the game turned out and I'm glad it's gone now. Still some of the best memories.

    3. Guild Wars - PvP'd my butt off in that game.

    4. SWTOR - I love Star Wars, wish it had more PvP in it but meh, what can you do.

    5. The Repopulation - Haven't even played it but it's just an MMO I'm looking forward too. Didn't have a 5th favorite.

  6. I don't know the answer to that, as I don't play WoW, but I do know enough to know that the root of all evil with gear grinds comes from WoW. They need to flush that kind of game-design down the toilet, ASAP.


    No one wants to spend countless hours of real life time grinding gear that is obsolete ever few months, and have it handed out to new players at a 1/3 of the cost.


    Bioware/EA are a joke, They have no idea how to run an MMO. They are just copying WoW's dated MMO style from circa 2005, 7 years ago. This will not work, and these kind of game designs will lead to this game being CLOSED in 2013.


    Funniest thing. This game takes longer to get PvP gear than WoW does.

  7. I would like that too, but this thread is not about that. You can continue complaining about the lack of PvP content in one of a million threads already available to you


    This is about an opportunity for SWTOR; IMO. Set themself apart from the competition and people will come. it's not likely SWTOR will do this, but it is just a fun idea for a change.


    Like how a story-driven MMO was supposed to bring in millions of new players?

    Yeah sorry OP, stupid idea is stupid.

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